Q&A for How to Be Regular with Your Prayers in Islam

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    How much time does it takes to be a namazi?
    Top Answerer
    It can take some time to become accustomed to the five prayers, but if you start off slow and read one every day, you can gradually increase it to five every day.
  • Question
    I am a college student and I don't have time to pray afternoon salah. Can I delay it until after my class?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, but try to pray as soon as possible.
  • Question
    Does abandoning prayer make you a kafir (disbeliever)?
    man salehi
    Community Answer
    No. Always there is a path to repentance for the people, and God will forgive a person who leaves the prayers (that is obligatory.) when they repent and pray again.
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    What if I try, make dua and remember him and I still can't get them down?
    Community Answer
    It is okay. Allah (SWT) is proud of you and rewarding you for your intention and effort.
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    I recently reverted to Islam and find it hard to pray salah in Arabic (I am afraid I don't pronounce everything correctly). Is it permissible to pray in English? Will my prayers be valid?
    Community Answer
    It's fine if you don't pronounce the words correctly, as long as you try your best. You can say it in English if it's too hard.
  • Question
    When following someone in isha prayers and I miss three raka'at, how will I complete it to make it four?
    Community Answer
    After everyone is done praying, you pray the missing three raka'at. So, you do the tashahhud, and instead of saying salam, you go up and pray the rest of the three raka'at.
  • Question
    I was a namazi, but now at the time of prayers I feel dizziness and i delay namaz again and again until the time has passed. Often I have to pray it as "qaza." What should i do?
    Yashar S
    Community Answer
    Allah is always "full of forgiveness." So you must ask for forgiveness, start to do all of your namazes regularly, and start to redo all of the remains by the reason of qaza with the same shape and structure.
  • Question
    How to salah for dua a new Muslim?
    Community Answer
    It's really simple. You could do this in English, or search up duas on the internet. You could simply cup your hands and ask God for whatever you want (protection, happiness, good sleep, help etc.) and He can help. Or, you can ask in whatever language you want since God understands everything. You're new, so don't be afraid to ask other Muslims in your area how they make duas or pray.
  • Question
    Is it acceptable to pray in a bathroom stall? It's the only place I can pray at school.
    Asim Azhar
    Community Answer
    No you can't pray in the bathroom because the bathroom is an unclean place. Prayers cannot be offered in unclean places. When you enter the bathroom, you will read the prayer just before it. And when you go out, just then read the prayer again.
  • Question
    What if you hear songs in your head while you pray? How do you get out of that habit during prayer?
    Asim Azhar
    Community Answer
    No matter what you do 24 hours a day, you will continue to meditate on God, you always remember Allah. You will Zikir all the time Then there will be no problem in prayers inshallah. Do these Zikir SubahanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allah-Hu-Akbar and La-Ilaha-Illal-Lah.
  • Question
    I was born a Muslim and I am still a Muslim but I find it difficult to complete my daily salah. What do I do?
    Top Answerer
    Try to understand that completing your five daily prayers is an obligation under Islamic law for everyone who has reached puberty, but also remember that regular salah is something that you will receive great rewards for.
  • Question
    Whenever I try to pray regularly, I feel lazy or feel like I have a excuse not to pray. How can I focus on my prayer?
    Top Answerer
    Muslims believe that our record of saying our five daily prayers will be the first thing that will be examined on the Day of Judgement and will play a major part in determining whether we enter Jannah (Paradise) or Jahannam (Hellfire). Keep this thought in your mind and you will surely focus on your prayer.
  • Question
    Sometimes I know I have to get up and pray but I always tell myself I have time and that I can do it later. How can I stop this habit?
    Top Answerer
    The best way to motivate yourself to pray is to become more mindful of Allah, for example by taking every opportunity throughout each day to praise Him, acknowledge His wisdom and majesty, thank Him for His gifts and ask Him for help to be a better Muslim.
  • Question
    How many times do u have to change for prayer? If I pray duhr and be in a kamees and stay in it, can I still pray in that same kamees but repeat the wudu? Or do I have to change outfit for every time I pray?
    Community Answer
    I believe that you do not have to change your outfit per prayer, you can keep the same one and you also do not have to do wudu for every prayer, unless you have broken it throughout the time period between one prayer to the next.
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