Q&A for How to Be a Better Field Hockey Player

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    How do you get colleges to notice you for field hockey?
    Adam Falla
    Field Hockey Coach
    Adam Falla is a Field Hockey Coach and the Director at Leap Hockey in Austin, Texas. Adam co-founded Leap Hockey, an online platform to help players develop their skills & hockey fitness. Adam has been coaching for over 25 years in the UK & US and was one of the US Men's Masters Coaches at the Exin World Cup in Teresa, Spain 2018. He has also been the Head Coach at Lonestar FHC.
    Field Hockey Coach
    Expert Answer
    The best way is to start playing with a recognized club that plays in the USA Field Hockey tournament system. The tournaments that are run by most of the major hockey clubs, attended by most of the major hockey clubs in the country, all have college coaches watching and attending them as well. There's also a program called Nexus (run by USA Field Hockey) that you can be entered into by your club coach or high school coach. That's another opportunity to be spotted by the college system by playing club hockey.
  • Question
    How do I get better at field hockey as a beginner?
    Adam Falla
    Field Hockey Coach
    Adam Falla is a Field Hockey Coach and the Director at Leap Hockey in Austin, Texas. Adam co-founded Leap Hockey, an online platform to help players develop their skills & hockey fitness. Adam has been coaching for over 25 years in the UK & US and was one of the US Men's Masters Coaches at the Exin World Cup in Teresa, Spain 2018. He has also been the Head Coach at Lonestar FHC.
    Field Hockey Coach
    Expert Answer
    The important thing is to try and find your local club—in-person coaching is really valuable since field hockey is a technically complicated sport. If that's not possible in your area, there are some great resources on the internet, whether it's YouTube videos or specific training websites. Ultimately, you're going to need some experienced instruction in order to get the correct fundamental techniques that will allow you to go out and enjoy the game.
  • Question
    Should I angle my hockey stick in order to receive the ball?
    Community Answer
    Yes, angle your stick a little bit towards the ground. If your stick is flat to the ball, it will likely to go high or over the stick.
  • Question
    In practice I play really well, but in games I play like crap. How can I prevent this from happening ever again?
    Community Answer
    Focus on yourself and what you are doing. I tend to have the same problem. Do not think about what you could have done, instead just do it. To play well in games means to play well with your teammates, try to work on your team chemistry. Also work even harder in practices. You cannot prevent what happens in a game, you have to give it your all. Push yourself even when you're exhausted, don't give up.
  • Question
    Should I go down the middle of the field?
    Community Answer
    Most people crowd the center of the field, so if you take it out to the sides, then usually a wing will pass it to the center; that way, you can get it to the middle of the field, but also get up the field and possibly get a goal.
  • Question
    How do I block a hit from another player without being penalized?
    Community Answer
    If the player takes the ball without hitting straight away, you're allowed to tackle, as long as their stick has touched the ball. However, if you think that the hitter will hit the ball straight away, try and intercept the pass as it reaches the player it's meant for instead of blocking the player from hitting.
  • Question
    What type of drills should I practice to become better at field hockey?
    Community Answer
    Passing, slapping and hitting to partners for 10-15 mins at the start of each training will help get you ready. You can also do the 3 man weave to get you moving. Perform shooting exercises with and without a goalie too.
  • Question
    I am already the best player on my team, but my coach doesn't want me to be captain. How can I become the captain of my team?
    Community Answer
    A captain's role is to bring the team together by motivating them and supporting them. It isn't a status position where the best player gets to be captain. Most captains are humble and are more impressed by their teammates play than there own!
  • Question
    What is the best field hockey position to be if I don't want to be a goalie?
    Community Answer
    Half is a good position, because you get to play defense, but you also get to play a little bit of offense.
  • Question
    How can I ensure the ball does not go over the sidelines?
    Community Answer
    It's nearly impossible to prevent the ball from going over the sideline at least a couple of times in a match. It will help if all the players are spread out. Even if your scared it'll go over the sideline, you should still pass to the wings because that's your best chance to travel up the line.
  • Question
    How do I learn about hockey?
    Community Answer
    Watch YouTube videos, research the rules, ask someone you know who plays to show you a few moves. But before you do any of those things, start practicing running and dribbling (hitting the ball around). Practice a little bit every day, hands-on experience will teach you a lot. Don't be afraid to ask a coach for pointers.
  • Question
    How can I improve my technique?
    Community Answer
    Practice! Take advice and instruction from competent coaches. It's important to make sure you practice the right technique; otherwise, you'll drill poor technique into your style of play.
  • Question
    How do you do a tomahawk without your stick bouncing over the ball?
    Community Answer
    Start with the stick on the ground trying not to lift your stick up.
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    Is there much time for celebration when a goal is scored?
    Community Answer
    There is not a lot of time, however you can celebrate on your way back to the starting positions and the beginning pass. You must always pay attention though, the other team could start without you.
  • Question
    How should I prepare myself mentally before a match?
    Community Answer
    Understand that people will be faster, quicker, and overall better than you. Once you understand this, you can figure out what you have that they do not. Usually, someone has a preferred way to dribble, so try to attack from that side. Or, if you see a defender who can run but has bad movement with her feet, try to hit her foot with the ball. If you give it 110%, you will do great things.
  • Question
    How do I prevent myself from foot mistakes?
    Community Answer
    Practicing with agility ladders is helpful. Keep the ball in front of you and make sure not to run faster than then the speed you dribble the ball. Remember, if the ball touches your foot, it is a foul and it goes to the other team, and if it touches your foot in the circle, then it is a corner.
  • Question
    How can I start the ball if I am a center link?
    Community Answer
    First of all, you need your coach to agree on the idea. Second, you should swap positions with the center forward just for the start-off; after you start the play swap back to your usual positions.
  • Question
    What are the different positions in field hockey?
    Community Answer
    There is a goalie, two full-backs (defense players), three halfs (mid-fielders), two wings (on the sides), two forwards and a center.
  • Question
    How can I dribble the ball past the best player of the other team?
    Community Answer
    You need to work on your skills; lifts are a great way to get around an opponent. Things like spin moves also help you get past a strong midfielder or defender. The main idea is: keep the ball near your stick and body, move towards the sidelines, and move quickly as well as confidently.
  • Question
    How can I practice hockey by myself?
    Community Answer
    You can do drags ( like Indian dribbles, but wide) and practice running with the ball.
  • Question
    What should I do if I want to practice by myself?
    Community Answer
    You can try hitting the ball against a wall or strong surface, preferably one that the ball will bounce off so you don't have to keep getting it.
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    How do I get my team to talk with me?
    Community Answer
    You can always hold a group meeting. Ask the coach if you could say something to the team before or after practice. You could also start a group chat if you think that would be helpful.
  • Question
    If they get a free hit, where does the left wing go?
    Community Answer
    If the opposition have a free hit, it is best if your team makes a sort of bubble. So if the hit is taken from the left side of the pitch, then the forward and left wing form the top of the bubble. The center-mid goes in between them but a bit deeper to form a triangle. If the ball is taken from the right side of the pitch, then the right wing steps in to do the same thing as the left wing.
  • Question
    What skills can I use to get past an opponent?
    Community Answer
    Don't try to run through the opponent! You can try faking to one direction though, which will usually work. Getting past opponents doesn't need to be tricky -- you can try a basic Indian dribble around your opponent, or just pass back to another teammate.
  • Question
    How can I become a better defender?
    Community Answer
    The main defensive techniques are block tackling, jabbing, and channeling. Learning about and utilizing these skills is crucial to getting better as a defensive player. Also, remember to seesaw with your other defenders to make sure someone is always back near the goal. Finally, always remember to recover! Even if you let the ball get past you, getting back quickly will give you another chance to stop the player before they have a chance to shoot on goal.
  • Question
    How do I chip the ball with a shot?
    Community Answer
    If you are hitting the ball, angle your body backwards and open up. If slapping/sweeping, angle your stick towards the sky a bit more. If you’re pushing, open out your body and flick your bottom hand.
  • Question
    I play in front of my goalie, on the right fullback. How can I become better at getting the ball quickly enough so that it doesn't pass the white line?
    Community Answer
    Put your stick flat on the ground and go in for the tackle. The attacker is more likely to get past if you don't tackle with a flat stick.
  • Question
    I am a good hockey player, but I hit too hard and the whole team is worried that I might hurt someone, How can I stop doing that ?
    Community Answer
    Go out to a wall or rebounder and practice different ball speeds. Remember how you train is how you play and the majority of your training should be in your own time.
  • Question
    What is the easiest position to play?
    Community Answer
    There is no such thing as an "easy position." They all have an important role to play in the part of the field they are relevant to and in each role, the player should aim to play as hard and as best as possible, to the fullest of their capacity in order to have a strong team. If you want something easy, this isn't the game for you.
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    How do I work on my lifts?
    Community Answer
    Your stick has to be under the ball and then you just lift it not too high though just a medium amount. Practice this on grass for 20-25 minutes a day and you will be ready.
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