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Q&A for How to Have a Good Skin Care Regime (Teen Girls)
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QuestionWhat skincare products should a 13-year-old use?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThe best products for you depend on your skin type. For example, do you have dry skin, or is it oily? Is your skin clear, or do you have acne? Look for products that are designed for the type of skin you have (for example, try a cleanser with benzoyl peroxide if you have acne, or a hydrating cleanser if you have dry skin). No matter what, stick to products that are gentle and don’t have a lot of harsh ingredients, like alcohol, perfumes, and dyes.
QuestionHow can a teenager get clear skin?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerKeep your skin clean and prevent clogged pores by washing your face with a gentle facial cleanser twice a day. Moisturize your skin after you wash it so it doesn’t get irritated and dried out. You can also try over-the-counter acne creams, like benzoyl peroxide lotion. If you have pimples, resist the temptation to pop them, since that will just irritate your skin more! If your acne isn’t getting better or if it’s really bothering you, talk to your doctor. They can prescribe stronger medicines that will help.
QuestionIs serum good for teenage skin?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerBe really careful with serums—some of them have strong ingredients that can be too harsh on your young skin. Instead, stick to gentle cleansers and moisturizers. If you’re not sure whether something is safe to use, ask your doctor or a dermatologist.
QuestionIs it okay to use a face mask 2 times a day?QueenBee101Community AnswerNo, it's not. Face masks should only be applied 1 or 2 times a week. If you use them twice a day, you are guaranteed very dry skin that is unhealthy.
QuestionIs it oka to use hand sanitizer on my face?Community AnswerNo. The skin on your face is more sensitive, and hand sanitizer usually has a high alcohol content.
QuestionInstead of an exfoliating scrub, can I use an exfoliating cloth? We get them in Korea, where it is common to use a cloth that scrubs rather than a gel-like cream.Community AnswerAs long as you make sure the cloth is clean and sanitized prior to use, as otherwise they can carry bacteria that will make acne worse.
QuestionCan I use Johnson's baby soap?Community AnswerYes, it is good to use baby soaps because they are gentle and have lower or no chemicals.They are not harsh on the skin and are smooth and soft to the skin. Soaps made for adults can be rougher and have fragrance and other cosmetic chemicals added that your skin doesn't need and sometimes might react to.
QuestionWhat is the best moisturizer product to use as a teenage girl?LucyCommunity AnswerI would go with Neutrogena Moisturizer. That has always been my best bet. You can also do a knock off brand like Equate Beauty or Up And Up.
QuestionCan you suggest any kind of morning and night moisturizer?Community AnswerI suggest using Simple or Nivea. Clean and Clear or any sort of specialist brand is not a good idea. If you have any allergies, be sure to read the labels carefully.
QuestionDoes this count for both morning and night routine?Community AnswerIf you're asking if you can do it either in the morning or at night, yes, it doesn't matter when you do it. If you're asking if you need to do it twice a day, no, not the entire routine, though it does help to wash your face and apply moisturizer twice a day.
QuestionCan I use face cream in morning?Community AnswerYes, you can use face cream in morning. Using the face cream in the morning will work all day long. How your face will feel all day long depends on which type of cream you use.
QuestionWhat if there is a scar on my chin? how do I get rid of it? Pimples keep forming on top of the scar.Sofia KopytekCommunity AnswerWearing sunscreen can help fade scars over time. Try using a spot treatment with any pimples that arise in the area.
QuestionIs it okay to use Bio Oil on my stretch marks? I'm not pregnant but I used to be overweight.Community AnswerYes, Bio Oil can be used for more than just pregnancy stretch marks. It helps reduce many scars in general.
QuestionHow do you get rid of white bumps around your lips?Sofia KopytekCommunity AnswerWhiteheads around the lips may be a result of eating greasy food. After eating a food with a lot of oil, rinse around your mouth. To get rid of existing spots, pay attention to the skin in affected areas, and use a reliable spot treatment.
QuestionWhat are the best pore-cleansing strips for teenagers?Sofia KopytekCommunity AnswerPore-cleansing strips are typically too irritating for the skin. Use a salicylic acid to cleanse pores instead!
QuestionIs Vaseline good for your face?Sofia KopytekCommunity AnswerVaseline can be used as a moisturizer for dry or sensitive skin, but it can make some people break out. If you do use Vaseline, avoid the eye area, as it can lead to pimple-like bumps called milia.
QuestionWhich cream should I use for oily skin?Community AnswerNivea's soft cream. It is awesome; it helped with my acne, and I have very oily skin.
QuestionWhat kind of masks do you suggest?Ava TuckerCommunity AnswerIt really depends. What type of skin do you have? If your skin is really dry, get a moisturizing mask. The masks usually say what types of skin they are meant for.
QuestionHow do you remove body hair?Ava TuckerCommunity AnswerGet a razor. (Many people prefer to buy razors in multiple sets, but this causes more plastic waste, so it's up to you.) Use shaving cream or shampoo. Apply a thin layer to your skin, and carefully shave against the grain. Make sure you are pulling the razor, not pushing it. Apply lotion afterward, since shaving removes healthy oils from your skin. If you don’t like this method, you can try waxing.
QuestionWhat is a home remedy for blackheads?Ava TuckerCommunity AnswerSteam (shower steam) can open your pores and unclog them, which causes blackheads to go away. There are many more efficient ways to do this, but this way is an easy, healthy habit.
QuestionI’m very busy, and I don’t get home at night until 9 or 9:30. When I do get home, I’m very tired and want to get to bed quickly. What should my skin care routine be that won’t take very long?Ava TuckerCommunity AnswerWash your face. This can just be some cold water. Do you want to have less dry skin, less acne, a dewy look, or have a more unified color to your face? If your skin is sensitive, avoid unnaturally-scented products and certain gritty products. For dry skin, get a moisturizer. For acne, use a mask while you sleep. (It just covers the acne.) For a unified color, get toner.
QuestionWhat if you spend a lot of time in the sun? Will that damage your face?Community AnswerNot if you wear sunscreen. If you don’t wear sunscreen, you can get redness, freckles or blisters. If you care about your face, wear sunscreen.
QuestionWhat's the best face wash for teenage girls?Ava TuckerCommunity AnswerAnything that isn’t artificially scented is great. Many good washes are expensive, but there are also a lot of great cheaper options, too. A good moisturizer is Cetaphil, which is unscented and is recommended by dermatologists.
QuestionCan a 16-year-old use hyaluronic acid serum?Community AnswerYes, but be careful about the brand and product you use. Patch-testing will help you decide. Remember to moisturise effectively afterward. Bye!
QuestionAre CeraVe serum and their other products good for the skin?Community AnswerYes. They are less about scent and more about helping your skin. They get lots of awards.
QuestionHow do I make my face less rough?Ava TuckerCommunity AnswerYou could have cystic acne. Having a good skincare routine, especially keeping your face dry and clean and not touching it, should help.
QuestionHow can a teenage girl get smooth lips?Ava TuckerCommunity AnswerUse a high-quality lip balm. If you bite your lips, make a conscious effort to stop. Drinking a lot of water can help, too.
QuestionShould I wear sunscreen on a daily basis?Ava TuckerCommunity AnswerIf you are exposed to sun on a daily basis, you should. Buying a higher SPF sunscreen can protect your skin, and you may not have to apply it multiple times a day. There are many problems that can arise out of overexposure to UV rays, so sunscreen is a great way to help prevent these problems.
QuestionWill simple cleansing products help me care for my skin?Community AnswerYes, you don't need a lot of fancy skin care products to have a good skin care regime. If you find out what works for you, stick with it. If you have a certain problem with your skin, you can directly search for brands a bit more pricey or with high ratings to attack the problem.
QuestionWhat can I use to remove blackheads instead of using pore cleansing strips?Community AnswerYou can use a baking soda scrub to help remove blackheads from your skin if you do not wish to use pore cleansing strips.
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