Q&A for How to Improve Your Mother Daughter Relationship

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    How do I strengthen my relationship with my daughter?
    Kelli Miller, LCSW, MSW
    Kelli Miller is a Psychotherapist based in Los Angeles, California. Kelli specializes in individual and couples therapy focusing on relationships, depression, anxiety, sexuality, communication, parenting, and more. She is the author of “Love Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Most Common Relationship Issues” which details the top 15 relationship issues and 3 quick solutions to each. She is also the award-winning and best-selling author of “Thriving with ADHD”. Kelli co-hosted an advice show on LA Talk Radio and was a relationship expert for The Examiner. She received her MSW (Masters of Social Work) from the University of Pennsylvania and a BA in Sociology/Health from the University of Florida.
    Expert Answer
    Ask your daughter directly what she needs from you! For instance, does she want to have more conversations with you? Just asking direct questions and having her respond back can be helpful.
  • Question
    My mom and I already have a good relationship, but I want to make it better. What should I do to improve our relationship? We do things together, but I don't want to interrupt her when she's doing something, or annoy her.
    Community Answer
    Talk to your mom. See if there is anything she wants that she does not already get from you. Make an extra effort to do nice things for her if you can.
  • Question
    My daughter takes after her dad with blonde hair and blue eyes, and I'm Hispanic. We get lots of stares whenever we go out to the movies or shopping and it makes us uncomfortable. How can we enjoy our outings without being asked if we're mother and daughter?
    Community Answer
    This is uncomfortable because you are allowing yourself to be distracted by it, and your acute awareness is exaggerating the significance of it. Seeing a Hispanic woman with a Caucasian person is not a very unusual event, so it is strange that people are "staring" at you. Ignore your instinct to be on the defensive, and focus on your daughter. Let other people think whatever they want.
  • Question
    What do I do if I am in a bad mood and ignoring your mom, and she gets mad and wants to be alone?
    Community Answer
    If she wants to be alone, respect that. Give her the alone time she needs. For now, doing anything else will just make matters worse. When she is ready, you can gently bring up your behavior and talk about what to do about it.
  • Question
    I want to show my parents that I want to improve myself, but my younger sisters always steal the spotlight. They always do something better than me. What must I do to steal back my mum's attention?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry, siblings always want the limelight. Don't worry about them, and keep working on yourself. Get good grades, and maybe enroll in an after school club or sport. There is almost certainly something you are better at than your sisters, so try to find that thing, but don't make it a competition. Just worry about yourself.
  • Question
    what if I don't see my mom a lot and want to improve our relationship?
    Community Answer
    When you do see her, start a conversation and see where it goes. Play a board game. Try to make her laugh. If you smile a lot it'll encourage her, maybe.
  • Question
    My mom and I rarely spend time together because she is too busy taking care of my younger autistic sister. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to her! The last thing a mother wants is for her child to feel neglected. Understand that your sister does need more attention, but you deserve a healthy relationship with your mom. Maybe you can spend time with both of them together.
  • Question
    How can I explain my parents that they should trust me? I have never done anything wrong.
    Community Answer
    Talk to your parents. Explain how you feel. Ask them how you can better live up to their expectations. Tell them what you want more of and see if, together, you can come up with a solution that works for all of you.
  • Question
    What if it's my stepmom and I have younger siblings that she has to take care of? And sometimes I'm really busy with schoolwork so we don't really have time to hang out?
    Community Answer
    Try to find some time where your siblings are out of the way and you can set aside your schoolwork to hangout. Schedule this into your week ahead of time. Maybe you could take a cooking class or join a book club together, something you can do for fun just the two of you.
  • Question
    My mom sometimes behaves very rudely. She becomes violent and says hard words. How should I stop this?
    Community Answer
    If your mom is abusing you, you should tell a trusted adult immediately. This is not ok.
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    My mom always ignores me when I'm taking to her about a problem and doesn't care if I'm sick or having a problem. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Perhaps your mom is having problems of her own that you are unaware of. However, she is still your mom; if you have a problem, she has to help. Offer her your help, then ask for hers in return.
  • Question
    My mom scolded me very much and I feel like I want to die. What can I do? I am 11 years old.
    Community Answer
    You should not want to die over a scolding. Just tell your mom you're sorry for whatever you did or said, and that it won't happen again in the future. She loves you and she will forgive you.
  • Question
    My mom is a very hard person to talk to. I want to tell her about my boyfriend that I've been dating for 10 months now, but she always puts me down and calls me harsh words. What do I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The two are unrelated. You're not dating this man just to be able to show your mom how good your life is going, you're dating him because you like to date him. You don't have to tell your mom if you don't want to. That has nothing to do with how she treats you. It will soon get high time that you stand up against this. Don't be mean or cruel or rude, just be firm. Say, "Mom, stop it. You're always putting me down and calling me names, I've had enough."
  • Question
    My mom loves my other sister more because sometimes I do bad things. What can I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    When parents have the first baby, it receives 100% of their love. However, when they have their second child, they do not take away 50% from the first and give that to the second. No, they make a whole new batch of 100% love and give that to the second child. Your mom doesn't love your sister more because of what you do or do not do, it's mom-sister 100% and mom-you 100%. Try your best to avoid doing bad things. Tell your mom you love her, then tell her again. The bad things you do are obstacles on the path your mom's love takes to reach you.
  • Question
    My daughter will not find the time to spend with me. She has somewhat shut me out. She has issues with her stepdad, not me. She doesn't realise this behaviour hurts me. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your daughter and let her know how this is hurting you. Tell her you don't think it's fair that you should miss out on seeing her because she doesn't like her stepdad. You might also like to ask her if there is a neutral place you can both meet up to talk and see each other regularly if she feels uncomfortable coming around to your place.
  • Question
    I haven't stayed with my daughter since she was 2 years old. She is now 11 and will be staying with me next year. What can I do to make it easier for her so she won't be shy talking to me?
    Community Answer
    Expect that she'll feel a little shy and awkward, and that this is okay and perfectly normal. Pretend she's just your friend for now. Find out her interests, her likes and dislikes, and relate to her. It will get easier over time.
  • Question
    How do I get my daughter to trust me again? I made a huge mistake, and she hasn't been in contact with me for over a year.
    Community Answer
    Apologizing is the best thing you can do. Then it's up to her. Some people just need some time.
  • Question
    What if I have tried everything, even things my mom likes and I hate, and nothing is working? My mom still hates me.
    Community Answer
    If your attempts to improve your relationship aren't working, it may be time to just give her distance. Try the methods in Deal With a Selfish Mother , and recognize that there are just some bad, self-centered parents out there that aren't worth the emotional or physical effort of maintaining a relationship (which, as you've experienced, will only be one-way anyway). Some of us have to distance ourselves from our parents--go no-contact, even--in order to protect our mental health. There's no shame in that, especially since you've made efforts that haven't been reciprocated.
  • Question
    How can I have a good relationship with my mother when she sees the worst of me and chooses my brother over me?
    Top Answerer
    Unfortunately, parents can play favorites and abuse one child while treating the other much better. This is called the Scapegoat and Golden Child Dynamic. It's a hallmark sign of abusive parents. You cannot have a better relationship with your mom if she doesn't want the same. It's depressing, but you can't force someone to love you, even a person who is supposed to. This is not your fault, it is her choice alone. Look after yourself and follow your own goals to get where you want to in life; you'll gather people who really care about you as you go along in life.
  • Question
    How do we make sure that my bond with my daughter is better?
    Community Answer
    You can trying to do you things together that she likes. Also, you can teach her some of the things that you do or tell her about family history and what your forebears used to do or were known fo. Then the two of you will have many things in common.
  • Question
    I've felt somewhat neglected by my mom for years, but she doesn't seem to care that I'm hurt. I've seen other moms doing better, and that's what I want from her. How do I make her see that?
    Community Answer
    You can't make a person do something they don't want to do. It is a choice to love your children, and in this case, it seems that your mother chooses to not care. There is no excuse for this behavior; either you love your children or you don't. What is important is for you to realize that you matter despite her lack of care for you and not to put yourself down. Remember, this is her choice to be uncaring, it is not about you, it's about her and you are still important. Try to spend more time around your friends' moms who probably care for you as their child's friend, which is better than nothing.
  • Question
    I'm a parent and my daughter is independent and doesn't listen to what I say. This also mildly irritates me. But she won't listen. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Nothing. If you try to push her with your ideas and wishes, she'll keep not listening to you. She's independent, it's time to accept that this is a healthy and good trait that will set her in good stead for her future adulthood.
  • Question
    Me and my mom have a weird relationship, some days everything is great, and the next were screaming at each other. I want to go live with my dad, but I feel guilty leaving her. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Go live with your dad. No relationship should have "good" days and then "screaming" days. That's not healthy at all.
  • Question
    How do I have a better relationship with my stepmom?
    Heather Smith
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    Ask her if you and she can talk, and just let her know that you understand that she is part of the family, and you would like to get to know her better, and want to include her in family gatherings. Remember, it is nice to have one mother but sometimes having two mothers is the greatest feeling in the world, so make the most of the opportunity!
  • Question
    I have really messed up my mom's and my relationship for 10 years (I'm 16 almost 17) and every time I try to fix it ,she always throw my history in my face. I have tried everything from talking, spending time, etc. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Try telling your mother that you want to make up. It's understandable for her to be skeptical of your relationship with her. However, if she's being unreasonably upset, tell her that you are trying your best to be better. If she really loves you, then she should try to be a little more patient.
  • Question
    I love my daughter very much, but since she got in a bad relationship she has disowned me, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Although she may not be showing it, she will come around again. Her hormones might be driving her mad at the moment and she is taking it out at you, it's normal! Maybe offer to go shopping or to the movies together or have tea one on one. Talk about things you know she is interested in. Also, a good thing might to be to buy her something she has always wanted so you get the reaction like "Mum, thank you thank you!" And remember she still loves you even if she taking it out on you!
  • Question
    Me and my mom don’t have good relationship at all she hates me for everything I do we don’t have common interest. I ask her if she would like to go shopping and she ignores me. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Without context, this seems like your mom's problem. If you're doing something obviously bad which is making her dislike you, try to correct your methods. If you're doing/being the best you can but she still doesn't like you, that's on her. If it is possible, have a conversation with her on why the things are the way they are.
  • Question
    What if i'm the bread winner of the family and spend most of the time at work so I'm not able to bond with my little girl a lot?
    Community Answer
    Try to make time for your daughter. Many people's regrets at old age is not enough time with their loved one. If that is not possible, try to make as much out of the time you spend with her. Before going to work, give her compliments. After coming back sit next to her even if you're doing something else. If your daughter is old enough to have a phone, text her during breaks at work.
  • Question
    What if I feel left out when my mum is with my older sister, but our relationship doesn’t seem to improve when I try to talk to her? What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Compliment her from time to time. Not every 2 months, though. About every 2-3 weeks, or whenever she needs a boost-up. When your older sister's away, try to watch a movie with your mom. You can do a comedy movie, or, if you really want to, a horror movie. Or talk about things you've done in the past that made your mom laugh. Hopefully, doing these things will help bring you closer together. And be sure to finish your chores on time and without being prompted.
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