Q&A for How to Bring Up Your Grade Near the End of the Semester

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    What if I have a C and want to improve it to a B?
    Community Answer
    You only need a few A+ assignments to bring your overall grade up. Pay attention in class and study for tests.
  • Question
    I have one week left in school and I just flunked a math test. I went from a 73 to a 63, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your teacher and try to explain (without making excuses) what went wrong, i.e. tell them you didn't understand the material, or you didn't take adequate time to prepare, etc. Be honest! Ask them if there's any way you can retake the test or do an extra credit assignment before the end of the term. If they say no, accept it, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Your teacher wants you to succeed.
  • Question
    How can I bring two bad grades from D and F to a B?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your teacher and see if there are any assignments you might've missed that you could make up or if they offer any extra credit opportunities. Also, do the work you get from now on very well and study hard for tests.
  • Question
    What if I turn it in, but still get a bad grade?
    Community Answer
    You can talk to your teacher for clarification, and ask to redo it one more time.
  • Question
    How can I make up ground at the end of the semester?
    Community Answer
    Just study and put lots of thought to your assignments, because sometimes the teacher will see an improvement and sometimes that teacher might bump you up a mark just because of your improvement.
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    What if my teacher doesn't like me?
    Community Answer
    You should try your hardest to let your teacher know that you're working hard and truly doing your best to bring your grade up. Even if they don't like you, they should still want to help you succeed and grow, but you might have to convince them that you're really trying.
  • Question
    What if the teacher won't let me retake any tests?
    Community Answer
    If you can't retake tests, all you can do is work extra hard on all of the remaining assignments. You might also ask your teacher if there is anything else you can do to bring your grade up, like extra credit. Be humble, tell her you really regret not doing your best and you hope there's still a way to turn things around.
  • Question
    What if I haven't been doing well for the first weeks of school? Can I still get an A+ by the end of the year?
    Community Answer
    You might still be able to get an A+ by the end of the year if you change your work ethic. If you're working and not getting good grades, I suggest creating a schedule, clearing your work space, starting projects early, asking for extra credit, etc. Make sure to sleep well so you can pay attention in class!
  • Question
    How many percentage points do I need to improve each week over the next four weeks to pass all my classes?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the amount of work that you receive and the grade percentage those assignments represent. Make sure to do all available extra credit. Also, consider making it clear to your teacher that you are doing your best to improve.
  • Question
    What if I go to a charter school in Boston, and I have two F grades that can hold me back?
    Community Answer
    You can ask for extra credit, or if your teacher doesn't take extra credit, take more notes, which works best in Math and Science. When you have finals, you are more likley to be prepared for the tests to raise your grade.
  • Question
    What is the fastest way to raise my F's to A's and B's?
    Community Answer
    Study and don't slack. You shouldn't expect raising grades to be easy or fast. In fact, you'll have to work harder than everybody else because you've already missed or misunderstood some of the material. Explain to your teacher that you're trying to put in the effort to raise your grade and about retaking tests, redoing assignments, or any extra credit you might be eligible for.
  • Question
    Will I fail fifth grade if I received two Fs in math?
    Community Answer
    No, probably not. You usually need to fail more than one class to repeat a grade. But you should definitely talk to your teacher about how you can improve. Even if you can't bring up your math grade this term, you need to learn some math skills so you're not behind the rest of the class when you get to sixth grade.
  • Question
    How can I bring a math grade up from the 50s to passing in only ten days?
    Community Answer
    You might not be able to, but try asking your teacher if you can retake any recent quizzes or tests, or if there are any extra credit assignments you can do. Be up front about the fact that you're trying to get a passing grade, he/she will probably tell you if it's possible or not.
  • Question
    Can I get an A if I flunked a test and my teacher doesn't allow retakes or extra credit and I have a C?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the amount of time left in the semester and whether you have any big projects or tests happening before the semester ends. But I wouldn't count on it, especially if the teacher is not offering any extra credit.
  • Question
    How do I bring up my B+ to an A when school ends in a week and we have no tests or assignments?
    Community Answer
    Try asking for extra credit, or do extra work if you can. If you got a bad grade on a previous test, try asking to retake it.
  • Question
    What do I do if I keep getting bad grades on my tests, and my teacher won't give any extra credit?
    Community Answer
    Reflect on your previous tests that you got bad grades in and try improving your final exam grades by looking at your mistakes. Also, spend some extra hours in school with your teacher if you need help with anything.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have to go to summer school due to getting bad grades?
    Community Answer
    Go to summer school, and try your best. Work hard and ask your teacher for help if you are struggling. If you do this, you will pass and be able to move to the next grade.
  • Question
    Can I bring my grades up if I only have two more quizzes in a class?
    Community Answer
    Although possible, I would suggest studying extremely hard. You're going to need to get a 95 or above. Consider asking your teacher for extra credit just in case. Even if you get 100 on both tests, the teacher will see you are trying to improve.
  • Question
    What should I do if my teacher does not give me a lot of assignments?
    Community Answer
    Try to get A’s on everything you do, and ask if there are any extra credit opportunities or special projects you can do.
  • Question
    How do I bring up my grade in class if my grade is low and there's not much school left?
    Community Answer
    Ask to redo some assignments or to do some extra credit. If they can't let you, then plan how you can do better next year. if your parents expect better from you, explain why your grades are low and show them or outline your plan for next year.
  • Question
    What do I do if my science grade is a B- and the semester ends in a week?
    Community Answer
    A B- is fine. You can relax, it will not affect anything at all. You're good.
  • Question
    How do I bring up a really bad grade when it's near the end of the semester?
    Community Answer
    Focus on doing as well as you can on the semester test. The majority of schools consider the semester exam a big part in the percentage, and if you manage to do well, it will up your grade, often significantly.
  • Question
    There are two days left in the semester. How can I increase my grade from 73 to 80?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, that is not possible by the end stage. However, you could try asking for extra credit if you have a chill teacher.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have bad grades and I need to bring them up in a short amount of time?
    Community Answer
    Ask your teacher to retake the tests or to remake a project, depends on what you got the bad grade from. Study hard for upcoming exams, that will boost your grade if you do well on them ( 2 A's are already good news). Don't give up! Pay attention in class, and you can also seek some help after class and ask the teacher something that wasn't clear to you in that particular class. Because of this, the teacher will get the idea that you really want to boost your grades and that you are interested in his/her teachings.
  • Question
    It is almost the end of the semester and my math grade is a F. Is there any way to boost it up to at least a C?
    Community Answer
    Turn in any missed assignments first thing first if teachers allow it. Talk to them about doing this first, so they can make allowances for you. A 50 at least is better than a zero. Study hard for any tests coming up and review misunderstood concepts with your teacher whose class you're failing in. However, you are likely only to bring it up to a pass, nothing more.
  • Question
    What should I do to raise my 77 to an A? I pay attention in class, take notes, and work with tutors everyday. What am I doing wrong?
    Skyler Kim
    Community Answer
    It actually might be your study strategies or maybe since you care and try too hard for it, it is easier for you to make mistakes. Try taking some breaks and meditation if you feel frustrated that you are not doing well.
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