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Q&A for How to Get a Bikini Worthy Body
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QuestionI workout almost every day, am vegetarian and generally eat healthy. My stomach is still flabby. What can I do?Michele Dolan is a Fitness Trainer based in Sidney, British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002, and was certified as a Personal Trainer by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Michele is also a Registered Clinical Counselor, and uses her 20+ years of fitness coaching experience to help clients understand their mind-body connection. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and Certified Clinical Counsellor (CCC), certified by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. In her work, Michele uses the tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. She practices and teaches mindfulness and acceptance in all of her coaching work. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology.A flabby stomach may be the last hold out for your body's fat stores or it may be the result of genetics. Regardless, fat is fat, and sugar in all forms tends to pile up around the core. Study the Glycemic Index of the foods you eat to see if you are getting sugar spikes, which contribute to a fatty waistline.
QuestionWhat if I already have curves and a great body, but I want to make it even better? Which exercises do you recommend? I don't want to make my curves smaller.Michele Dolan is a Fitness Trainer based in Sidney, British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002, and was certified as a Personal Trainer by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Michele is also a Registered Clinical Counselor, and uses her 20+ years of fitness coaching experience to help clients understand their mind-body connection. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and Certified Clinical Counsellor (CCC), certified by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. In her work, Michele uses the tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. She practices and teaches mindfulness and acceptance in all of her coaching work. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology.You will need to identify exactly what will make you body better. If you think you are too curvy, you may want to clean up your diet and drop a few pounds. If you want a rounder bum, try doing walking lunges. A rounded muscular shoulder cap (the deltoid muscles) will help create a curvier look and make your waist look smaller. Do arm raises with dumbbells.
QuestionI weigh almost 10 pounds more than my friends and my body doesn't look good in a bikini. I tried different diets but they don't work. What can I do?Community AnswerFirst off, stop comparing yourself to your friends! Before you can ever attempt to lose weight, you must learn to love and accept yourself. Stop dieting and just eat healthy. Stick to whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Do strength training and cardio daily.
QuestionCould I swim to get a bikini worthy body?Community AnswerAbsolutely! Swimming is great way to tone your whole body and it is also really enjoyable. Try going with other people in order to make you swimming sessions more exciting.
QuestionHow can I exercise without getting out of the house?Community AnswerYou can always do simple stretches, sit ups, pushups, etc. You can also clean the house, reorganize your room, or perform other chores that require you to move around.
QuestionWhat excercise is good for the stomach area?Community AnswerPush ups, planks, crunches, sit ups, and pull ups. Also, have good posture. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and you'll definitely see a difference.
QuestionI have a very big belly and a terrible body shape. I don't look good in any clothes and it makes me depressed. What can I do if my mom doesn't let me do outside activities and doesn't allow me to diet?Community AnswerThere are also many indoor exercises that you can do, including: sit ups, lunges, squats and many more which you can look up. Or, try downloading some apps that guide you in following the exercises.
QuestionWill dancing help? What will dancing do for me?Top AnswererDancing is great exercise! Dancing can tone your legs and burn calories and body fat. If you belong to a gym or fitness club, see if Zumba classes are available for a great workout.
QuestionI'm 13 and I'm really self conscious about my weight. I also find it really hard to keep up something like running or jogging and it's hard to do a diet with my mum cooking. Any advice?Community AnswerIf you find it difficult to run or jog, just start small. Do strength exercises such as sit ups, push ups, and squats in your room to begin, then try going for short jogs and increase length and speed as you go. As for dieting, just start by eating less bread and more fruits and veggies. The fact your mom does home cooking is great news, it's much healthier than takeaways.
QuestionI'm not too fat but I feel inferior sometimes when I look at thin girls. I'm already working out but it's not changing my body. Any tips to get a bikini body?Community AnswerFirst thing you need to do is relax! Be confident and try not to compare yourself to thin girls. To get a flat stomach stay hydrated, go to the gym, do pull-ups, squats, sit-ups, cardio, etc. Try to eat a balanced diet low on carbs and sugar.
QuestionI am 13 years old and I have really jiggly thighs. Is there any way I can tighten my muscles?Community AnswerTry walking or running every day, and increase your distance and speed over time. You can also do squats, or wall sits. These will only work if you keep a routine with yourself and you don't stray from it.
QuestionI'm a twelve year-old and I'm turning 13 soon. Could I gain a bikini body in 34 days?Community AnswerIt depends on your weight and how much you are trying to lose. You don't want to basically kill yourself trying to lose a big amount of weight in just a month, but you still can lose a significant amount in that time.
QuestionI'm a teenager who has a lot of belly fat and a triple chin. The extra weight makes me super self-conscious, but I'm a huge junk food lover. It's hard to start eating healthy. What do I do?Top AnswererTell your parents to stop buying junk food. Gradually switch out junk food for healthy alternatives. Instead of potato chips, eat carrot chips. Instead of pudding, eat yogurt. Instead of pretzels and candy, eat pistachios. Getting rid of a sugar addiction especially will be hard, but it is possible.
QuestionCould I mainly bike and run, and still get the same results as if I were doing all of the recommended exercises?Community AnswerBiking and running, along with a healthy diet, are great for getting rid of extra fat. If you really want an exceptional physique, though, you need to build strong muscles so your body looks toned. Biking and running alone don't do a very good job of this because they primarily are cardio activities and don't work all the important areas of your body. That's where the recommended exercises come in. They help build and shape your muscles.
QuestionI want to lose and tone my belly. How can I do that overnight?Community AnswerYou can't do it overnight! Start with a week instead and eat less sugar, do cardio workouts, and incorporate planks. Planking targets the whole body, and it's a perfect exercise if you want to lose weight. If you do not have the results you want after one week, continue eating healthy foods and exercising.
QuestionHow long would it take for this to work?Community AnswerIt depends who you are, how your body reacts to diets and exercise, and how hard you work. You can't put a timeline on being in healthy shape -- it is a lifelong journey.
QuestionI am really worried about my weight and constantly think that I am fat. What should I do?Community AnswerDon't feel that way! Beauty standards these days are overrated. If you don't feel healthy and want a change, exercise and cut back on unhealthy food, but don't compare yourself to anyone or feel pressured to change.
QuestionWhat's the best way to get an intake of protein as a vegan?Community AnswerSome vegan options that provide good protein are almonds, cereals, soy, and lentils.
QuestionI'm 5' 5" and I weigh 147. How do I get rid of this little tummy I have?Community AnswerCrunches are a great way to tone your tummy area. You need to stay loyal and do 100-200 crunches a day. The results won't happen overnight, so you need to keep a strict routine with yourself. Also, watch your eating habits. By putting yourself on a diet and following up with exercise, you could shed the pounds quicker.
QuestionI'm 13, and I am overweight. What exercises can I do?KoliaCommunity AnswerBegin with a cardio training; for example, walking, or if you can, running. Do this for a half-hour twice a day, once in the morning, and again in the evening. Avoid fatty foods and carbs, and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables instead.
QuestionCan woman go for a run in her bikini?Community AnswerTheoretically, yes. However, it could look like she was running in her underwear. It's best to wear some shorts or pants over the bikini bottom.
QuestionHow can I make my thighs thinner? I play sports, but I've seen no results so far.Community Answer
QuestionI'm a teenager who has fat on the belly, thighs and arms areas, so I look fat compared to my friends, but I don't eat much junk food or carbohydrates. My friends eat more than me but they are thinner than me. Why?Community AnswerUnfortunately, life isn't fair. There are a lot of different body types, and some are just naturally larger than others. As long as you are active and eat well, try not to stress about it, and try to stop comparing yourself to your friends.
QuestionHow can I stop eating so much junk food?JenieCommunity AnswerYou can replace the junk food with other healthy food options. Each day, take one of the junk foods away and replace it with something healthier. It can also be fun to find homemade replacements for some of your favorite junk foods. For example, if you like chips, you can make your own veggie chips.
QuestionHow can I exercise in private when I don't have my own bedroom?Community AnswerYou could try exercising in a quiet, private space outside.
QuestionCan I wear a bikini if I'm a bit chubby?Indira ChristianCommunity AnswerAnybody can. However, if you’re really insecure, wear a thin coverup over your bikini until you feel used to it.
QuestionIm 15 years old and 158 lbs, which is not healthy at all. I try everything and I can't lose the weight I don't want to give up on myself and end with cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. What should I do?CrystalCommunity AnswerI tried to lose weight 5 times in my teens. It was after graduating high school I finally found the motivation to get healthy. Finding the right diet will be part of the key. This does not involve any book. It is about the foods you like to eat and changing your taste buds to acquire a love for healthier foods. Find healthy ways to make your favorite foods, too. As an example, I always loved pizza. So, I found a healthier way to make it by using a gluten free tortilla as a crust and tomato passata and veggie mozzarella as toppings. Trying different physical activities to find what you enjoy and challenges you. It took me 9 years to discover that Tae Bo would be my activity.
QuestionI am like 60 more lbs than my friends. I want to lose at least 20. I do a stomach workout every day, but it’s not doing anything. what should I do?CrystalCommunity AnswerIf you want to lose fat, you need to add cardio to burn the fat. You should also do a full body strength workout about 2-3 times per week to build muscle. Muscles will help you burn more of the fat you desire to lose. Ab workouts will build ab muscle. You need to add upper and lower to your strength workout and have cardio activities on other days.
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