Q&A for How to Improve the Quality of Your Voice

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    What are some vocal tips for kids?
    Community Answer
    Sing as much as possible. Try to copy professional singers you like at first, to get a feel for how good singing should sound. However, don't forget to sing songs the way it feels natural for you as well, so that you get to know your own voice and your own style.
  • Question
    How can I enhance my voice for high notes and avoid lightheadedness?
    Community Answer
    Practice singing the high note for 3 seconds, then take a small break. Then sing the same note for 6 seconds and take another small break. Keep adding 3 seconds until you can sing this note for a while without getting dizzy. This method is known to desensitize any negative effects of singing.
  • Question
    What should I stop eating and doing in order to have a better quality voice?
    Community Answer
    You'd want to avoid anything with a lot of sodium in it. Many singers also find that dairy and carbonated drinks can negatively affect their voices. Lastly, if you are a smoker, you might want to try lowering your use of cigarettes.
  • Question
    What is the remedy for too much phlegm in my throat when I am taking a high note?
    Community Answer
    Lactose - the sugar in milk - can cause you to produce extra mucus. Try drinking less milk, or lactose-free milk, to see if this helps. Loudly humming up and down the scales can often dislodge excess mucus. Hold out the lowest note you can and see if this helps shake the mucus free. Drinking more water will thin out your mucus. Hold out a yawn. This opens up your throat, and allows excess mucus to slide into your stomach.
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    How can I get rid of cracks?
    Community Answer
    You may be straining your voice. Take breaks often, and drink lukewarm water to lubricate your vocal cords.
  • Question
    How can I get rid of a raspy sounding voice?
    Community Answer
    Just drink lukewarm water, avoid drinking too many cold or carbonated drinks, and also try drinking boiled ginger or boiled guyabano leaves, which can help soothe the raspy voice.
  • Question
    I am unable to change scale when I sing. Can I fix this?
    Community Answer
    Sing alongside someone playing a musical instrument, and request the person keep changing the scale from time to time; try following him/her. Later, you can try changing on your own.
  • Question
    I have a performance in 18 days, and I just discovered that I can't hit my high notes for long. What do I do to correct this?
    Community Answer
    If you could transpose the piece down a bit, that might help. You're more likely to be able to hold a lower note longer in your range than an extremely high note.
  • Question
    How can I improve my confidence in singing?
    Community Answer
    The more you practice, the more you will feel confident about your abilities. If you have an elder sister or a brother, you can talk to them. You can also speak to your friends about this.
  • Question
    How can I work on my voice projection?
    Community Answer
    To improve your voice projection, visualize where your voice is coming from. High notes should be felt in your throat and low notes should be felt in your stomach. If you sing a note scale from low to high you should feel the vibration moving up from your stomach to your throat.
  • Question
    Will singing all the time help me get better?
    Community Answer
    Practicing a lot will definitely help, but make sure to rest your voice as well so you don't strain anything.
  • Question
    How can I find my original voice?
    Community Answer
    Listen to different songs, sing them and give them your own spin. Play around with it and see what sounds right. Don't listen to the original song much, you might try and sound like the singer too much. Also, listening to covers of the song may help.
  • Question
    How can I make my voice last longer?
    Community Answer
    Practise breath stamina. Complete this exercise regularly: take a deep breath, hold for about 2 seconds and start exhaling very slowly. Your first goal should be to exhale for 20 sceonds. As you repeat and practice, you'll be able to exhale longer.
  • Question
    Can I improve my singing by hearing different artist's songs or will I get confused by the different style of the artist?
    Community Answer
    You can improve your singing skills by hearing different artists. You can pick up on some techniques that they do that you like. You may try to incorporate genres that don't necessarily go together, but you may find a incorporation of genres that you like. Make sure to not try and copy an artist, but pick up techniques.
  • Question
    I know how to sing low notes, and I find it beautiful. But I have trouble with my high notes, I can't reach them. Can you help me?
    Nela Loftin
    Community Answer
    Try opening your mouth more (pretend you have a golf ball in your mouth). This way you let the sound fully out so you can hear the high notes.
  • Question
    I love to sing Southern Gospel music and church hymns. When I sing, sometimes the words make me cry. How can I stop myself from crying in front of an audience?
    Community Answer
    Listen to the song on repeat. The excessive exposure to the song can make you less likely to cry.
  • Question
    How do I shift around the scale quickly?
    Community Answer
    First, sing the scale from the note you want to start on up to the note you are trying to skip to. Sing it a couple times, and try to remember your first and last notes. Next, see if you can skip from note to note. If this is in a song, you will memorize it after a while, and it will become natural.
  • Question
    How can I sing classically?
    Community Answer
    Find a song you like and look up the lyrics. Then just sing! Relax your voice and keep in time to the music. Don't go into performance mode and imagine that you are in your favourite place, a place that allows you to relax.
  • Question
    A girl in my class is amazing at singing. I want to ask her for help, but she is really popular and I'm not. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    First of all, try not to compare yourself to others, you have your own unique voice, and that's great. When someone is popular in school, they might seem like a queen who is hard to approach. Don't let this bother you. Most likely she is a perfectly nice person. Simply go up and say hi and compliment her on her voice. Then ask her if she'd ever like to sing together or if she'd be available to give you a few pointers. Just put yourself out there, you'll be glad you did.
  • Question
    How can I make my voice shrill?
    Community Answer
    A shrill voice is not a characteristic that is actually admired. It can be seen as annoying. What you want is a powerful, clear and strong voice. If someone describes a voice as "shrill," it is never really a positive thing.
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    How do I sing if I have throat problems?
    Community Answer
    This is very bad for your voice so I recommend you don't do this. Wait until your throat problems are better.
  • Question
    What if I can't find someone who sings and is professional?
    Community Answer
    There are plenty of helpful videos on the Internet, as well as online singing professors.
  • Question
    How can I make my voice high?
    Community Answer
    You can practice, but keep in mind you might just have a lower vocal range. Don't strain your vocal cords trying to get a high note. With practice, start gradually and try to get higher as it becomes more comfortable for you.
  • Question
    I have abused my vocal chords. What can I do to get them back into good shape?
    Community Answer
    You may have to get surgery to fully restore your vocal chords, though that may not even be possible. For now, I would focus on following the tips in this article and resting your voice as much as you can. Practice some vocal exercises gently but regularly to ensure that your voice stays strong.
  • Question
    How do I sing if I have a cold?
    Community Answer
    You shouldn't - singing or exercising with a cold can cause major harm to the vocal chords, and you won't sound very good either.
  • Question
    Can I get rid of a permanent rasp while singing?
    Community Answer
    It depends on why the rasp is there in the first place. If it's due to poor singing techniques, then changing your methods and drinking water could clear it right up. However, if it presents in a speaking voice, it could very well be the nature of your vocal tone. (Think of Sam Smith as an example.) Smoking of any kind, including vape pens and e-cigarettes, could also cause a raspy voice.
  • Question
    How can I win a competition?
    Community Answer
    The posture of your body and your movements are important. The key is to act naturally. Never overact or just stay still, because then the judges won't feel your mood. Always practice as much as you can, especially the week before the competition.
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