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Q&A for How to Dye Glass
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QuestionHow do I waterproof my stained glass?Community AnswerTake a dry wax candle and gently rub the dry wax on the item. Blow dry it with a hair dryer until it's not very visible.
QuestionCan I dye eyeglasses?Community AnswerYes you can, but you need a special formula. You should check with your eye doctor to see if they offer dyed glasses, so that you do not risk messing your glasses up if you do it incorrectly.
QuestionHow can I use the glass to drink from after it's been dyed?Community AnswerIf you want to use it for drinking purposes, only paint the outer surface of the glass.
QuestionWould it be dangerous to paint the inside of an oil lamp this way?ConnorFisherCommunity AnswerYou could dye the inside of an oil lamp if you weren't planning to ever light the lamp. Otherwise, it would be unsafe since the paint or mod podge could catch fire.
QuestionHow do I lighten the color of my hand blown glass vase?Community AnswerIf you heat it up again in a proper environment you can scrape off some of the color.
QuestionCan this be done with the lenses for eyeglasses to make them translucent?Community AnswerIf you've got prescription lenses, I would not mess with them. If you want to experiment, though, get some cheap readers at the Dollar Store.
QuestionCan you dye a glass tile installed on the kitchen back splash?ConnorFisherCommunity AnswerSure! You could use either of the methods described in this article, although you wouldn't be able to dry the back-splash tile in the oven.
QuestionCan I change the color of transparent glass dishes without compromising the transparency?ConnorFisherCommunity AnswerNot unless you use extremely diluted glass paint, and even then you'd probably lose some transparency. Mod Podge is likely too thick to keep the transparency intact, and would make it opaque.
QuestionI want to do small windows, would this method work?ConnorFisherCommunity AnswerYes, it could work to paint small glass windows using either of these methods. If you're painting the exterior surface of a window, though, don't use the Mod Podge method, since the color would come off during the first rainstorm.
QuestionIs it okay to use lights inside my glass jars (since acetone will be used)?Community AnswerYes, as long as you wait until after it dries. Acetone is not combustible; therefore, it will not hurt it. However, it may fade over time.
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