Q&A for How to Have Fun While You Are Grounded

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    What if I got grounded for something that was out of my control?
    Community Answer
    Think it through carefully and listen to what your parent(s) are telling you. Was there really NOTHING you could have done differently? Even if it was completely out of your control, just apologize anyway and accept the punishment. They will go a lot easier on you if you do this instead of trying to fight it.
  • Question
    What if they saw my brother do it, but I still got grounded?
    Community Answer
    Explain in depth what happened and state proof that it was your brother, or proof that it couldn't be you. However, if they are not open to hearing what you have to say, just accept the grounding. Try talking to them again about it afterwards.
  • Question
    What if im grounded because I lied?
    Community Answer
    Tell the truth and apologize for lying. Even if it is hard, telling the truth is always right.
  • Question
    I'm grounded for not getting up early enough, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Start going to bed earlier. Set a loud alarm (or several alarms in case you turn off the first one) to help you get up in the morning. If your parents see that you're making an effort to do better, they might lighten your punishment.
  • Question
    What if I cannot control my emotions and I get grounded for it?
    Community Answer
    Apologize for your outburst. Next time you feel upset, take a few deep breaths before you react. Think through what you're going to say or do, and try to decide if it's really worth getting trouble over. Remember the consequences to your actions. If possible, you can also walk away from a situation that's upsetting you.
  • Question
    What if my parents took away all my electronics because of a bad grade?
    Community Answer
    Try improving your grades, or follow this article for things you can do without electronics. In the meantime, show your parents you can improve.
  • Question
    I've had a fight with my parents, is there anything you suggest I do?
    Community Answer
    Apologize and mean it. Talk it out with them and be calm and respectful, even if you're upset.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm grounded from everything?
    Community Answer
    Use your imagination and make up stories or songs in your mind. You can also do exercises, dance, or just take a nap.
  • Question
    What if I got grounded and I did not even do what they grounded me for?
    Community Answer
    Explain what happened calmly and respectfully. Provide any evidence you have to support your version of events. If they still ground you, you'll just have to accept the punishment and try your best to get through it.
  • Question
    What if I can't use electronics?
    Community Answer
    If you're not allowed on your electronics, try doing something creative to keep you occupied, like drawing or reading a good story.
  • Question
    How can I forgive my children?
    Community Answer
    You should have a talk with your children. You guys can discuss what happened and also discuss how to ensure that it does not happen again in the future.
  • Question
    My parents won't negotiate. What else can I do?
    Vicki The Awesome
    Community Answer
    Face your punishment. They will have grounded you for a reason. Try using the steps in this to help.
  • Question
    What if I am grounded from everything for a month? What do I do?
    Community Answer
    First see if you can talk to your parents about your grounding. You might be able to negotiate to do some extra chores, but not be grounded. If not, sit on your bed and try and think of a song in your head, hum or quietly sing to it. Even if your parents aren’t home, try to stay as quiet as possible so that if they do come home sooner than usual you don’t get in even more trouble. Another thing you can do is apologize, it just might help you get out of being grounded sooner.
  • Question
    When is the best time to get grounded?
    Community Answer
    When there isn't anything interesting going on, or when you wouldn't really mind.
  • Question
    What if I am grounded from all electronics?
    Community Answer
    You can try to start a new hobby that does not include electronics, or try reading a book.
  • Question
    What if you say sorry and your parents do not believe you?
    Community Answer
    Just take your punishment quietly. If you are truly sorry, you will accept your punishment.
  • Question
    I was cut off from my art supplies, which are part of my coping skills. Is this okay?
    Community Answer
    This is "okay" in the sense that it's a sensible form of punishment, even if it's upsetting to you. However, if it's that problematic, you could talk to your parents about possibly changing your punishment to something else.
  • Question
    What if my parents said that if I get grounded they will spank me too?
    Community Answer
    You should avoid getting grounded at all costs.
  • Question
    What if all I'm allowed to do is read a book?
    Community Answer
    Find a good book or a series to keep you occupied. Figure out what genre(s) you like and dive into something. If the first book you pick up doesn't appeal to you, try reading something else.
  • Question
    What if I got grounded for not cleaning something right?
    Community Answer
    You could try to talk to your parents about it. Try saying something like, "I would really like to try cleaning this again. I'm really sorry I didn't do it right the first time, maybe you could show me how? I'd like to learn." Also, just keep your eyes open. If you clean something, double check to make sure it's not still dirty, and if you see your parents cleaning, ask if they need help.
  • Question
    What if I'm grounded and my parents won't let me do origami or take a nap or have electronics and they won't shorten my two week punishment?
    Community Answer
    It's only two weeks. You'll just have to deal with it. Make sure you apologize for whatever you did. Spend your time without electronics reading a book and/or getting a head start on homework, projects, studying, etc.
  • Question
    What if I have only an empty room?
    Community Answer
    Try to fill it up. Draw, cut out magazine pictures and make a vision board. Get creative and design it to your liking.
  • Question
    What do I do for fun if I have my television and phone taken away at the same time?
    Community Answer
    Try reading a book, painting a picture, making slime, or playing with siblings. To get your parents to stop being mad at you, keep your room clean, do chores, homework, and try to stay quiet and good. If they can see you're being good, you might get something back.
  • Question
    How do I get more electronics time without having to do chores and other things?
    Community Answer
    Try to negotiate with your parent or guardian. Make a deal, like if you can get all As at school you get an extra hour of electronics time every day or something like that. Unfortunately you probably can't get something for nothing, you just have to figure out what your parents want from you and try to compromise.
  • Question
    I really messed up this time! How do I get my parents to trust me again?
    Community Answer
    Try the methods in Get Your Parents' Trust Back .
  • Question
    What do l do when l am grounded from everything, and l can only sit here and do nothing?
    Community Answer
    Take the time to think about how you got yourself in this pickle, and what you'll do differently next time. Read a book. Get on your folks' good side by helping out around the house. Think about what you'll do once you're no longer grounded.
  • Question
    How else can I have fun if I am grounded and the only thing I can do is sit there and read a book?
    Community Answer
    Read the book! If the book is really boring, ask if you can read a different book. If not, and it's a fiction book, try to imagine how you might make the story different/better.
  • Question
    What happens if I get grounded for almost a year and can't play my favorite game?
    Top Answerer
    A year-long grounding is excessive. Tell a teacher or your school psychologist.
  • Question
    I was grounded a bit ago and I was cleaning my room and kitchen but my dad came back home and grounded me for not being asleep. What should I do?
    Alejandro Naranjo
    Community Answer
    Apologize, explain, and probably go to sleep a little earlier. There is no reason you should get punished for helping out around the house.
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