Happy 18th Birthday! 47 Things You Can Legally Do Once You Become an Adult
Q&A for How to Be a Bubbly Person
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QuestionCan you be a bubbly introvert?Maureen Taylor is the CEO and Founder of SNP Communications, a leadership communications company based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has been helping leaders, founders, and innovators in all sectors hone their messaging and delivery for almost 30 years, and has worked with leaders and teams at Google, Facebook, Airbnb, SAP, Salesforce, and Spotify.Yes, but you have to work at it. Think of it this way: whoever has the best abs in a room, it's not because they did three sit-ups this morning. It is because they worked at it. Communicating, having confidence, and being respected, it’s iterative. You have to work on it all the time.
QuestionHow to find a topic to talk to people who are not of my league?Community AnswerAsk them how their day is going, and ask them questions like: "Do you like math?", "I enjoy gym but find the tumbling hard. How about you?" or "Love your fashion sense. Where do you get all your neat ideas from?".
QuestionWhat if you can't always be happy? Peppy people aren't always happy, are they?Community AnswerNobody is always happy. Realize that everyone gets stressed, cries, gets mad, and has down times. This is natural as we're all a mixture of different emotions and thoughts. Don't sweat the times when you don't feel happy or bubbly––without the other emotions, you'd not be able to recognize what happiness is. It is unrealistic to want to be only happy; cherish all of your emotional states.
QuestionWhat if I get angry or sad and I want to vent my frustrations?Hannah HarperCommunity AnswerStart a diary, or talk to a close family member or friend. Simply screaming into a pillow or doing some kind of art is also helpful.
QuestionHow can I be happy and confident if I have acne?Tom De BackerTop AnswererI get it; I too had acne--and quite severely--throughout adolescence, but being an adult now, I can promise you it's not necessary to have no acne before you can be happy. So don't keep banging into this closed door when there are five unlocked doors to happiness just down the hall. The key is that if people think you're ugly because of the acne, that's their problem, not yours.
QuestionAny advice to help me step outside of my comfort zone when talking to people I don’t know? I’m naturally a shy person, so I find it somewhat difficult to carry on a conversation.Tom De BackerTop AnswererStop the conversations faster. You initiate them, say hi and how are you, and listen. Share something of your own, but end it rather quickly so you both stay a bit 'hungry'. It allows you to come back to it the next day. If you end it before it becomes awkward, you will have a positive experience, which will move you to do this more often.
QuestionCan I be bubbly even if I'm chubby?LaraCommunity AnswerAbsolutely! Appearance and personality are two completely different things, and one does not affect the other in any way. Be as bubbly as you want, don't let being chubby hold you back!
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