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Q&A for How to Bleach Hair with Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda
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QuestionCan I mix dye with hydrogen peroxide?Community AnswerNo! These two chemicals together are highly flammable.
QuestionIs it going to damage my hair?Community AnswerBleach will always damage your hair, but there are ways to make it shiny and healthy again. Try applying coconut oil to your hair once a week, or use argan oil if you're allergic. Before you know it your hair will be healthier than ever before.
QuestionHow long do i have to wait before re-dyeing my hair?Community AnswerYou have to wait approximately 2 to 4 weeks after applying any chemical-based products such as bleach or hair dye onto the hair in order to avoid any skin and scalp reactions.
QuestionHow long will the color last?Community AnswerBleaching hair is a permanent process that pulls the pigment out of your hair. It will last until unbleached hair grows out.
QuestionCan I use baking powder instead of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide 6.5%to colour my black hair? Does it have a side effect after using.?KittyHawk8900Community AnswerYou can use baking soda, but do NOT use the 6% hydrogen peroxide. It will make your hair very dry, and it could break! If you would like, you can make a 1:1 ratio of the peroxide to water, it should have the same effect as the 3%. If you're not sure how much water you added, or if you're just eyeballing it, add more water just to be safe.
QuestionWhat if I put more even amounts of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in?KittyHawk8900Community AnswerAssuming you use the same 1:1 ratio or change it to 2:2 or 3:3, you'll get more lightener.
QuestionAssuming my hair doesn't lighten, what would some issues be?TheCreativeLimeCommunity AnswerThe main issue would be the fact that it dries out your hair slightly, but it could also be inconvenient to remove the mixture.
QuestionHow do I know my hydrogen peroxide is 3%?TheCreativeLimeCommunity AnswerIt should say so on the bottom. But you should dilute the peroxide, just to be safe.
QuestionDo you always get good results from doing this treatment? I have really dark hair and I really want this to work out.TheCreativeLimeCommunity AnswerIt depends how dark your hair is. If your hair is a shade of brown, then it should lighten just fine. If you have black hair, It would take around 3-4 treatments to see a difference.
QuestionIf I don't use gloves will it burn my skin?Community AnswerIt won't burn your skin, but it can cause some mild irritation, and for some with sensitive skin, it may be a worse irritation. This is why it is recommended to wear gloves.
QuestionIf I want to dye the ends of my hair but my hair is like a blackish brownish, will I be able to dye it like blonde or at least dirty blonde?Patrick GardnerCommunity AnswerHydrogen peroxide will make naturally dark hair have a very noticeable red tint. This procedure of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda is only for those who are naturally blonde.
QuestionDo I put it in my hair wet or dry?Patrick GardnerCommunity AnswerIt is recommended that you put it in your hair while it is damp. Then blow-dry your hair - the heat from this will help activate the hydrogen peroxide. Using straighteners or a curling iron will also help to massively speed up the lightening process.
QuestionCan you add hair color to the bleached hair after you are done bleaching it?Patrick GardnerCommunity AnswerYes. This is perfectly safe to do, and will in fact help the new colour stand out more, and makes it easier to dye by showing where you have and have not already added colour to your hair.
QuestionDo you wash hair first?ChocoCat1122Community AnswerIt's best to not wash your hair for 4-5 days before, as the oils on your hair will protect your hair from any extra damage.
QuestionI have a medium brown hair color, so how many treatments of this do you think it’s would take to dye my hair a platinum white?ChocoCat1122Community AnswerYou really can't lighten your hair to a platinum white with peroxide, as it will only lighten your hair slightly (about 1/2 a degree).
QuestionHow to remove yellow from grey hair?Community AnswerTo remove yellow tones from grey hair, you must use a purple toned conditioner or shampoo.
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