Q&A for How to Be a Good Christian Wife in Traditional Marriage

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    My husband's ex keeps contacting him to talk about his current life and their past relationship. What do I do?
    Matthew Lucero
    Community Answer
    Talk to your husband about it first, and tell him about why this makes you uncomfortable. If he's understanding, he should agree to cut her off from his life.
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    What can I do if my partner does not want to quit smoking?
    Community Answer
    Love him anyway. Tell him you would like for him to stop for his own sake as well as for yours and your children's, if you have any. Let him know that you love him and will support him even if it takes a long time for him to give it up. Just keep praying for him and have the faith that God can give him the desire to stop smoking. Prayer DOES change things, so keep your faith strong and be loving anyway. Be gentle when trying to persuade him. He most likely didn't pick up the habit in one day and it won't go away in one either.
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    How do I make sure my husband isn't talking to other women?
    Community Answer
    You can't ensure anything. The most you can do is work to maintain a strong relationship with your husband.
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    My husband likes revenge, what shall I do to stop him?
    Community Answer
    Remind him that good Christians are not vengeful. Engage the help of your priest if you need to.
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    How do I get a Bible?
    Community Answer
    You can shop online for a translation you like, or go to a bookstore. The New International Version and the Living Bible are the easiest translations to understand because they use clear, modern English. But, many Christians enjoy the traditional King James Version.
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    Is anal or oral sex considered holy for a Christian marriage?
    Community Answer
    Sex is a private matter between you and your spouse. Whatever you both feel comfortable with is what you do. Never allow for force, abuse, or manipulation in the bedroom, if you don't feel comfortable let your spouse know.
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    What if my husband continues loving a woman outside and he pretends he still loves me?
    Community Answer
    If your husband is cheating on you, you have grounds for divorce, and you should proceed accordingly.
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    What if my husband does not support his family financially and always considers his mother's financial needs ahead of ours?
    Community Answer
    You need to have a serious conversation with your husband. If you don't work because you have decided together that you will raise your children and he will provide financially, seek the help of a financial advisor to help you make a budget that satisfies you both. It is admirable that your husband wants to care for his mother; ask yourself if he is actually failing to care for you and your children's basic needs, or if you are just resentful that he is spending the extra on his mother instead of you. Be honest with your husband about your feelings and concerns.
  • Question
    Is it ok if I am submissive to my boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    In a healthy relationship, both partners are equals. If you feel that you have to be submissive to your boyfriend, then he may be trying to emotionally control you.
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    How can I calm my husband down when he is angry?
    Community Answer
    Walk away for a few hours. You can try to compromise with him if you have different views on something, and you can call your mother-in-law to help.
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    What should I do if my wife doesn't have sex with me?
    Community Answer
    If your wife doesn't want to have sex, then you may want to consider marital counseling. Sexual compatibility is very important in a marriage, so it's crucial that you both find a rhythm that works for you and keeps the other satisfied.
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    My husband has refused to have sex or even get close to me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    According to the Bible, a husband and a wife have authority over each other. However, nothing can be forced or denied wrongly. If you are denied something by him, you can make efforts to find out why, and make amends accordingly. Often a misunderstanding results in differences. If nothing works, you may choose to meet with a marriage counselor.
  • Question
    What should I do if my spouse doesn't want to have sex or get close to me?
    Community Answer
    Don’t assume anything. Ask your spouse about it and then just listen to what they have to say and go from there. Sometimes this is the result of a medical issue, and so needs to be discussed with a doctor. Sometimes it's because of a mental or emotional issue, in which case a counselor might be needed. Just listen to your partner without judgment and try to determine your best course of action.
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