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Everything you need to know about this trendy TikTok slang
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If you’ve been on TikTok at all in the past few years, you’ve probably come across the term “rizz” during those scroll sessions. Sure, it may sound cool, but what does it actually mean to rizz a girl? Fear not, we're here to help you decode this Gen Z-approved lingo and put it to good use. Keep reading to get all the deets on the meaning, where it came from, and how you can rizz a girl yourself!

What is rizzing up a girl?

To rizz a girl means to charm her. Rizz is short for charisma, and it refers to the amount of “game” a person has. Rizz is all about being smooth and charming. You might hear someone say, “I was trying to rizz up Molly by telling her how cute she is.”

Section 1 of 4:

What does it mean to rizz a girl?

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  1. Rizz is short for charisma, and rizzing someone is all about wooing them. Rizz doesn't depend solely on looks—it's more about attitude and game. "Rizz" can be used as a noun or a verb, depending on the context. [1]
    • Example: “I’ve had the biggest crush on Ashley for the longest time; I think I’m going to try to rizz her.”
    • Example: “I just saw Tony rizzing up Miranda. I think she’s into it.”
    • Curious if you have rizz? Take our quiz to find out!
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Where did the word “rizz” come from?

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  1. Rizz actually originated from African American slang, but it started becoming a cool thing to say online in 2021, when Twitch streamer Kai Cenat dropped the word “rizz” in a live stream. He initially used the term to describe himself to his friends, but when he started mentioning it on Twitch, other online users picked up on the word and the rest is history. [2]
  2. TikTokers started using the term a ton in 2023. “Rizz” started popping up in videos, memes, and even in real-life conversations. [3]
    • Check out trending posts about #rizz on TikTok here .
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How to Rizz a Girl

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  1. There’s arguably nothing a woman loves more than someone who goes beyond her looks and gets to know her as a person. Ask her questions to get a better understanding of her hobbies, interests, and lifestyle. Girls are creatures of emotion, so when she notices that you’re attempting to start up a meaningful connection, you’ll be rizzing her socks off. [4] Ask her questions like:
    • “Where is your happy place?”
    • ”What does the perfect day off look like for you?”
    • ”What’s the best book you’ve ever read?”
  2. It doesn’t matter how hot you are or what kind of job you have—if you don’t have confidence, you won’t have rizz. The good news is that confidence is a learned skill that anyone can achieve with a little bit of practice. A few ways to become more confident include: [5]
    • Creating a list of your greatest strengths and abilities and why a girl would love getting to know you.
    • Thinking back on times in your life you felt most confident and engaging in the activity you were doing during that time.
    • Visualizing how you’d like to feel on a date with a girl you rizzed up.
  3. Want to stand out from the crowd? A small act of kindness can go a long way when rizzing up a girl you like. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate—which may come off as desperate or phony. Instead, figure out what she likes and go from there. For example: [6]
    • Get her tickets to a movie or show she’s interested in.
    • Bring her her favorite coffee order at work.
    • Cook a meal for her.
    • Do an activity she enjoys, like planting flowers or going for a hike.
  4. Sure, “You’re really pretty” is a nice thing to tell a girl, but she probably hears that all the time. Instead, go above and beyond by letting her know you see her for who she is and that you’d love to learn more about her. Compliment her taste in music, tell her that her shirt brings out the color of her eyes, let her know that her laugh is adorable—anything that is specific to only her. [7]
    • Example: “That book you’re looking at seems so interesting! It’s exciting to meet someone who has really cool taste.”
  5. Research shows that women are all about men who have a great sense of humor and can get them giggling and smiling. Humor is the ultimate form of rizz because it’s fun, it’s flirty, and she’ll probably get addicted to being around that happiness and joy all the time. [8] Don’t feel like you’re very funny? Don’t worry, here’s some things you can do to up your humor: [9]
    • Watch comedy shows and take note of the jokes and topics.
    • Spend time around people you think are funny.
    • Learn to not take yourself too seriously and be able laugh at yourself .
    • Smile a lot.
    • Research jokes to have up your sleeve for the right moments.
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Types of Rizz

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  1. L rizz means someone has a total lack of rizz. Someone with L rizz may not have any flirting skills or game. In slang, “L” refers to taking a loss, so it’s not a positive thing if someone is told they have “L rizz.” [10]
    • Example: “Dude, you need to switch up your approach with the ladies because you have L rizz.”
  2. W rizz means someone is winning at their rizz game. They know how to get what they want when they want it, and they can charm the pants off just about anyone. If someone tells you that you have W rizz, it means you’re doing something right! [11]
    • Example: “Joe has W rizz, I need to ask him for some tips and tricks.”
  3. Unspoken rizz is a bit different from regular rizz because it means that someone can charm another person without even needing to say a word. Someone with unspoken rizz has a confident vibe and uses facial expressions and body language to attract others. This type of rizz is pretty rare and is usually reserved for the Ryan Goslings and Michael B. Jordans of the world.
    • Example: “LaRoyce has such unspoken rizz that he pulled Nia just by looking at her.”
  4. Think of a rizz god as the ultimate form of rizz. Anyone who is considered a “rizz god” is well beyond W rizz and has likely mastered unspoken rizz as well. They’re basically oozing with charm.
    • Example: “I’ve always thought of myself as the rizz king until I met Chad. That guy is literally a rizz god.”
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