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Q&A for How to Conjugate Any Verb in Any Tense in Spanish
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QuestionHow many ways can you conjugate a verb in Spanish?Language Academia is a private, online language school founded by Kordilia Foxstone. Kordilia and her team specialize in teaching foreign languages and accent reduction. Language Academia offers courses in several languages, including English, Spanish, and Mandarin.In Spanish, there are more tenses than in English. Spanish has all the same time tenses (or very similar ones with slight changes) as those in English, but it also includes 2 extra tenses in the past.
QuestionWhat does "yo piso ahora" and "el piso ayer" mean?Community AnswerYo piso ahora: I step now. Él pisó ayer: He stepped yesterday.
QuestionWhy has el ella got "vosotros" under it? Is this a misprint?DonaganTop AnswererVosotros is used by some Spanish-speakers to speak informally to or about more than one male and/or female.
QuestionWhat's the difference between un and una in Spanish?DonaganTop AnswererThey both mean "a." "Un" is applied to a masculine noun ("un chico"). "Una" is applied to a feminine noun ("una chica"). "Una" can also mean "one" as applied to a feminine noun (as opposed to "uno" for a masculine noun).
QuestionI was taught early to use "quisiera" when ordering from a menu. Now that I am learning the various tenses, I thought it would be the conditional form of querer, but it isn't. What tense is it?DonaganTop Answerer"Quisiera" is in the imperfect subjunctive tense.
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