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Q&A for How to Feed Fish
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QuestionDoes it matter if I feed my tetras at night or in the morning?CaeiiaTop AnswererIt's best to do it at both times, to space out the food. Just give a pinch twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.
QuestionWill a beta fish die if not feed for four days?Community AnswerNo, just be sure to get it back on a routine feeding schedule.
QuestionMy betta hasn't eaten pellets or bloodworms. I can't afford brine shrimp, and he's been in my house for a week and a half. Are earthworms that are cut in small pieces safe for him?Community AnswerYou'll just have to keep trying, Fish can live without food for days. Try frozen bloodworms if you've been trying dried ones. The frozen ones are much more close to live bloodworms in freshness.
QuestionCan I feed vegetables to my betta fish?CaeiiaTop AnswererOccasionally a blanched pea (without skin) is used to prevent/cure constipation, but bettas are carnivores/insectivores and don't normally eat veggies. Bloodworms and brine shrimp are good, with daphnia having a fiber effect like a pea.
QuestionHow do I get fish to mate?Community AnswerFor mollies, guppies, platies, and swordtails, just put a male and a female in the tank and leave the rest to them.
QuestionShould fish ponds be in the shade?Community AnswerIt depends on the fish. Also, keep in mind, if your pond is under a tree, the leaves may harbor insects that carry diseases.
QuestionIs it okay to feed my carnivores small earthworms?Community AnswerYou can feed them earthworms, but only do it if there are no artificial fertilizers or pesticides where they came from.
QuestionWhat is the best food to use to feed fish that are in a pond?Community AnswerIt depends on the type of fish you are feeding. There is no "best" food for all pond fish.
QuestionHow do I feed a school, when the others that already ate are stealing the food?manas dixitCommunity AnswerSpread the food everywhere so that every fish get its chance to eat.
QuestionHow long can a betta survive without food?Shadow_wolf_52Community AnswerA betta can survive two weeks at most without food. However, it is best to avoid straining them for so long.
QuestionHow do I breed goldfish?Community AnswerMake sure the tank is at least 20 gallons so there is enough space. Also, make sure you know how to tell a male from a female. The goldfish will usually breed in July and August.
QuestionHow much of the flakes do I give to fish in a bowl?Community AnswerIf you look on the back of the food package, it should tell you the amount for what fish.
QuestionIs over feeding helpful for guppies?Community AnswerNo, over feeding is not good for guppies as they may become bloated and have digestive problems.
QuestionCould I make my own food for fish? If so, how?Community AnswerYes, you definitely can. There are many tutorial articles and videos online, which you could find on any decent search engine.
QuestionHow do I feed newborn fish?manas dixitCommunity AnswerFeed them with frozen tubiflex worms. Remember to soak them in water first, them spread them or break them using a stick, then feed them to fish.
QuestionWhat is the best food for a tiger barb?Community AnswerTiger barbs generally eat almost everything. Give them dried worms once or twice a week only though!
QuestionWhat do I feed carp?Community AnswerMany varieties of fish food are available at the pet store. You can feed them flakes, shrimp, and/or blood worms. You can also feed them small quantities of vegetables.
QuestionWhat can I feed my newborn fish that's in a pond? Can I feed it flakes of bread?Community AnswerYes. At first, make the flakes a powder, then feed it to your pond fry. If you have plants in your pond, you should feed them near the plants, spreading the food.
QuestionCan I feed my fish pieces of bread?Community AnswerNo, bread contains yeast, which can cause problems for fish and in the warm, nutrient-rich water.
QuestionHow do I feed mollies?Community AnswerTropical flakes at the top of the aquarium 2x daily. Depending on the amount of fish, it should be about two fair pinches of flakes per feeding (for 10-20) or one pinch of flakes for smaller schools of guppies.
QuestionCan a larger fish be fed smaller fish for food?Community AnswerYes, but be careful of what fish you feed your larger fish, because some fish are poisonous.
QuestionDo I have to keep my frozen fresh red worms cold in a fridge, or can I leave them at room temperature?AkitaDogeTop AnswererI recommend that you keep them frozen so as to not risk any exposure to germs. Even if the packaging seems sealed, the foil seal could easily be broken.
QuestionCan we give small fish 1mm food?Parakeet LoverCommunity AnswerAs long as it's able to enter their mouths, and go safely down the digestive system, it's all right!
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