Q&A for How to Kill a Scorpion

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    Where do scorpions like to hide?
    Chris Parker
    Founder, Parker Eco Pest Control
    Chris Parker is the Founder of Parker Eco Pest Control, a sustainable pest control service in Seattle, Washington. Since 2016, Chris has been specializing in Integrated Pest Management and doesn’t use any chemicals for pest removal. He offers removal services for ants, rodents, fleas, spiders, wasps, and more. Chris is a certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator in Washington State and received his bachelor’s from the University of Washington.
    Founder, Parker Eco Pest Control
    Expert Answer
    They like to hide in warm places. They also like the feeling of being squished a little bit, so underneath rocks, typically, is where you'll find them. People's shoes also seem to be a popular thing.
  • Question
    I find it wrong that cats and chickens are offered as an alternative method to kill scorpions. Even if they are predators of scorpions I would never be fine with risking their life. Why suggest this method?
    Community Answer
    Because it's a method that works well. If you are not up to using it, find another alternative method.
  • Question
    Is it okay for cats to kill scorpions?
    Community Answer
    Cats are usually very natural at killing animals, but can still be stung by a deadly scorpion. If you do not want to risk your cat being stung then find an alternative method.
  • Question
    How do I kill a scorpion quickly?
    Maxim Lasalle
    Community Answer
    The fastest way to do it is to hit it really hard with an object like a shoe and move the shoe around in a circular motion to crush it, or just hit it repeatedly using hard force. You can first spray it with any chemical to slow it down, and then kill it with hard force.
  • Question
    Where is the poison in a scorpion's body?
    Community Answer
    The scorpion's venom is located in its tail. The poison sac is near the end of its tail by the stinger.
  • Question
    Are there any scorpions in New Mexico?
    Community Answer
    Yes, New Mexico is a hot dry state where scorpions love to live.
  • Question
    How do I approach a defensive scorpion?
    Clinton Zimmerman
    Community Answer
    Map gas works well for the brick wall outside. Vaporizes all the babies on their back too. 3700 degrees!
  • Question
    What else can I use to kill scorpions?
    Community Answer
    A good squirt of baby powder suffocates them. You can also use a lint roller which has sticky tape and squirt some baby powder on it and once it is stuck on the tape or put another piece of tape on top of it.
  • Question
    What do I do if my dog is stung by a scorpion?
    Community Answer
    Take the dog to the vet and have it checked out. If you killed the scorpion, take a picture of the dead body and take it to the vet with you. In areas where scorpions are very common, veterinarians can usually identify the scorpion then they will know how to treat your dog.
  • Question
    Why do scorpions kill?
    Community Answer
    They don't intentionally kill, but they will defend themselves with their stinger if they feel threatened.
  • Question
    Can a dog eat a scorpion?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the type of scorpion. If the dog is even capable of eating it without being stung, then it may or may not cause the dog some intestinal pain depending on the type of venom the scorpion contained.
  • Question
    Is there another way to kill it?
    Community Answer
    I find a cup of boiling water kills scorpions quickly and cleanly without the need to resort to harsh chemicals.
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    What chemicals can I use to slow down a scorpion so I can kill it with a sharp object?
    Community Answer
    I found that a shot of hairspray will slow them down but won't stop them. Also, if you see them outside (use common sense around flammable and combustible items and areas), a lighter held 6 inches in front of the nozzle will produce a flame and burn the scorpion and anything on its exoskeleton.
  • Question
    Can I step on a scorpion with my foot if I am wearing shoes?
    Community Answer
    It's not the safest method since the stinger can penetrate thin leather and sneakers. If you try it, wear heavy shoes, stomp and then grind your shoe to destroy the body.
  • Question
    We have a scorpion problem. Once every three months we have the exterminator spray, but we still have scorpions, especially in our basement bedroom. I have installed a dehumidifier. What else can I do?
    Community Answer
    Place out sticky traps or check your house for cracks where the scorpions might be entering. You can also remove clutter that might be attracting them.
  • Question
    Will pet scorpions kill me?
    Community Answer
    No, as pet scorpions should not be deadly. Do research on what scorpion would make the best pet and get that one.
  • Question
    Will Talstar sprayed inside and outside prevent scorpions from coming inside or just kill their food source?
    Community Answer
    It depends. Talstar will most likely kill them, not prevent them from coming in. Scorpions also don't come inside your house for food -- they eat roughly once a week or once a month, and they hunt big prey like cockroaches, crickets, and even mice. They come inside your house because it feels like home for them. The high temperature and the humid, dark areas of your home are perfect for a scorpion. Just make sure your house isn't too moist and you shouldn't have a big problem with scorpions inside.
  • Question
    Where is the scorpion's venom?
    Community Answer
    At end of the tail, there is stinger and near it there is a poison sac.
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    Are there any scorpions in New Hampshire?
    Community Answer
    No, scorpions live in warmer climates.
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    How fast can scorpion poison kill me?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the scorpion. Some kill within a matter of seconds.
  • Question
    How do I make a scorpion trap?
    Community Answer
    Place shallow bowls placed with boric acid, borax, sodium borate or soap in dark places where scorpions are known to hide at night. The scorpions will be attracted to the water, get trapped, take in the poison and die.
  • Question
    My bed is on the floor. Is that a place scorpions will go?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they often hide in laundry piles, shoes and towels that are left on the floor. Bedding would be equally attractive.
  • Question
    Sometimes I find dead adult bark scorpions inside of my Phoenix home on the carpet in the middle of the room. What killed them right before they moved into the middle of the room?
    Community Answer
    If they're in your home and your house is relatively clean, they may have starved. Even if they can slow their metabolism they can become trapped in your home and your daily activities may have been enough to keep it skulking around in nooks and crannies. Carpet cleaning products and air fresheners can also prove toxic to small insects over extended periods of time.
  • Question
    Are there scorpions in Hawaii?
    Community Answer
    There is only one, which is called the “lesser brown scorpion”.
  • Question
    Why does a scorpion kill people?
    Community Answer
    Scorpions don't purposefully set out to kill, but they do kill their prey for obvious reasons. They don't hurt people just because they want to, it's because they are defending themselves.
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