Q&A for How to Divide Words Into Syllables

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    How do I break down the word escoger?
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    Why is it ther-mom-e-ter and not ther-mo-me-ter?
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    The usual practice is to divide syllables after a consonant that follows a "short" vowel. In this case, the second "m" follows the "short o," and so the division comes after the "m". Another example is "habit," in which the division comes after the consonant "b" because the "a" is "short" (hab-it). However, in the word "basin," the "a" is "long," so the division comes before the consonant "s" (ba-sin).
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    How do I divide the word "queue"?
    Community Answer
    The word "queue" is one syllable. Although it looks wrong, you can't divide it any more than it already is.
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    What are the lines called that divide words into syllables?
    Top Answerer
    A hyphen is usually used. Some might use a slash mark. Dictionaries may use raised dots.
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    In the word "monster," a teacher said it is divided into mon/ster; is this correct? -Er in monster is a suffix, should it be divided as monst/er instead?
    Top Answerer
    The teacher is correct. In this case "er" is not a suffix; it's just part of the word.
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    Is there one syllable in "noise"?
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    How do I syllabicate the word music?
    Community Answer
    The word music is two syllables. (You can tell because your jaw drops twice while saying the word which indicates two syllables.) Divide the word like this: mu-sic.
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    Why does the word "easy" have two vowels but only one syllable?
    Top Answerer
    "Easy" has two syllables (and three vowels). It's divided like this: eas-y. The "y" is a vowel in this case.
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    How do I syllabicate the word esophagus?
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    How do I divide various?
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    How do I syllabicate the word least?
    Top Answerer
    The word "least" has one syllable.
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    How do I divide "brought"?
    Top Answerer
    You don't. "Brought" has one syllable.
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    What is the correct way to divide the word "timid" into syllables?
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    How do I syllabicate the word cradle?
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    What's the rule for dividing words with the letter X? For example, taxicab.
    Top Answerer
    Divide after the X.
  • Question
    What are the syllables of the word camera?
    Top Answerer
    It's cam-er-a. Some sources divide the word into two syllables, which is the way it's usually pronounced: cam-era ("CAM-ra").
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    How do I split "better"?
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    Between the t's.
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    What is the rule for es plurals when it comes to separating syllables? (For example, "witnesses.")
    Top Answerer
    In pluralizing a noun by adding "es," you divide syllables just before the "es." In your example, it's tempting to divide between the s's, except that they occur at the end of the root word and you would not divide between the s's in the singular form.
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    How can I divide "adorn" in syllables?
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    You would divide it as "a-dorn".
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    How should I split "slipping"?
    Top Answerer
    Multi-syllabic words with double consonants are always divided between the double consonants.
  • Question
    How do I divide the word "thought"?
    Top Answerer
    "Thought" has one syllable.
  • Question
    How do I divide "promise" into syllables?
    Top Answerer
    Because the "o" is "short," divide after the "m." (If the "o" had been "long," you'd divide after the "o.")
  • Question
    How do I know what vowels are short sounds and which are not? That confuses me.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    It really is just the time you spend pronouncing those vowels. If it takes a short amount of time, the vowel is short; if it takes longer, then it's long. In the following examples, the first is always short, the second is always long: bot/boot, tat/tar, bat/bar, cat/car, kiss/keys, plus/use, sis/see, pet/pea, set/sea.
  • Question
    How do I syllabicate the word "hippo"?
    Top Answerer
    Divide it between the p's.
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    How do I divide "maxim"?
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    How do I divide the word "clogged"?
    Community Answer
    "Clogged" has only one syllable. (In the two-syllable word "clogging," you would divide between the "g's.")
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    How will I know short vowel from long vowel sound?
    Top Answerer
    A long vowel "says its own name": day, key, high, note, rude. A short vowel does not "say its own name": cat, bed, trim, dot, rust.
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    How do I divide "malefactor"?
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    If the word "specify" is divided as spe/ci/fy, why is the letter E not pronounced?
    Community Answer
    "Specify" is divided spec-i-fy (and the "e" is pronounced).
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    How do I divide the word “mathematical”?
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