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Q&A for How to Give Your Room a Makeover
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QuestionHow can I improve my bedroom?Julie Naylon is the Founder of No Wire Hangers, a professional organizing service based out of Los Angeles, California. No Wire Hangers provides residential and office organizing and consulting services. Julie's work has been featured in Daily Candy, Marie Claire, and Architectural Digest, and she has appeared on The Conan O’Brien Show. In 2009 at The Los Angeles Organizing Awards she was honored with “The Most Eco-Friendly Organizer”.Think about how you'll use items when you're deciding where to put them. For instance, if you have a hard time putting your laundry in the basket, you might need to move the laundry basket so it's easier to get to.
QuestionHow can I make my room look nicer?Julie Naylon is the Founder of No Wire Hangers, a professional organizing service based out of Los Angeles, California. No Wire Hangers provides residential and office organizing and consulting services. Julie's work has been featured in Daily Candy, Marie Claire, and Architectural Digest, and she has appeared on The Conan O’Brien Show. In 2009 at The Los Angeles Organizing Awards she was honored with “The Most Eco-Friendly Organizer”.Moving furniture around can give your room an instant change and it can also help you get organized. Simply rearranging your room can make the layout more functional, uncover any hidden clutter, and spark your creativity when you're trying to decide how to store your belongings.
QuestionHow do I give my room a makeover if I don't have time?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerSpend 30-60 minutes on the project each day until it's done. You can clean your room one week, paint the walls the next, rearrange your furniture after that, and so on.
QuestionHow do I keep my room clean all the time?Community AnswerTry to spend at least 5 minutes each day quickly cleaning and organizing your room. Pick up any trash and put everything back into its place. Whenever you finish using something, put it away immediately, and never leave stuff on the floor.
QuestionHow do I redecorate my room without getting new things?Community AnswerConsider rearranging your room. Moving your furniture around to new sots can really change the look of your room. You can also add some subtle changes, such as a flower garland or string of over the window. Lastly, you can always alter the things you already have. This can be as simple as draping a scarf over a dresser to as complex as repainting your furniture.
QuestionHow do I make my room seem less cluttered?Community AnswerRemove some pictures from the wall. Give your room a good cleaning and vacuuming. Consider donating furniture you don't use. If you need storage, but could use less, have a garage sale and use the profits to buy smaller furniture. If you're allowed, repaint the walls a nicer color. Downsize your bed and get softer lighting or less busy bedding.
QuestionWhat can I do with a small room?Community AnswerPaint your room a bright color, paint the ceiling white, add cute art, and keep your room tidy.
QuestionHow can I redecorate my room in a short space of time and with a small money budget?Community AnswerJust changing your furniture placement makes your room change dramatically. Place your bed somewhere else, or move your wardrobe. Throw out a few things and replace them with cheap things off eBay or from Goodwill.
QuestionHow do I make a relaxed, meditative atmosphere in my room without completely redoing it?Community AnswerClean all of the clutter out of the room to start. You could also buy some cheap candles or incense burners to add a nice, relaxing smell to the room. Don't use any overly-harsh lights as those can be stressful - instead, find some low-light lamps with higher settings that can be used in situations where more light is needed.
QuestionHow do I make my room look bigger?Community AnswerPaint your room a bright color, paint your ceiling white, keep your room tidy.
QuestionI have a little room, but I have a lot of makeup. My mum and dad said I cannot have a makeup table, and I can not put my makeup in my bathroom. What do I do?Community AnswerYou could buy a cloth storage cube and put your makeup in that. Then you can carry it wherever you need to in order to apply it.
QuestionIf I have a small room, sometimes very tight to get around, and have a double bed, how can I solve this?Decor42Community AnswerFree up some of the floor space by using the space under your bed for clothing. There are roll out/lidded totes that can be used for this, or utilize an old dresser drawer. Purchase 4 rolling wheels and a piece of canvas the same size as the drawer. Place a strip of Velcro on one edge of the drawer and the connecting Velcro piece along the same sized edge of the canvas. This will protect your clothing from dust. If you have an armoire, you can add a tension shower bar inside to hang some clothing on.
QuestionHow can I make my room look more bright and welcoming?Community AnswerIf you have the money, paint the walls a floral color. Consider purchasing a rug to put in the center of your room. If you don’t have many windows, you could buy a small chandelier to give the room extra light.
QuestionMy mom won't let me get new furniture and my apartment building doesn't allow painted walls. What can I do?Community AnswerUse peel off decals. They will strip right off when the building inspector comes around. Framed photos and posters work well.
QuestionMy family lives in a rental and I really can't do much (paint walls, etc.). What can I do?HumanBeingTop AnswererLook into large artwork or wall hangings. You can cover up big areas of plain wall with removable pictures, tapestries or other artwork. You can add color and texture with curtains; even if you've got small windows, you can hang floor-length curtains to put some color into your room. Lighting can be used to add color too, look for lamps or bulbs that can wash your walls with color.
QuestionHow do I redo it for my 11-year-old daughter?Decor42Community AnswerShe is at the age where she will be changing her mind often. Go with a neutral color on the walls, and use colorful patterned bedding along complementing, not coordinating sheets and throw pillows. You can update a lampshade for a few dollars by adding some colorful decorative trim or fringe alone the bottom edge of the shade. The same can be said for a curtain valance or tie backs. Wooden picture frames can be purchased at the Dollar Tree, and a bottle of craft paint can be purchased at most department stores or crafts stores for about the same price. The frame can be embellished with just about anything.
QuestionHow do I give my room a modern makeover?Community AnswerYou could add a cream-colored bed, with neutral walls. Add some fairy lights, photos or posters to jazz it up! You could put short curtains that match the color of one of your favorite pictures, too. Perhaps you could add a white desk with a comfy chair. In a corner, you could add a reading nook. Maybe you could add a nice shag rug.
QuestionHow can I keep my room clean so that I don't have to clean so often?Community AnswerStore everything under your bed in a clean organized way, and put stuff back after using it.
QuestionHow do I change my room around without my parents knowing?Hannah JacobCommunity AnswerClean your room, and if you want to surprise them, when they are sleeping, reorganize your furniture. Or, if they are strict on how your room looks, just put some posters/art here and there.
QuestionHow do I make simple art for a headboard? How do I make wall art?Community AnswerTry taking some wood and putting fun patterns on it. If you can't afford to buy wall art then you can draw on pieces of paper to make your own fabulous, unique art.
QuestionHow can I hide stuff into furniture so that my room looks simpler?Community AnswerYou can use creative secret ways to hide which can be easily looked up online. Look at Pinterest ideas that'll have lots of cute ways to hide your stuff. You can also find ways to reorganize your room to the way were you have the room to put stuff away. You can also look into placing stuff in a storage bed if you invest in it.
QuestionI have a rented house. Which means I can't paint or do anything like that. So what should I do?LoverofsnakesCommunity AnswerPut up some artworks by sticking some removable hooks that are available in nearly any home decorating store or hardware store.
QuestionI want to do a room makeover, but it can be really expensive! What can I do?Ella GilfedderCommunity AnswerYou can multi-purpose your current items by painting them or fixing them, or you can sell them and the money you make goes into buying new furniture. Buy decent-quality things to last a long time. Buy nice rugs for your room as well. Look around and see if anyone is going to get rid of their furniture. You might find something useful. Thrift stores and garage sales are also a good way of finding furniture if you are willing to fix them up yourself.
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