Q&A for How to Fish

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    Is it better to fish at low tide or at high tide?
    Community Answer
    It is better to fish at low tide. The lower water level will trap more fish, and thus increase your chances of catching one.
  • Question
    What is the best bait to use?
    Community Answer
    This will depend on the type of fish you want to catch. Some fish are more responsive to powerbait, while others are more likely to snatch lures. You should research the type of fish you are going to catch, and find out what type of bait is used to catch that fish.
  • Question
    How would I remove the hook without any tools and not accidentally rip the fishes' mouth with the barb?
    Community Answer
    It's risky but you could use your fingers and with your other hand hold the fishes mouth open while you obtain the hook out the fishes mouth.
  • Question
    How do I know if a fish is protected by the state if I do not have a guide?
    Community Answer
    You could either look on the internet at the fish or you could ask a local ranger hope this helps. There may also be an app relevant to your locale, check the online resources available.
  • Question
    When fishing with a friend, should we fish on the same side of the boat?
    Community Answer
    If you're just fishing for fun, it really doesn't matter. If you're trying to catch a lot of fish it is better to fish on opposite sides of the boat.
  • Question
    If I'm fishing with a friend, do I have to keep my fish separated?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how good your memory is when choosing the fish to take home at the end of the day. You don't normally because the fish are out of water and can't go that far if you are catching the same fish then you could split them up but if you want to split the fish up, it's optional.
  • Question
    How can I fish if I don't have the strength to reel in a reel or pull up a net?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Fishing takes a little bit of strength, and practice can help it. If you can't do it at all, you might be able to go to a shallow stream and catch fish in a net (if state/local laws permit) or with a spear (again, if your local laws permit). You could also set out traps to catch fish like minnows. If you intend on trying rod fishing, work your elbows and wrists as much as possible to avoid wearing out your arm.
  • Question
    Is a bobber required?
    Community Answer
    No. It depends on what you're trying to catch and what kind of bait you're using.
  • Question
    If I want to clean the fish immediately after catching it, could I just rip the hook out of the fish?
    Community Answer
    While it's not physically impossible to do so, it will cause severe pain to the fish. Gently removing the hook is more humane.
  • Question
    Is it necessary to use a net in fishing?
    Community Answer
    For smaller fish, it is normally okay to just pull them out of the water. But for bigger fish (big bass, walleye, pike, etc) it helps if you have a net which guarantees you will get the fish.
  • Question
    What fish are endangered?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Fish like bluefin tuna, seabass, sturgeon, salmon, cod, and halibut are all considered endangered. The more popular a fish is to eat, the more likely it is to be endangered. Big sea fish tend to be targeted a lot by commercial fishers.
  • Question
    Which kind of bait can I use to fish a gar?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    They eat smaller fish, so carp, shad, mullet, and perch are a few types that will lure them in. You could also get specialized lures and hookless baits that attract gar.
  • Question
    What is the best way to put shrimp on a hook so it will stay on?
    Community Answer
    I personally recommend putting the hook through the head or the tail, but you can do whatever works for you.
  • Question
    Can like-sized but different fish be held in fish baskets for later cleaning?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it's generally safe to keep anything you catch in the same bucket of ice. Since you kill the fish as soon as you catch them, there's nothing much to worry about.
  • Question
    How can you cast far away?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Using a longer line will help, but make sure the reel spool is full. Also, consider using a bigger pole with a larger spool and a lighter line. Throwing the line more gently can help you master a smoother swing that sends the line further.
  • Question
    What clothes should I wear while I'm going fishing?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Balance wind, rain, and heat resistance. Usually, a lightweight shirt and shorts are good for staying cool throughout the day. Bring a windbreaker jacket and a pair of gloves. If you're going out in cold weather, bring along warmer clothing.
  • Question
    Is it safe for a child to remove a hook?
    Community Answer
    No. The child might rip the hook out and cause severe pain to the fish. Having an adult remove the hook is safer and more humane.
  • Question
    Can we fish in shallow water?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you won't be likely to get much of anything.
  • Question
    How much deeper should our hook and bait go?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what fish you’re trying to catch. For example, catfish are bottom feeders so let your hook fall near the bottom.
  • Question
    What hook should I use?
    Community Answer
    Any hook you want. It's personal preference really. I prefer bigger hooks with single hooks and smaller treble hooks.
  • Question
    How would I know if the fish has a disease?
    Community Answer
    Look for spots, blemishes, or other abnormalities. Look up a picture of the fish so you know what a "normal" one looks like.
  • Question
    How do I fish in my home?
    Alex Grider
    Community Answer
    Unless you have a pond on your property that is stocked with fish (some people do, and it is worth looking into if you have the means), you can't fish in the traditional sense. However, you can do activities such as playing fishing video games or watching fishing shows until you can get out fishing again. You could also consider starting an aquarium if you enjoy watching fish. Research fishing locations around you-there may be a great pond or lake nearby that you hadn't before considered. It may not be the same as fishing in the comfort of your own home, but a short drive is worth it.
  • Question
    If I kill the fish, will I go to hell?
    Alex Grider
    Community Answer
    No; most religions permit the killing of animals for food. If you are really worried about it, you may want to consult a leader or scholar in your religion on whether they believe it is okay or not.
  • Question
    What bait would I use?
    Alex Grider
    Community Answer
    It depends on what you want to catch. Popular choices include worms, leeches, crayfish, and crickets, as well as many types of small fish. You can also use lures, which come in a variety of types. Research what the fish you are going for prefer to decide.
  • Question
    What rod could a first-timer 13 year old use?
    Community Answer
    A good rod that isn't too expensive is an open reel rod such as the Shakespeare Reverb Spinning Reel and Fishing Rod Combo.
  • Question
    What kind of fish would you recommend catching to eat?
    Community Answer
    Salmon and trout are two of the tastiest fish to eat. Check with your state to see what type of fish live there and then decide.
  • Question
    Is it necessary to use a long rod to catch big fish?
    Top Answerer
    It depends. Short rods don't necessarily mean that the rod isn't going to hold. When catching fish, it's always good to use a medium-sized rod. A rod that is too short can be hard to control, just as would be one that is too long. Usually, when catching large fish, you'll harpoon the fish, so it makes it easier to bring on shore, therefore making a rod's size not matter too much.
  • Question
    What kind of size bobber would I need for a medium rod?
    Top Answerer
    There really is no size for your bobber. Bobbers usually come in the same size; a ball a little larger than a golf ball. A bobber's size is not chosen depending on the size of the rod, it's about the fish. Usually, bobbers are for small to medium-sized fish, so a bobber for fishing giant halibut won't be useful. You don't have to worry about what size your bobber has to be since the sizes only vary a little bit.
  • Question
    Will I be okay fishing if it's in my backyard?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Your backyard is your property, and you don’t need any license to fish or keep the fish. However, a pond in your backyard is probably quite small, and you most likely won’t need a rod.
  • Question
    If I catch a small pond fish, is it legal for me to keep it as a pet?
    Top Answerer
    It depends. If the pond is really small and doesn’t have any signs about requiring licenses, then yes, you can keep the fish. However, if you fish in an area that requires a license, you will be fined. Also, keep in mind that not all wild fish will survive; transferring between two habitats is something hard to adapt with.
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