Q&A for How to Link Within a Page Using HTML

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    How can I create a page?
    Community Answer
    You can create a web page or website by signing on to Google, selecting Google Sites, and selecting New Google Sites. Then go to Create New Website and Create Web Page.
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    My links don't go anywhere, why?
    Chaukor Studio
    Community Answer
    Hyperlink accurately. Check your anchor text is properly linked with 200 url.
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    Is it possible to include the enclosed text of the target anchor as the text of the hyperlink so that a change to the target contained text will change the hyperlink text?
    Community Answer
    I assume "enclosed text of the target anchor" refers to the id of the target element, and that "hyperlink text" is the text displayed in the <a> element. The best way of doing this would be either to generate the table of contents on the server side using a language such as PHP, or with Javascript that sets the text by reading the value in "href" attribute of the <a> element, then setting the "innerText" property accordingly. A simple CSS workaround could also be used with the ::after selector by setting it's "content" property to "attr(href)," though this would leave a "#" symbol in the displayed text.
  • Question
    What are easy ways to link to a specific part of a web page by modifying the browser address, perhaps using information from a browser page inspector, without developer access?
    Community Answer
    On most computers, you can use the anchor tag (<a>) to create a link. Using a browser inspector, identify the section you want to link to, and add an anchor tag at the start and end of the text you want to link.
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