How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Force Yourself to Seriously Study
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QuestionHow do I study if I have zero motivation?Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.Try to study for a little bit every day so you don't have to cram all of the information the night before.
QuestionI used to be a very good student but I just dropped drastically. What should I do about it?Community AnswerDetermine the source of what is causing you to drop drastically. Has something happened in your life lately to distract you or to reduce your motivation? It is important to tackle that particular issue head on. Also, don't think about your friends having fun and going out -- concentrate on getting the studies done first, then playing hard after as your reward. The article has plenty of helpful ideas.
QuestionWhen I take breaks, I never go back to studying. What can I do?Community AnswerTake any break stuff (coffee, snacks, magazines, etc.) into the room you've been studying in. At the end of your break, put distractions like phones or magazines somewhere that won't tempt you too much, out of sight. DO NOT WATCH TV ON YOUR BREAK! This will just make you complacent and you won't want to leave. Ideally, have your studying and breaks in a room with a minimal number of electronics.
QuestionI want to study but I am easily distracted. How can I motivate myself?Community AnswerSit in a quiet room to help with distractions. Make a study guide so you will know what you have to study. Remind yourself of the consequences if you do not study.
QuestionHow do I get rid of sleepiness while studying?Community AnswerHave a cup of coffee or tea, but don't drink too much too quickly. Don't lay down while you study -- sit or stand to stay awake easier.
QuestionHow should I motivate myself to study hard?Community AnswerThink about your life what you want to be. Be competitive and compete with your friends as this will be a fun competition. You will be successful if you work hard enough.
QuestionI am usually very motivated initially, but my motivation gradually drops and I do not reach my final goal. How should I overcome this problem?Community AnswerThink about all the good grades you will be receiving and picture the happy faces your parents will have. This way, you can become more motivated to do your work.
QuestionWhat can I do if I'm unable to concentrate and obsessed with other things?Community AnswerThe things you are obsessed with will give you temporary feelings of excitement and happiness, but a permanent pain later on. If you don't work hard now, you may not be able to build a successful future you are happy with. Remember this and work hard now so you don't have regrets in the future.
QuestionHow can I prepare myself to study during holidays?Community AnswerPrepare a time table and stick to it. Enjoy time with your family and friends during the day and study for the exams at night. Or vice versa. Just make sure you maintain a balance.
QuestionHow do I study in the last few days of holidays, without feeling like I am wasting the whole holidays?Community AnswerCreate a schedule. Get started with your studying first thing in the morning and have some time with friends or family after lunch to look forward to. Explain the situation to your family and friends as well. They can motivate you and won't distract you during your study time.
QuestionHow does a student prepare themselves to study in a lesson?Community AnswerSit where you can see and hear well and where there won't be any distractions. Have all the things you need in front of you (textbook, notebook, pens, etc.). Be ready to take notes as you listen. Follow the teacher's instructions and ask if you don't understand them.
QuestionMy parents won't let me study with music on. What should I do?Community AnswerUse headphones or study without music. They may be worried about it distracting you.
QuestionI become very careless when it's time to start studying. What should I do?Community AnswerYou can begin by creating a study schedule that you should follow everyday, as this will instill the habit of studying. It also helps to make sure you have everything you will need on your desk, so you won't get distracted later on.
QuestionHow do I get my focus back on studying after a long vacation?Community AnswerStart by making a timetable and follow it. Choose a time of day (morning or evening, depending on when your mind tends to be clearest) and allot a set amount of time for reading or quizzing yourself, etc.
QuestionHow can I force myself to get out of bed and clean my room?Community AnswerPut on motivational music and make it a workout at the same time. Plus you may find things that you thought you'd never see again, so get enthused about putting everything back in its place again!
QuestionMy parents won't let me study by myself. What should I do?Community AnswerExplain your parents how self study is an important key for success for an individual.
QuestionHow can I get better grades?Community AnswerStudy more. It helps if you can study with friends who also want to get good grades. Get tutoring help if you're struggling with a specific subject.
QuestionHow can I study in a noisy place?Community AnswerTrying plugging in your earbuds or wearing your earphones to block out some of the noise. Earphones that can completely block out all sound are available, but they are usually expensive.
QuestionWhat can I do to reward myself that doesn't involve food or watching TV?Community AnswerJust think about something you like to do. Your reward could be 30 minutes of playing outside with a friend, or messing around on social media, whatever you'd like to be doing instead of studying. Or, you could have a long term reward, you could ask your parent(s) if they'd agree to buy you a toy/video game/etc. if you get an A in your worst subject.
QuestionWhat music is effective when you're studying?Community AnswerClassical music or other calm instrumental music is generally best.
QuestionEven if I make a time table, I find it difficult to follow it. What should I do?Community AnswerMake a timetable you can really follow. It is best if you can update your time table in the morning daily. Keep it as a note on your cell, and refer to it often to remind yourself of how you should be using your spare time.
QuestionHow do I stay focused on studying and stop thinking of random things (such as lunch for tomorrow or plans for the weekend) that make me distracted?Community AnswerAs for me, I found that socializing, doing sports, hanging out and things like that keep me from overthinking and getting distracted. You can try to walk around, eat something or do anything to keep you happy and energetic, then come back studying.
QuestionWhenever I'm studying, I become careless and give in to sleeping. What should I do?Community AnswerMake sure you're studying in a well-lit room that's comfortable and quiet. Make yourself a small snack and maybe a drink with caffeine to get an energy boost. You can also take frequent, short breaks and rest so you don't feel so overwhelmed by exhaustion.
QuestionHow can I stop wasting the entire day during the holidays?Community AnswerAllot certain amounts of time for study, entertainment, etc. Follow the time slots strictly without fail.
QuestionHow can I manage to seriously follow the timetable?Community AnswerYou have to make the commitment to follow it in order to raise/maintain your grades. Be sure to schedule time for yourself as a reward and breaks into your schedule to make it realistic.
QuestionI never like studying and that's why my grades are poor. What should I do?Community AnswerThink about the rewards you will get if you work hard and make a plan for studying so you can stick to it.
QuestionCan I study and listen to music ?Aleksandra VasiljevicCommunity AnswerYou can, but it's probably not a good idea to listen to music with words. This will distract you and make it harder to concentrate. Listen to something instrumental, like classical music, or generally calm music. Or find some gentle rain or nature sounds. Just find what works best for you.
QuestionHow do I motivate myself to study?Community AnswerBy rewarding yourself when you study. For example, if I study for the next three hours I can eat chocolate.
QuestionI study, but I don't get a good grade! What am I doing wrong?Community AnswerMaybe you're not studying in the right way. Try reading the article on How to Study , and also ask your teachers and counselors at school for help.
QuestionHow many hours should a student study in a day?Community AnswerIt depends on the classes your taking, and the tests you have coming up. I recommend studying at least an hour each night, even if you have no major tests coming up.
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