Q&A for How to Find the Equation of a Line

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    How do I find an intercept of a line?
    Top Answerer
    Using the equation, set x equal to zero and solve for y to find the y-intercept, or set y equal to zero and solve for x to find the x-intercept.
  • Question
    What should I do with a negative y?
    Community Answer
    You multiply the whole equation by -1 to remove the negative sign. For example, if the question is: -y=-5x+1, you would then change the question to: -y*(-1) = (-5x+1)*(-1), and then get: y=5x-1.
  • Question
    What about given a slope and an intercept in y?
    Top Answerer
    Express the equation in standard form, y = mx + b, where m is the slope, and b is the y-intercept.
  • Question
    The teacher wants me to write the equation of a line. If the gradient is 3 and the y intercept is -5, is the equation y = 3x + -5?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, y = 3x - 5.
  • Question
    What if my parallel line is the y-axis?
    Top Answerer
    That means the line you're looking for would be defined as x = b: the line is vertical, m is "undefined" (infinity), and b is the x-intercept.
  • Question
    How do I find whether a point (coordinate) falls on a line?
    Top Answerer
    Take the x- and y-coordinates of the point, and insert them into the equation of the line. If the equation holds true with those x and y values inserted, the point is on the line.
  • Question
    How do I find a parallel line?
    Top Answerer
    Assuming a given straight line in the form of y = mx + b, any parallel line would have the same form with the same "m" but a different "b."
  • Question
    How would I solve a system with only one given point?
    Top Answerer
    A "system" consists of at least two different equations (and thus at least two lines on a graph). As the above article explains, two pieces of information are required in order to define a line: a point and a slope. To "solve a system with only one given point," the point would have to be the intersection of the lines, and you would then need each line's slope.
  • Question
    What about one point and no slope?
    Top Answerer
    As the above article explains, two pieces of information are required in order to define a straight line: the line's slope and a point on the line. If you don't know the slope, you could have an infinite number of lines passing through a given point.
  • Question
    How do I find the vertices of right angled triangles using slopes?
    Community Answer
    All right-angled triangles have two vertices of 45 degrees and one of 90 degrees.
  • Question
    What is the equation of the line with slope -2 and passing through (5,4)?
    Community Answer
    The slope (m) is -2. You're given values for x and y (5 and 4). Plug all those values into y = mx + b, and you'll find b. So 4 = -2(5) + b. Then 4 = -10 + b, and 14 = b. So the equation you're looking for is y = -2x + 14.
  • Question
    How do you get the equation of a line with one coordinate only?
    Top Answerer
    It's not possible. Assuming "one coordinate" means "one point" (and thus you know only one point through which the line passes), there could be an infinite number of lines passing through that one point.
  • Question
    How to find the equation of a line with a slope of -1 and passing throuh (-2,4)?
    Top Answerer
    A slope of -1 means that the line loses one unit on the y-axis for every unit it gains on the x-axis. Thus, as this line moves (gains) from -2 to zero on the x-axis, it moves (loses) from 4 to 2 on the y-axis. Thus, its y-intercept is 2. Using the standard form y = mx + b, m (the slope) is given as (-1), and b (the y-intercept) is found to be 2. The equation is therefore y = (-1)x + (2) = -x + 2 = 2 - x.
  • Question
    If you have to find an equation for a horizontal line that passes through one point, how would you write out that equation?
    Top Answerer
    Any horizontal line will be represented by an equation in which y is equal to a constant (for example, y = 4). The constant will be the y-coordinate of the point through which the line passes. For example, if the horizontal line passes through the point (3,2), the equation will be y = 2.
  • Question
    How do you find the slope?
    Top Answerer
    See Find the Slope of a Line and related articles.
  • Question
    How to find the equation of a line when points are given?
    Top Answerer
    Use Method 2 above.
  • Question
    Points A(p,6), B(-3,q) and C(r,8) are on line whose equation is y=-2x+3. How do I find coordinates for A,B,C?
    Top Answerer
    For each of the points A, B and C, plug the known coordinate into the equation and solve for the unknown coordinate. For example, for point A, y is 6, so solve for x: 6 = -2x + 3. Then 3 = -2x, and x = -3/2. So A is (-3/2, 6). Do the same for B (where x is already known) and C (where y is already known).
  • Question
    Write down the equation of the line paralle to y=3x_4 and passes through the point (0,2)?
    Top Answerer
    The line will have a slope of +3, because it's parallel to y = 3x - 4, and it will intercept the y-axis at +2, because it passes through (0,2). Therefore, the equation of the line is y = 3x + 2.
  • Question
    What is the answer to: find the equation of the line that passes through the point (3,6) with gradient 2?
    Top Answerer
    A straight line passing through (3,6) with a gradient of 2 will pass through the origin (0,0). That's because every point on the line is 2 units above the x-axis for every 1 unit it is to the right of the y-axis. (Thus, it passes through (3,6).) Therefore, the y-intercept is 0, and the equation of the line is y = 2x + 0 or y = 2x.
  • Question
    A straight line passes through the points (4,3) and (-2,6). What is the equation of the line?
    Community Answer
    To find the slope, use the formula m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1). So the slope is (6 - 3) / (-2 - 4) = 3 / -6 = -1/2. The slope-intercept formula is y = mx + b. So y = (-½)x + b. To find b, plug either of the x/y coordinates given in the question into this last slope-intercept equation. 3 = (-½)(4) + b. Then 3 = -2 + b, and 5 = b. So the equation of the line is y = (-½)x + 5. (If you don't like the look of that equation, you could express it as y = 5 - (x/2), or 2y = 10 - x.)
  • Question
    How do I find the equation of the line that is parallel to y = 6 - 2x and passes through (-1, 2)?
    Jasmine Snowdrop
    Community Answer
    Any line parallel to a line ax + by + c = 0 is of the form ax + by + k = 0. Substitute the point given in the second equation to determine k.
  • Question
    What number in the equation helps you determine where the line will cross the y-axis?
    Top Answerer
    In the case of the linear equation y = mx + b, b is the y-intercept. In other cases where y equals some expression in x, set x equal to 0, and y will be equal to the y-intercept.
  • Question
    If the mid point of the line AB is (4,3)and am given the coordinates of B as (6,5) what are the coordinates of A?
    Top Answerer
    A is twice as far from B as the midpoint is. On the x-axis, the midpoint is 6 - 4 = 2 units from B, so A is 4 units from B. That means that A's x-coordinate is 6 - 4 = 2. On the y-axis, the midpoint is 5 - 3 = 2 units from B, so A is also 4 units from B on that axis. That means that A's y-coordinate is 5 - 4 = 1. So the A coordinates are (2,1).
  • Question
    How do I construct a circle?
    Top Answerer
    Assuming a compass is unavailable or not large enough, use a string, rope or chain. Set one end of it at a convenient point for the center, and set a pencil, chalk or stylus at a convenient radius along the string, etc. Draw the circle around the point.
  • Question
    Can the slope, when finding the equation of a line, be negative?
    Community Answer
    Yes it can. For example the equation: y=-2x+3, where -2 is the slope and 3 is the y intercept. If you graph this, it forms a negative line.
  • Question
    How would I find a line's equation if I know one point on the line and have the equation for another parallel line?
    Community Answer
    You would take the slope from that line and use the above example to use the given point and the slope to figure out which point would be the slope the line would go through.
  • Question
    How do I find the equation of a line if the x-coordinates are the same, but the y is different?
    Top Answerer
    If you mean that you are given two points on the line, and the x-coordinates of the points are the same, while the y-coordinates are not the same, you're describing a vertical line (parallel to the y-axis). The equation of the line is x = a, where "a" is the x-coordinate of the two given points (and every other point on the line).
  • Question
    How do I find the equation of a line given the slope and an equation tangent to it?
    Top Answerer
    Only straight lines have a single slope. Straight lines, however, do not have tangents.
  • Question
    How do I find the equation of a line passing through (-2,1) parallel to the equation x=9?
    Top Answerer
    x=9 is a vertical line (parallel to the y-axis). So the equation you're looking for is of a line that's also vertical, meaning that the equation will take the form of x=a ("a" being the line's distance from the y-axis). Since this line passes through (-2,1), it's a vertical line two units to the left of the y-axis. Its equation is x = -2.
  • Question
    How do I find the coordinates of the point where the line y = x + 2 cuts (crosses) the y-axis?
    Top Answerer
    All points on the y-axis have an x value of 0. So 0 Is the x-coordinate. To find the y-coordinate, let x be zero in the equation y = x + 2. On this line when x is zero, y is 2. So the point you're looking for is (0,2).
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