Q&A for How to Find Cat Urine With a UV Light

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    Where can I purchase a UV light?
    Community Answer
    Check eBay or Amazon, Walmart, or your local hardware store.
  • Question
    My cat recently started peeing on piles of clothes. She used to only pee on bags or plastic containers on the floor but now she does it anywhere where she finds clothes. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    This is easy. Pick up all of the piles of clothes.
  • Question
    I already cleaned with special enzyme cleaner, yet the cat can still smell her urine. Would the black light still work?
    Community Answer
    If there is little urine left, then yes. However, you would have to make the room pitch black to see it if you already tried cleaning it and some was left.
  • Question
    I have cleaned the pet stains with Resolve pet stain remover, but still the black light glows where the pet stain was. Is there any product that will completely remove the glow?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Try foaming bathroom cleaner.
  • Question
    I got a UV flashlight but it detects old paint, putty on the walls and it all looks the same as the cat urine, is there a certain kind of UV light to get?
    Community Answer
    No, the UV light (black light) is the kind necessary. It will detect other things along with the cat urine.
  • Question
    Why is my older cat all of the sudden urinating in my house on my son's sweaty clothes?
    Community Answer
    Your cat might be responding to the scent on the sweaty clothes, so it's a good idea to keep these picked up off the floor. Sometimes older cats become incontinent, but there could also be a serious medical issue, so you should have your cat checked out by a vet. You might also try to introduce a second litter box or clean the litter box more frequently.
  • Question
    What is the best cleaner for both dog and cat urine?
    Community Answer
    OdoBan is pretty good. You can find it at Walmart.
  • Question
    Does a black light detect animal vomit?
    Community Answer
    Yes a black light will detect animal vomit and urine.
  • Question
    What are UV protection glasses?
    Community Answer
    UV protection glasses are glasses that protect you from UV light, which is quite dangerous if you look directly at it.
  • Question
    Can't I just sniff everything to find the pee?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes the urine goes unnoticed until the scent vanishes, so the UV light works best. Besides, if you're dealing with potentially a lot of urine, you'll probably get tired of sniffing things.
  • Question
    How do I find where my cat peed?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    With a UV light, you can pinpoint exactly where your cat used the bathroom. For the best results, look for a handheld LED light with 9-12 bulbs. It should be rated between 365-385 nm, which stands for nanometers. A lower rating won’t be strong enough to light up the cat urine, and a higher rating is too similar to natural light to have an effect. Wait until it's dark and shut off all of the lights in the room. Then, shine your light around where you think the pee could be. When the UV light comes into contact with the urine, it should start to glow. Depending on how much urine there was, and where it is located, the stain may look like a spot, puddle, splatter, or drips.
  • Question
    What color is urine under UV light?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    Urine has a distinctive color in UV light. Wait until it's dark and turn off any lights in the room so you can more easily spot the urine. Then, shine the light around the area you suspect the urine to be and look for a glowing yellow or neon green spot. hen the UV light comes into contact with the urine, it should start to glow. Keep in mind that some cleaning products and other household materials, including wallpaper glue, may glow under a UV light, so don't panic if your whole room lights up when you turn on the UV light.
  • Question
    What shows up under UV light?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    UV light can illuminate a bunch of different things. Some cleaning products and other household materials, including wallpaper glue, may glow under a UV light. Additionally, you can use a UV light to find pet urine. Wait until night time and make the room dark. Shine the light around the area and look for a glowing yellow or neon green spot. Other substances, including some bodily fluids and tonic water, may also glow. Because so many substances glow or show up under a UV light, you'll need to use your judgment and clues like the size, shape, and location of the substance to figure out exactly what it is.
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