Q&A for How to Love Your Wife According to the Bible

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    How can I be a better husband?
    Josh Spurlock, MA, LPC, CST
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Josh Spurlock is a Licensed Professional Counselor and the Founder and CEO of MyCounselor.Online. With more than 15 years of experience, he specializes in marriage counseling, family counseling, and sex therapy through a Christian counseling lens. Josh holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics and a Master’s in Counseling Psychology from Evangel University.
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Expert Answer
    Don't live selfishly or love selfishly with your wife. Instead, consider her needs and reality, and how her decisions impact her. Be committed to finding win/win solutions to the conflicts you have rather than demanding your own way.
  • Question
    My wife is letting old male friends send her I love and miss you messages and sharing her cell number with them and defending her actions and tell me she won't delete this person from her FB page
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Consider asking your wife to attend counseling with you, as this sounds like it could be symptomatic of a deeper issue.
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    I love my wife an want to do it Gods way..... her eyes have been on others these past 31 years. We have 6 kids that has seen lots of damage in our years.I don’t want my prayers hindered....
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Continue being faithful to your wife and to God, and His plan for you will be revealed in His time.
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    My wife divorced me and I'm still in love with her. We have good conversations until I mention her coming home to work things out. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If everything is "okay" aside from when you bring up this subject, you should stop bringing up this subject. Use this time to focus on bettering yourself, and developing a deeper relationship with God.
  • Question
    How do I please my wife sexually?
    Community Answer
    Take the focus off of yourself and ask her what she needs. Be open to what she has to say.
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    Is it the wife's responsibility to be worried about the mortgage not being paid?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is the responsibility of both people to be concerned about the bills; especially the mortgage. You should try talking to your husband calmly about it.
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    How do I deal with my wife having anger issues?
    Community Answer
    Her anger issues are symptoms of an unsatisfied need. Maybe she feels like you have diverted your attention away from her or are not helping her with household chores, being thankful for her, etc. I would recommend you sit down and listen to what she has to say about the missing things in your marriage. Ask her what you can do to satisfy her needs. Don't expect her anger issues to go away in a day or in a week. It took her a while to accumulate all that anger, so understand that it might take a while for you to make her happy again. Remember that she married you, so she (probably) loves you. Little things that you do for her will uplift your marriage.
  • Question
    Does the Bible say that the man should be the provider?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it does. The man is the king of the castle and his wife is the queen. This does not mean she should sit around and do nothing. Nowadays it takes two to work and provide, but it is always up to the man to do it if the wife can't. She is to take care of his needs, the house, and the kids if she is not contributing by working. You both are to uplift each other and fulfill each others desires. Read Ephesians 5:28-33. A husband must see to his wife's desires, whether they are sexual, financial, physical, emotional or spiritual, but a wife must love him and provide for him, just as much as he does for her.
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    Should I be worried if my husband goes out and never answers his phone?
    Community Answer
    Most definitely. It sounds like he is hiding something. Even if he is out on business, he should at least be able to call you back shortly after missing your call. If he is out with friends, there is no excuse. Open lines of communication. Tell him you feel disrespected and insecure when he does not take your call and work together to resolve the issue.
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    What should I do if my husband never takes responsibility for his own actions?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your husband about how you feel about his immaturity, and how you would rather him own up to his mistakes and take responsibility for his actions rather than deny he did anything wrong. If his behavior doesn't change, then get another person involved such as a family member to try to reason with him and help resolve the issue. If this doesn't work, you may want to consider counseling, either alone or as a couple.
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    Is it okay for my husband to talk to his old crush when she calls and ignore me when I ask him not to do it?
    Community Answer
    No it is not okay. He is disrespecting you as his wife. You have to sit with him and let him know that you would like him to stop communicating with this person because you feel disrespected and uncomfortable. Watch you tone of voice and let him know ahead of time that you need to discuss something with him. Avoid doing it when he is talking to her. Don't let it become an argument. If you get angry, walk away and return to the subject when you are calm. If talking doesn't help, couples therapy is your next step.
  • Question
    Why does she tell me that I say "I love you" too much?
    Community Answer
    Look at yourself. Is it being taken by her as genuine? Another possibility is, she may truly not know what love is. Sadly, through generational curses, some persons can be less respectful and less appreciative for the little things in life that have a bigger deeper and healthier impact on their lives.
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    What should I do if my husband is always glancing at other women, and looking at and talking to others when I am trying to talk to him?
    Community Answer
    You should confront him in private, preferably at home. Tell him that he isn't paying attention to you when you have something to say, that it is rude because it looks like he doesn't care about you. Tell him that you don't like him staring at pretty women. In other words, just have a private talk about it.
  • Question
    Is it sinful if I lie to keep my friend's spouse from knowing my friend is cheating on them?
    Community Answer
    Yes, lying is a sin. You are keeping something important away from your friend's spouse. It is your friend's fault for cheating and you can't control how a couple acts, but it would be painful for the spouse to find out not only that they were being cheated on, but that other people knew all along.
  • Question
    Should a husband follow his wife if she always goes out?
    Community Answer
    No. You should trust your wife and treat her accordingly. Show interest in her activities by asking about what she did and how it went. If she's acting suspiciously, you could either confront her or ask her friends if they know anything.
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    How do I get past feeling very jealous and insecure?
    Community Answer
    You should always know that you are enough and you don't need to compare yourself to others to build your self-respect, self-esteem, and dignity. Our human nature makes us imperfect, so it's okay to have insecurities. You should accept yourself, and anyone who doesn't accept you, or tries to change you, or make you insecure does not deserve you. Love yourself. Be thankful and tell yourself that you alone can make yourself happy and you are lovely just the way you are.
  • Question
    What can I do if my wife gets upset with me when I do things that she views as her "job," but that she isn't doing now?
    Community Answer
    Ask her if she needs help with anything, she could be overwhelmed with to much to do, and not enough time in a day to get it all done. If she gets angry with you for doing 'her job,' it could be more along the lines of shame or embarrassment for not having that job or chore done. Let your wife know first that you appreciate her, her efforts, and her desire to please you, then ask her if she has anything you could help her with, always stressing that it's not a burden to help her.
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    My husband is often angry and he is spending a lot of time texting on his phone. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    The cause of his anger could be just about anything. Try to cheer him up, or ask him to tell you what's bothering him, he might feel better if he talks about it. You should feel free to ask him who is he texting, you have every right to know. Use a pleasant, casual tone when you ask. If he responds with anger or refuses to answer, you have cause for concern. Note: These are two separate issues you mention, I wouldn't recommend trying to talk about everything in one conversation.
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    Do you have advice for quarreling and emotionally abusive couples?
    Community Answer
    If you are experiencing any type of abuse from your partner, then you should not stay in that relationship. You deserve to be treated well and with respect. However, if you are just having arguments or quarreling, then you should each calmly discuss your viewpoint, taking into consideration of the other person's feelings. Try to compromise. Treat your partner with respect at all times, and if the argument gets out of hand, then just walk away and cool off. Receive marriage counseling if needed.
  • Question
    What to do if I have no desire to have sex with my spouse?
    Community Answer
    You might want to seek some counseling. You could also try courting one another again. Set date nights, have a special dinner, talk to each other, etc. If you're not attracted to her anymore, maybe you could ask her to start going to the gym with you. Seek the guidance of the Lord to help you determine what is missing.
  • Question
    What should I do if my husband cheats on me?
    Community Answer
    If you can tell that he regrets it and you want to learn to trust him again, seek couples counseling. Figure out the cause of his cheating and how he can work to maintain appropriate boundaries in the future. Try to remember the reasons you love him, think about all of the RIGHT things he's done, instead of the one wrong thing. If you don't think you can learn to trust him again, or he is not deserving of your trust, it's best to just move on.
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    How can I love my wife according to the Bible if I feel like I have lost my feelings for her?
    Community Answer
    Try to figure out why you've lost those feelings. Break the boring schedule, go out more. Date her instead of just going out. Have a drink or something nice to eat. And don't talk about problems like bills and the kids. Make it about you and her. True love never dies it just slows down because of all the other junk going on in place of it.
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    How do I love my wife according to the Bible when our child passed away and she is very sad?
    Community Answer
    This one is hardest of all, you are probably sad as well and it is hard to be there for someone emotionally when your own emotional needs pool is very empty. First, pray for comfort from God, and for help with providing comfort. Then, I would suggest you just hold her while she cries and listen to her if she wants to talk. Tell her about your own grief as well. If you guys can grieve together it will be more comforting for you both. Be aware that, depending on the circumstances, she may blame herself on some level as well. Get counseling from someone of your faith.
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    How do I love my wife who is an alcoholic?
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    Educate yourself as much as possible on alcoholism so you can better understand her struggles. Addiction is a powerful force. Ask God each day to help you to see her through His eyes and to show you what words and actions will uplift and affirm her.
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    How can I find out if my husband is cheating on me?
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    Bring it up in a light-hearted, joking way a few times over the next day or two, maybe in reference to a TV show you're both watching. Tell him that's it's one of your worst fears of being married. This will open up the topic and you can let it be known more seriously that you would really prefer to know if he were not happy before either of you did something so hurtful. Try to gauge his reactions and see if he seems to be uncomfortable or potentially hiding something.
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    My husband has a younger female friend he is mentoring, and they are very comfortable in each other's company. Is this healthy and Biblical?
    Community Answer
    A friendship between a man and a woman is normal and healthy. Tell your husband that you have concerns but not in an accusatory way. If he calmly talks to you, then it is likely that the relationship with the female friend is platonic.
  • Question
    What do I do if my husband doesn't make me feel special?
    Community Answer
    Do something nice for him, then have a talk about appreciation and how you would like to feel appreciated. Remember, appreciation is a two way street.
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    How do I convince my wife that sex should happen according to the needs of the spouse with the higher sex drive like it says in the article?
    Community Answer
    You can convince her that sex "should" happen, but it won't make her want to. The biggest sex organ is the brain, and women tend to be turned on when there's a strong emotional connection. See if she will go to counseling with you. There may be other things going on.
  • Question
    If I don't truly love my spouse, can I grow to love them?
    Community Answer
    Love is not based on emotion, but on action, just as God so ”loved” the world that he ”gave” his only begotten son. Love is what we do and not what we feel. Start to show the love and notice your emotions align. This also may be a sign that you need to strengthen your relationship with God and let the Holy Spirit fill your heart with love; Romans 5:5.
  • Question
    Is it wrong for the husband to help around the house?
    Community Answer
    Of course not. Husbands and wives are meant to be partners and help each other out with everything, and that includes domestic duties.
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