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Q&A for How to Clean Circuit Boards
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QuestionHow do you clean a dusty circuit board?Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years.Compressed air is going to be more than enough if you're just dealing with a little dust. One of those $3-4 cans of air will work perfectly well.
QuestionIs isopropyl alcohol bad for the circuit board?Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years.No. In fact, you can even soak a circuit board in a bath of isopropyl alcohol and you won't run into any problems. With that said, if you aren't careful you may accidentally knock something loose. In most cases, canned air is going to be your best bet.
QuestionCan you clean a circuit board with vinegar?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThe acid in the vinegar could cause corrosion and damage to the delicate metal components of the circuit board. It’s better to use isopropyl alcohol, which will evaporate quickly and won’t cause corrosion.
QuestionCan you clean a circuit board with WD-40?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerWD-40 sells a product called Specialist Electrical Cleaner Contact Spray that is designed for this kind of delicate work. Don’t use the same kind of WD-40 that you’d use to clean your bike chain!
QuestionHow do you clean a circuit board that got wet?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerUnplug the device and remove the circuit board, then pat the board dry with a lint-free cloth to remove as much moisture as possible. Don’t rub the board with the cloth—just gently press the cloth over it to soak up the liquid. Carefully remove any remaining residue with a soft-bristle toothbrush, then blow away dust and debris with a compressed air can. If there’s any sticky liquid on the board, rinse it away with distilled water, pat it dry with a lint-free cloth, then clean it with isopropyl alcohol and let it dry completely.
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