Q&A for How to Grow Morning Glories

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    Are Morning Glories annuals?
    Katie Gohmann
    Professional Gardener
    Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    For the most part, Morning Glories are annuals. However, some Morning Glories in warmer regions are perennials.
  • Question
    Do you cut the leaves off when winter is near or just leave it alone?
    Katie Gohmann
    Professional Gardener
    Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    Just leave it. In most places, morning glories will die entirely in the winter and you can just remove them at that time.
  • Question
    Morning glory has taken over the garden and hedges. How can I get rid of them in NC?
    Katie Gohmann
    Professional Gardener
    Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    Pull the plants out by the roots before they have a chance to set seeds. It will be easiest right after a rain when the soil is very moist.
  • Question
    Should I bring my morning glories inside if it has been raining?
    Katie Gohmann
    Professional Gardener
    Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    If they are in a container and it's easy for you to move them, it might be a good idea. They don't like too much water.
  • Question
    What colors do morning glories come in?
    Community Answer
    They usually come in shades of blue, violet, or purple. Morning glories cross-pollinate, so the colors depend on the parents. Mine is deep purple.
  • Question
    My morning glories wilt in full sun. Why?
    Community Answer
    They need more water.
  • Question
    Do I need to water my morning glories for them to bloom?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should water your morning glories to encourage growth and blooming.
  • Question
    Can I plant morning glories on the ground (with no trellis or wall)? I have a space of about 6'x12' I would like to fill.
    Community Answer
    In San Diego I have seen them planted in the ground and forming beautiful mounds as a ground cover.
  • Question
    Why are the leaves on my morning glory turning yellow?
    Community Answer
    They're probably not getting enough sunlight. Try moving your plant to a sunnier place. They can tolerate heat.
  • Question
    Can I clip the end of the plant?
    Community Answer
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    How do I get my morning glories to have blue blooms? They always bloom white with a thin purple stripe.
    Community Answer
    That's because there are different varieties. You can't make them bloom a different color, you have to buy the seeds for that color.
  • Question
    How do they cling and climb?
    Community Answer
    The plant will slowly twine or wrap itself around and hang there, then grow onto another part of the host/trellis type structure.
  • Question
    Does morning glory come back every year?
    Community Answer
    Some varieties do come back from the dropped seeds. However, you will likely have to plant new plants each year.
  • Question
    How big do they have to be before planting outside?
    Community Answer
    Once the true leaves open, you can plant them outside. Morning glories are hard to transplant, though, so use a peat pot so you can put the pot directly on the ground.
  • Question
    Will I have to replant my morning glories next year, or will they come back by themselves?
    Community Answer
    In my experience, they drop seeds. I have yet to have to replant in the last 3 years.
  • Question
    I want my morning glories to be a ground cover on a steep hill. Do I plant at the bottom or the top of the hill?
    Community Answer
    Plant at the top and the bottom for even coverage. Then once the plants begin to sprawl you can train them to go where you'd like by intertwining them together or using a guide, such as a stick inserted in the ground. As long as you don't wrap the vine around the stick, you will be able to remove the stick a few days later once the vine is cooperating.
  • Question
    I have had my morning glories for over a month and have no blooms. How do I make them bloom?
    Community Answer
    Quit feeding and watering them. Frequent rain can also keep them in 'grow mode.' Flowers are the plants response to survival, as blooms make seeds to ensure continued survival of the next generation. Once in the ground in direct sunlight and hot weather, they will bloom and bloom.
  • Question
    Why are my morning glories not blooming?
    Community Answer
    Possibly too much water. They tolerate dry soil quite well. Over-\watering promotes vine growth but not flowers.
  • Question
    Will morning glories grow year round in southwest Florida?
    Community Answer
    My morning glories did grow all year in the Naples, Florida area. They can be invasive though, so be careful where you plant them!
  • Question
    Should I cut my plant off at the ground before the snow comes?
    Community Answer
    There's no need to. The snow and cold will kill the plant; just replant it from seeds next spring.
  • Question
    What should I do if there are tiny black ants on my morning glories?
    Community Answer
    You don't really need to worry about a few black ants, but you should check for aphids. Ants alone do not harm morning glories, but they do cultivate aphids. However, even a few aphids won't harm the morning glories.
  • Question
    Can I grow morning glories on the west side of the house?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, as long as it gets enough sunlight. If you are in the northern hemisphere, it's best to plant them facing south. However, if the west side of your house is exposed to enough sunlight, you can.
  • Question
    Can I plant morning glory seeds outside in late summer?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what climate you live in, but in the northern hemisphere, it is probably okay as long as you water them every 2 weeks or so. (Be careful after the late summer because it starts to get colder.)
  • Question
    Can I take the whole morning glory plant out, and when would it be a good time? I am in southern Oregon.
    AnimatorGamer YT
    Community Answer
    Don't take the plant out at all! Replanting will kill the morning glory due to its fragile root structure.
  • Question
    If I am going to be painting along my fence, should I tear up the grass sod, or can I make a hole and sow directly?
    Community Answer
    You can sow directly, but remember you will have to mow the grass at some point and will likely mow the morning glories too.
  • Question
    When is the best time to plant morning glories from seed?
    AnimatorGamer YT
    Community Answer
    You should plant them after your area's last frost and when the soil starts to warm up. The soil temperature that seeds strive in is 68 - 86 degrees.
  • Question
    My flowers were damaged in a wind storm. Should I dead head them?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Plants always regenerate as long as their stems and roots are undisturbed.
  • Question
    What is the best fertilizer numbers? I have various brands. One is, 10-15-10, another is 5-1-1, another is 4-8-4. What is best for morning glories?
    Community Answer
    Buy three morning glory plants. Use all those fertilizer brands for two months. Whichever plant is thriving more, that is the fertilizer that works best for your environment, so stick with that one.
  • Question
    Do morning glory seedlings need full sun to grow well?
    Community Answer
    Yes. They will tolerate drought well. It's best to plant them in a sunny place.
  • Question
    The seeds have a pointed end and a rounded end. Which one is the top?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't matter. The seeds will figure out the correct way to grow.
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