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Q&A for How to Dry a Snakeskin
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QuestionShould I soak a rattlesnake skin in salt water before drying or tanning?Community AnswerI usually soak a skin after it's fleshed in heavy salt water for two days before I take it out to put it into a tanning solution. (I use 40% denatured alcohol, 10% formaldehyde, 50% glycerin.) They soak for 5 days in this, and then I tack them on a board that is covered by wax paper. The skins are very flexible, and you can do about anything with them.
QuestionHow do I tan dried snakeskin?Community AnswerSoak the snake skin in water first, this will help moisten it to a malleable form. Then use a solution of 50% glycerin and 50% alcohol. If the hide is fleshed already, let it sit in the solution anywhere from 3 - 7 days.
QuestionHow can I restore the color to a dried snakeskin?Community AnswerA little mineral oil 50/50 with denatured alcohol if you want it flexible. If it's mounted on a board, you can use spray polyurethane.
QuestionI have a small rattlesnake skin that was cleaned, mounted and dried. It has curled. Is there a way to rehydrate it and remount it flat?Community AnswerPut the skin in a gallon jar filled with equal parts water and glycerin, enough to completely cover the skin. Turn several times daily for 4 days. Remove and pat dry, place on pine board and gently stretch and work skin flat and long. Place another pine board on top to press skin between, and let it stay in a cool, dry place another 4 days. Should be pliable after this, ready for mounting on a board or whatever.
QuestionHow do I hydrate snake skin?Community AnswerSoak the skin in salt water for 3 - 5 days. Be sure to turn the jar at least twice daily to ensure the entire skin is saturated. This will make the skin malleable and easier to flatten out on a board.
QuestionI have an old snakeskin that has dried out and curled up on the sides. Is there any way I can make it flat and soft again?Community AnswerRehydrate the skin in salt water for 3 - 5 days, then wrap it around a rolling pin. Take it slow and make sure the skin doesn't wrinkle at all while you are wrapping it around the rolling pin. This should fix the curled edges.
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