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Q&A for How to Get the Arms Dealer in Terraria
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QuestionDoes the spacegun work as a gun for the arms dealer to appear?Community AnswerNo. You need a bullet-firing gun to get him to show up.
QuestionHow do I spawn in Golem?Community AnswerYou either get a spawner or find the Lizard Temple located in the jungle and go to the bottom, he will spawn.
QuestionHow long do I need to wait for him?Epicgamer2248 :DCommunity AnswerIt depends. You must make a house for him, have a gun in your inventory, and it must be a day for him to spawn. You also must have the house off-screen by running away a couple of meters.
QuestionWhat can I do if I have followed all the steps but the arms dealer still hasn't appeared?NicolasCommunity AnswerFirst, make sure you have a suitable house. Then, be patient and wait. It might be that he's taking a while to spawn.
QuestionHow long do I wait for the arms dealer?Devin RosenbuschCommunity AnswerHe only comes in the morning (like all NPCs), and you must have the merchant. He'll normally come the first morning.
QuestionWhat is the easiest gun to get?Community AnswerProbably the Musket or The Undertaker, which is dropped when you destroy your first shadow orb/crimson heart.
QuestionDo I need to have a house?NicolasCommunity AnswerYes.
QuestionWhat is the most common gun/bullet in Terraria?Community AnswerThe Undertaker is oftentimes the most common gun, and the musket balls are generally the most common ammo for those with an endless musket pouch.
QuestionCan I get him if I have no ammo box?Community AnswerNo. You just need a musket or undertaker at the minimum, or just any gun that fires bullets. They do need to fire bullets though. Space gun, blowgun, slime & water guns, bee gun, & rainbow gun do not allow for spawning of the dealer.
QuestionWhat is the process for Xbox 360?Nora LacasseCommunity AnswerThe process is the same for all platforms. You get the arms dealer by getting a gun and having a room he could live in.
QuestionHow do I get the arms dealer in pre-hard mode Terraria?Community AnswerObtain a gun of any type (e.g. Undertaker or the musket obtained by breaking your first shadow orb/crimson heart) and have an open house. Then you just wait for him to move in.
QuestionNone of these worked, what do I do now?QAZ101_1Community AnswerMake sure you have a suitable house he can spawn in, otherwise he won't show up. If that doesn't work then there is probably a bug in your game.
QuestionDo I need an ammo box?QAZ101_1Community AnswerYou don't need an ammo box, but they can be extremely helpful as they reduce the amount of ammo used.
QuestionWill this method work on the PS3?Community AnswerYes. All versions of Terraria have the same methods and items for NPCs.
QuestionWhat is the process on Xbox One?Community AnswerIt should be the same process.
QuestionWhere does the shadow orb and crimson heart spawn in Terraria?Community AnswerIt spawns in the ground in their respective biomes, but if you have early-game gear, and you decide to go and break them, I recommend bringing sticky bombs or sticky dynamite.
QuestionWhy doesn't the arms dealer appear when I have a water gun in Terraria?Community AnswerHe doesn't spawn because the water gun doesn't shoot actual bullets. To spawn him you need actual bullets.
QuestionWhat is the best weapon in Terraria?Community AnswerIt depends on what weapon and what specific stats, Terrablade, Terrarian, Last prism, S.D.M.G, Tidal wave.
QuestionWhat if he doesn't come?TikiToo67Community AnswerIf you have everything and you've waited a day at least, wait a bit more. It takes time to spawn.
QuestionWould the Undertaker work when getting the arms dealer in Terraria?Community AnswerYes it will. A warning though: Do not throw bombs at your feet, as it ends with you dead.
QuestionHow can I get a sword?Community AnswerJust craft it with any type of material (i.e. platinum, lead, tin, etc.) and wood. (Unless you're crafting a wood sword, in which case you need only wood).
QuestionIs the snow cannon a gun that will summon the arms dealer in Terraria?Community AnswerNo, because it doesn't shoot bullets. If it did, the arms dealer would show up.
QuestionCan slime gun attract arms dealer?Brandon LuCommunity AnswerNo. You will need a bullet-firing gun. Note: It is easy to get a gun to fufill the requirement by smashing Crimson Hearts or Shadow Orbs. However, only smash two to be sure you don't accidentally summon a boss.
QuestionIs there an arms dealer on the mobile version of Terraria?Community AnswerYes. There is an arms dealer on every platform.
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