Q&A for How to Calculate a Test Grade

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    What would my grade be if there are 20 questions and I got 3 wrong?
    Community Answer
    Subtract 3 from 20 and divide by 20. You'll get an 85% for your grade. Check above to see what that means in your area; it's definitely a B in the US, but it's also a Distinction in the U.K. and India.
  • Question
    How many wrong answers can I get on a 46 question test and still pass?
    Community Answer
    Let's assume you need around a 70% to pass. You would then need to know what 70% of 46 is. Calculate this by converting 70% to the following decimal: 0.7. Then multiply that by 46. The answer is 32.2, which we will round up to 33 to account for the decimal. That is how many questions you need to get right to pass. Subtract 33 from 46 to find how many you can get wrong and still pass. The answer is 13.
  • Question
    If I got 9 wrong out of 50 questions, what would be my score?
    Community Answer
    82%, becouse 41 dividing by 50 and multiplying it with 100 will give you 82. This is a B- at most school in the United States.
  • Question
    What would the percentage of 65 questions out of 120 correct be?
    Community Answer
    It would be a 54% because percentages are determined by dividing the number of points earned by the total number of possible points.
  • Question
    What would my percentage score be if I got 7 problems wrong out of 44?
    Community Answer
    If you got 7 questions wrong, that means you got 37 right. Divide 37 by 44 and then convert the decimal into a percent by moving the decimal point to the right two places. Your score is about 84%.
  • Question
    Is there a website to grade problems?
    Community Answer
    Not really. A calculator is your best bet for checking math problems. There are websites that can solve some advanced math, like calculus, as well. But you'd have to just input the numbers - no word problems or anything like that.
  • Question
    What is my score if a test has 80 questions and I got 15 of them wrong?
    Community Answer
    Your grade will be 81.25%. If you have 80 questions in all and you subtract that by how many you missed, 15, that makes 65. Then, subtract the top by the bottom number so 65-80 and you'll get 0.8125. Next, multiply by 100.
  • Question
    What would you score be when I answered 26 out of 27 questions correctly?
    Community Answer
    To determine your score, divide 26 by 27. Then convert the decimal answer into a percent by moving the decimal point to the right two places. Your score would be about 96%.
  • Question
    If you received an 88% on a test with 100 questions, how many were answered incorrectly?
    Community Answer
    Percent means out of 100. On a 100 question test, each question is worth one point. For this test, an 88% means 88 questions were answered correctly. Subtract that from 100 to find the number of questions that were answered incorrectly. The answer is 12.
  • Question
    What would your score be with 8 questions wrong on a 25 question test?
    Community Answer
    If you got 8 questions wrong, that means you got 17 of them right. Divide 17 by 25. Your score is 68%.
  • Question
    If I got 90 percent on a test that had 30 questions, how many answers did I get right?
    Top Answerer
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    What if I got 69 out of 100 on a test that is worth 35% of my grade?
    Community Answer
    You have a D+ on the test, and got 24.15% out of the possible 35%. Depending on how well you usually do in class, you could end up with a 'B', 'C', 'D', or 'F' -- an 'A' grade is no longer possible. Work hard on the other 65% of your grade.
  • Question
    I have 24 out of 25. What are my results?
    Community Answer
    Divide 24 by 25. 24/25=0.96 Then move the decimal to the right two places to figure out the percentage. Your result is 96%.
  • Question
    If I got 48 out of 60, what grade would I get?
    Aiaa Khan
    Community Answer
    Divide 48 by 60 and you get 0.8. Then multiply 0.8 by 100. Your percentage would be 80%. That would be a B.
  • Question
    If my score is 21, what is the percentage if the total items are 30?
    Community Answer
    To find the percentage of 21 out of 30, you would start by multiply 21 by 100 to get 2100. You would then divide that number by 30, which would be 70%.
  • Question
    If there's 12 questions and I got 3 wrong, what would be my percentage?
    Community Answer
    Find the number of questions you got right (total-wrong), divide that by total and multiply by 100%. Your score would be (12-3)/12 x 100% = 75%.
  • Question
    What will my grade be if there are 6 questions and I think I missed 2?
    Community Answer
    We know that 6-2=4. The ratio that you need to use is "# of Correct Answers / # of Questions * 100. This means that our ratio will be 4/6, which can be simplified to 2/3. 2/3 is .67, which when multiplied by 100 is 67, meaning that your grade will probably be a 67%, or a D+.
  • Question
    What would the percentage be if I got 319 out of 341
    Community Answer
    The percentage would be 93.5, as you divide 319 by 341 and multiply this answer by 100.
  • Question
    What is my score if a test has 110 questions and I got 45 of them wrong?
    Community Answer
    If you subtract 45 from 110, you can determine how many you got right. Use that answer to determine your score by dividing it by 110 and converting the decimal into a percent. Your score is 59%. So you've passed but not with fanfare.
  • Question
    If I get a 48 on the first marking period what would I need to get on the second to be eligible to play sports?
    Community Answer
    Assuming that you need a C (70%) to play sports, you would have to get a 92%.
  • Question
    What if I received 80% on a test, and there were 90 questions? How many were wrong?
    Community Answer
    80% out of 100% equals 72 out of 90, so to find out how many were wrong, do 90 minus 72. You got 18 questions wrong.
  • Question
    What is the simplest way to calculate a percentage?
    Aiaa Khan
    Community Answer
    Count the number of answers you got right. Count the total number of questions on the test. Divide the number of right answers by the total. Multiply your answer by 100. This is your percentage.
  • Question
    What is my grade on a 15 question test that I missed 3 on?
    Community Answer
    You have an 80.
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    What percentage would 8 out of 13 be?
    Top Answerer
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    If there were 23 questions and I miss 1, and I live in the US, what is my grade?
    Community Answer
    Your grade would be an A. This is because 22/23 is 95% and 90%-100% is an A grade.
  • Question
    If there were 45 questions and I miss 7, what is my score?
    Top Answerer
    45 - 7 = 38. Divide 38 by 45.
  • Question
    How much did I get incorrect out of 40 questions if I scored 90%?
    Community Answer
    You missed 4 questions.
  • Question
    What would the percentage be if there were 30 questions and I got 26.5 correct?
    Community Answer
    88.33%. You can use a calculator to do the following math: 26.5/30 (26.5 divided by 30).
  • Question
    I answered 95% correctly on a 40-question test. How many did I get wrong?
    Community Answer
    You got 2 questions wrong. Multiply 40 by .95 to find the answer.
  • Question
    If I got 30 out of 42, what would my percentage be?
    Community Answer
    If you got a 30 our of 42 your percentage would be 71.40%, a passing grade.
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