Q&A for How to Get Dried Slime Out of Carpet

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  • Question
    Does it matter how old and dried up the slime in the carpet is or will it still come out?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it does matter a bit as the longer the slime is one the carpet, the harder it will be to get it off. If it one your carpet for longer than a week it will take more work to get it off.
  • Question
    I have removed all the slime, but the carpet is stained blue from the slime. I have tried the vinegar method three times. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    You should try bleaching the carpet if it is white. If not, use a carpet cleaner that cleans stains.
  • Question
    Will this work if I made slime with borax?
    Community Answer
    Yes. I made slime with borax and this worked for me.
  • Question
    If I don't have regular vinegar, will apple cider vinegar work?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it will. You can add some baking soda too.
  • Question
    How much rubbing alcohol should I use?
    Padma Balaji
    Community Answer
    As much as you need! Start by pouring a little alcohol on the carpet and then try to slowly peel off the slime. Gradually add a little more until you've removed all of the slime from the carpet.
  • Question
    Can I use apple cider vinegar?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can also put baking soda with the vinegar to loosen up the slime.
  • Question
    Will a product like Goo-Gone work?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the type of slime, but it will most likely help for every type, if not get it out completely.
  • Question
    How do I get dried slime out of jogging pants?
    Community Answer
    Put ice on it to harden it, then pick it off.
  • Question
    My child got homemade borax type slime in our seats in our vehicle. How do I remove that?
    Community Answer
    I just tried silicone spray on my car seat. Sprayed it on until wet. Left it for ten minutes. It didn't scrape off at this point like I thought it might, but scrubbed at it with a cloth and warm water for ten minutes and eventually it was gone. Took some elbow grease though!
  • Question
    How does this work?
    Community Answer
    The ingredients in the cleaning solution will be able to soften the slime so you can peel it off.
  • Question
    Will this work on glue that has dried up on the carpet?
    Community Answer
    It should work for just glue, but it will be harder since slime has things in it to make it more flexible.
  • Question
    Does this method work for a bed?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it does.
  • Question
    Can I use nail polish remover?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it should work just fine.
  • Question
    Can I use nail varnish remover?
    Community Answer
    No. It will take color off the carpet.
  • Question
    How do I take the slime off when it is not dried and still wet?
    Community Answer
    You can't, as it will just spread. You will have to wait for it to dry and take it off.
  • Question
    If my slime is really stuck, will it work if I put cooking oil on it?
    Community Answer
    Yes and no. It may get the slime out, but it will leave oil on the carpet.
  • Question
    Will bleach work to get the color out of my carpet?
    Community Answer
    Bleach might ultimately change the color of the carpet, and can ruin the carpet.
  • Question
    Do I have to use all the ingredients, or can I just use rubbing alcohol?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend using all of them, because alcohol alone isn't great for carpets.
  • Question
    What if it doesn't come up when I scrub it?
    Community Answer
    Use vinegar and let the slime soak, and then use a cloth to wipe it off.
  • Question
    What would be ideal if it is carpet flooring and the stain is huge?
    Community Answer
    To use vinegar and let it soak. Then use tweezers to get as much off as you can, and then take a cloth and pull it off.
  • Question
    How do I get slime out of my carpet with just water?
    Community Answer
    Water will not get slime out of your carpet, vinegar will. Just rub the vinegar on the slime and it will vanish just before your eyes. You can use any type of vinegar.
  • Question
    Will rubbing alcohol affect my carpet at all?
    Community Answer
    If your carpet is dyed, there is a slight danger that it will lose its color.
  • Question
    Do I use white or brown vinegar, or do they both work?
    Community Answer
    White vinegar is best. Any other vinegar may leave stains.
  • Question
    Is it okay if the slime isn't dry?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but I would recommend waiting until it's dry before attempting to remove it; it's usually easier that way.
  • Question
    Will it work if it is butter slime?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Butter slime is basically regular slime with clay added, so most of the time it will come out just like any other slime. If not, add hot water to the affected spot and continue to remove the slime.
  • Question
    How do I get dried-up slime out of the carpet if the vacuum does not work?
    Community Answer
    Consult wikiHow article Get Dried Slime Out of Carpet .
  • Question
    Will this work with just spilled sticky slime if there's baby oil in the slime?
    Community Answer
    You need to let the slime harden first, then clean it off. The baby oil might leave a slight residue on the carpet, though.
  • Question
    Will this work with hardened slime stuck in carpet? Does it matter how long it has been stuck?
    Anne-Marie Pedneault
    Community Answer
    Yes. I used vinegar on a plush blanket. The slime had been there for a couple days (until I got the time to attend to the disaster) and it was hard. I soaked the affected portion and it softened and liquefied the the slime. I added hot water to dissolve it completely while gently scraping with a spoon.
  • Question
    My daughter added brown clay to her slime (really don't know why). It spilled and has hardened on the carpet. Do you suggest one ingredient over another to get it out.
    Community Answer
    Wet it with warm water. Firmly brush the clay with a very hard bristled brush/electric brush. Then you can start chipping the slime/clay out with a sharp object or a butter knife. You can then mix mild laundry detergent and a cup of warm water and spread it all over the slime and clay. Choose a detergent with no bleaches or chemicals. Use a towel or wash cloth in the detergent and water. Let it soak for half an hour or a little less. Then use a slightly damp sponge to soak out the detergent mixture. You can also use nail polish remover and do the same as the detergent. You may have to repeat the process.
  • Question
    Can I just use vinegar?
    Community Answer
    It might work if you just used vinegar, but it is probably best to soak in hot water afterward.
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