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Q&A for How to Grow Oats
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QuestionWhat is the crop yield of oats?NinoxTop AnswererOat usually produce 300 g per square meter (9 oz per square yard), but it depends on the variety and the growth conditions.
QuestionWhere can I get oat seeds?Community AnswerYou could order them online or buy them from your local garden store.
QuestionCan you grow them from packaged oatmeal bought at a store?Community AnswerNo, this won't work as most of the oats will have the husk removed by machine. It might work if they still have the husk, so you could try to sprout a few test oats before planting the whole packet but don't be surprised if this fails to work.
QuestionHow much water does it need?Bob Thee BuilderCommunity AnswerSeveral days before planting your new seed, water the area to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. Measuring the depth of water penetration is easy! Simply insert a long screw driver into the ground. If it pushes down 6 to 8 inches without much resistance, you have the proper water saturation.
QuestionSowing seed at 4f eet interval rows, how much quantity of seed required per hectare?Bob Thee BuilderCommunity AnswerIf you plan to sow 20 seeds per foot on rows 24” apart, 20 x 21,780 = 435,600 seeds per acre.
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