Q&A for How to Clean Your Room if You Are Lazy and Don't Want To

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    How often you should clean your bedroom?
    Arturo Perez
    Residential & Commercial Cleaning Expert
    Arturo Perez is a Residential & Commercial Cleaning Expert and the Owner of Janitorial Plus LLC in Gresham, Oregon. With over nine years of experience, Arturo and his team specialize in commercial and residential cleaning. Their services include but are not limited to spring cleaning, commercial window washing, and move-in and out cleaning. Janitorial Plus LLC won Oregon's Top Rated Local Janitorial Company Award in 2018.
    Residential & Commercial Cleaning Expert
    Expert Answer
    Do minor upkeep every day, like making your bed. Every 2-3 days, do a little more deep cleaning, like sweeping, vacuuming, or mopping. If you hire someone to clean your home, once every other week can be a good frequency.
  • Question
    How can I maintain a clean room?
    Community Answer
    Try cleaning your room every morning. That way, you don't have to do a lot of cleaning all in one day. Always throw out your garbage, make the bed every morning, and regularly bring dirty clothes down to the washer.
  • Question
    What if I have so much stuff it won't fit on my bed? Is there another method?
    Community Answer
    Separate your room into sections. Put the stuff on your bed one section at a time. Clear that section, then put the stuff from the next section on your bed and so on. Of course like the article said, you can also put your stuff underneath it or in other places in your house.
  • Question
    What do I do when my room smells bad?
    Community Answer
    Find the source and remove it from the house. Afterward, you'll want to air out the room. Start off with opening a window & putting a fan facing outwards in the window. Spray some cologne/perfume around, or Febreeze.
  • Question
    What can I do if cleaning my room takes too much time?
    Community Answer
    Break the cleaning up into smaller steps and see how quickly you can do each step - make a game of it! In the future, just give yourself one or two small things to clean up each day so that you won't be stuck with one big cleaning project later on.
  • Question
    What should I do if I share my room with my sister, and she's making the mess but doesn't want to clean it up?
    Community Answer
    Tell your mom about the problem or dump all her junk on her bed.
  • Question
    What do I do when my room is messy but I don't want to clean up?
    Community Answer
    Give a reward to yourself after you are done, such as having your friends over for a movie marathon, or eating your favorite dish for supper.
  • Question
    What if I have to look after my 2-year-old sister?
    Community Answer
    Have her help you clean, make it a fun game where she helps you pick things up and put them away. You could also turn on a show she likes and clean up while she watches.
  • Question
    Does anyone have any tips for when I have too clean my room, but can't drag myself away from my phone or computer?
    Community Answer
    You can download apps that prevent you from going on certain apps until the time is up. You can do the same for your computer or laptop.
  • Question
    How can I cover a stain on my carpet?
    Community Answer
    Instead of covering, you can clean out the stain in most cases. Google how you can remove the specific type of stain you have and you are likely to find a method.
  • Question
    What do I do if I can't keep my room clean?
    Community Answer
    You can try to change your habits around how you handle messes as they arise. Generally, for a whole room to become messy, you have to leave a bunch of little messes around until they pile up and make one big mess. If you instead pick up each small mess as it happens, you can keep your whole room from becoming messy.
  • Question
    How can I stop being lazy?
    Community Answer
    Go out and do more things and be more active.
  • Question
    How do I keep my room clean?
    Community Answer
    Get into a habit of putting something away right after you've finished with it, such as clothes or makeup.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm very messy, and my room just keeps getting dirty?
    Community Answer
    There's no magic answer here. You have to pick up after yourself if you want a clean room. You have to put some effort into it.
  • Question
    How do you make your room look bigger?
    Community Answer
    Mirrors and light colors are great for making rooms look bigger. Mimimal clutter and keeping the room clean will make it feel larger, too.
  • Question
    What do I do if I want to clean my windows but whatever is on it will not come off?
    Community Answer
    Go to any home store they should have window cleaner that should help. Or, you can close blinds or curtains to cover it.
  • Question
    What if my room is very messy, but I have a time limit?
    Community Answer
    Tackle the biggest problem first, like your bed and piles of clothes. Then, even if your room isn't completely done, it will look much tidier.
  • Question
    If the walls in my bedroom are disgusting, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to cover the bad parts with posters, pictures, or paper printouts. You could also hang tapestry or even a blanket if the walls are really bad.
  • Question
    How do I make cleaning my room more enjoyable? Music doesn't help me.
    Community Answer
    Ask your mom or your dad to time you, and maybe even give you a reward every time you finish cleaning a section of your room in a set amount of time.
  • Question
    Can I just shove everything in my closet and tell my parents to stay out of my room?
    Community Answer
    You could, but then it wouldn’t be clean, would it? By putting everything in the closet, you are just moving the mess, and you’ll probably end up having to clean it later. In the long run, it’s better to clean your stuff now.
  • Question
    What do I do when if I clean my room and my siblings come and mess it up, then I don't want to clean it again afterwards?
    Community Answer
    Ask your parents if they can talk to them about not doing this. Tell them you're getting older and you need your privacy and it would be helpful if your siblings were a little more respectful of your space.
  • Question
    I have so many stuffed animals and toys that I want to put in my basement, but I just can't get over giving them up, even though I tell myself I don't play with them. What do I do?
    Peggy Candrian
    Community Answer
    You have to just do it. Keep a few of your favorite stuffed animals, like 2 or 3. Pack the rest away in boxes or bags and donate them to a charity. Keeping them in the basement only moves clutter from one room to another. Be brave, give them up to someone who needs them!
  • Question
    How do I stop myself from giving up when cleaning my room?
    Community Answer
    No matter how messy your room is, cleaning it is never impossible. Make a plan first. Write down everything you need to do to clean your room (i.e. put away clothes, put away toys, tidy up desk, make bed, dust shelves, etc.), then just make your way down the list. Ask you check things off, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment because you're getting things done.
  • Question
    How do I clean my room if stuff is heavy and hard to move?
    Community Answer
    Ask someone to help you move the heavier objects, or try placing a piece of cloth underneath something heavy and use the cloth to slide it.
  • Question
    How do I clean my room if I don't have enough space for all of my stuff in there?
    Community Answer
    You can throw some things away, or donate to the Goodwill (or similar organizations) to clear up some space in your room.
  • Question
    What do I do when my sister messes up my room but is never here to help clean her mess up?
    Community Answer
    Ask her politely and say "Can you please clean up the mess you made in my room?." Or, you can clean it up for yourself and say to your sister that "next time you should help me" and if she doesn't want to help you and she doesn't listen, then tell her next time she goes in your room, you'll go into hers and make a mess there.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have lots of stuff and I don't want to get rid of any of it?
    Community Answer
    Put it into a “time capsule” to store in your basement. That way, you can keep the stuff but not have it cluttering your room. If it gets really bad, you should see a therapist to help you with a potential hoarding problem.
  • Question
    I have a loft bed. Where would I put the stuff?
    Community Answer
    Don't pile stuff on your bed. If you can, pile the stuff in a way where you can't get to your bed without clearing away that pile. With a loft bed, you can get away without making the bed, so that's one less step.
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