Q&A for How to Love Studying

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    Studying tires me. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Take a break every half hour to do a few push-ups or jumping jacks. This will stimulate your brain and wake you up.
  • Question
    How should I manage my time while studying?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how many subjects you're studying and how much time you can set aside for it. It usually revolves around your personal day-to-day schedule. That said, you should try to devote at least one hour of study per night to any subjects that need attention. If you can do more, do more.
  • Question
    Why do I get sleepy while studying?
    Community Answer
    When you think that the subject is boring and uninteresting, you may get sleepy. So don't think that it's boring, and find a way to make it more interesting, such as challenging yourself.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have a hard time understanding the subject I'm studying?
    Community Answer
    Get help from someone or study again slowly so you can focus and understand it properly.
  • Question
    How can I enjoy a subject that I find boring but I know is useful?
    Community Answer
    Think about how it can benefit you in the future. Possibly it can get you a high paying job or help you graduate.
  • Question
    How can I correct spelling mistakes?
    Community Answer
    Whenever you find an unknown word, just search for it in the dictionary. You can also give 5 minutes of your time for reading a dictionary. This is very helpful in the correction of spellings.
  • Question
    What should I do if I am tired of my day-to-day life?
    Community Answer
    You can find something or someone to motivate you. It could be a real person or someone from books or movies. You can also put up motivational posters on your wall.
  • Question
    How can you concentrate after being provoked?
    Community Answer
    I know being provoked is hard, especially when you are studying. All you need to do is shut it out. Take a few deep breaths, and try to find something in the subject you are studying that interests you, and study that a bit. Once you do this, you should have calmed down, and can go back to what you had been studying.
  • Question
    What type of snacks should I eat?
    Community Answer
    Something healthy that will give you energy like fruit, yogurt, or a granola or protein bar.
  • Question
    What can I do if my parents always put pressure on me to study even when I'm on a short break?
    Community Answer
    Tell them that you are a child or a teenager, not a robot. If you will work constantly, you will be tired and that is worse than taking short breaks. Have a little conversation with your parents. Tell them that you do your best.
  • Question
    How can I learn to see the good in a subject that I hate?
    Community Answer
    If you don't think the subject interesting, you can imagine how it will help you in the future.
  • Question
    What is the best time for studying?
    Community Answer
    Whenever works for you. Just not in the morning before school. You should always get a night of sleep after studying, as that helps consolidate the information in your memory.
  • Question
    How do I learn a long question?
    Community Answer
    If you want to learn a long answer, then first go with it and try to understand it.
  • Question
    How can I avoid procrastinating while studying?
    Community Answer
    Have a clear goal. The goal should be a short term one, for example, completing a part of a chapter in 30 minutes. Once the goal is set, prepare your mind to do that task in the stipulated time. Give yourself a reward for completing a certain number of goals.
  • Question
    I can only study with music playing but it sometimes distracts me. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Notice what type of music distracts you and avoid it.
  • Question
    How do I maintain my focus when I am being interrupted by others?
    Community Answer
    You could try asking others to leave you alone so you can concentrate, or wear headphones and play music conducive to studying, like classical.
  • Question
    How can I avoid phone distraction if I need my phone to be there while I am studying?
    Community Answer
    What makes you think you "need" your phone? It's not an item that any person needs, you just think you do. Put it away and enjoy time without it demanding your attention. Think about your desired career and focus on your study.
  • Question
    How can I increase my concentration when I am studying?
    Community Answer
    Listen to classical music with earbuds; this blocks out many distractions that can annoy you or get you involved in something else. Find a quiet place, grab some coffee, and if you are working on a computer, do not browse the internet unless it is necessary.
  • Question
    How do I figure out what I want to do with my life?
    Community Answer
    Try writing a list about what are you love to do and makes you happy. Think about what you'd do with your time if money were no object, and consider careers that relate.
  • Question
    What can I do to motivate myself to study?
    Community Answer
    Remember that studying is most important to your future.
  • Question
    How do I know if I've studied enough for a test?
    Community Answer
    You will know when you've studied enough for a test when you can recite the things that you need to know for the test almost perfectly. Some people never feel prepared, so just study as much as you can and rest easy with the knowledge that you've done your best.
  • Question
    Can eat dark chocolate keep me from getting sleepy?
    Abdulfetah Ahmed
    Community Answer
    Dark chocolate can increase your memory and stimulate you by augmenting blood flow in your brain.
  • Question
    I get distracted while studying. How to overcome it?
    Community Answer
    Check out the helpful suggestions in this article about how to focus on studying on wikiHow.
  • Question
    How can I keep interest while reading?
    Community Answer
    Read books you are interested in, while still at your reading level. Doing this will improve your reading habits. If this doesn´t work, try reading aloud to yourself or someone else. This makes the book more intriguing.
  • Question
    Why are studies boring?
    Community Answer
    Some people just don't find certain subjects, or learning in general, interesting. That being said, even if you aren't motivated to learn, you should be motivated to find a way to survive in the future. You'll need education to secure a job and, by extension, a paycheck, so you'll have to study. You might as well enjoy doing it!
  • Question
    How to stop myself from daydreaming?
    Community Answer
    When you start daydreaming, tell yourself that you'll think about it later. Write down what you are thinking about somewhere and keep it aside. Take deep breaths and take a short walk around. Calm down and forget about everything. Then start studying again and you will notice that you already forgot what you were thinking about earlier.
  • Question
    What can I do during my study breaks?
    Community Answer
    Exercise, stretch, have a snack, use the toilet, do a quick message-check on your phone. Don't take too long and don't get too relaxed, otherwise you will never go back to studying.
  • Question
    I really love studying, but my biggest challenge is that I always forget what I've read in my notes. What can I do?
    Ash Ley
    Community Answer
    Make your notes detailed, more understandable, and clear. Revise your notes more often so you won't forget anything. Studying from flash cards can also be helpful.
  • Question
    What should I do when I do not want to study at all?
    Community Answer
    The best thing you c do is plan your study session. Make a to-do list, and check each item off the list as you do it.
  • Question
    What can I do if I don't have place to study? I prefer to be alone when I study and I have no place to go.
    Ash Ley
    Community Answer
    Try studying in a library, there may be people, but they're also there to study, so they won't disturb you and it's a quiet place.
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