Q&A for How to Make a Good Impression on Your Teacher

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    Why does my teacher only like smart kids?
    Community Answer
    Does the teacher like them because they are smart, or because they work hard and pay attention? There's a good chance that the teacher appreciates their dedication and effort more than their grades.
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    What do I do if I'm late to class due to the bus and wanted to make a good impression on my teacher?
    Community Answer
    Go up to the teacher and sincerely apologize for being late. Offer to do the work you missed out on as homework -- the teacher will then know you are a hardworking and dedicated student. It could also help if you get a note from the bus driver explaining why you are late to class.
  • Question
    How do you dress? -- In a dress or in clothing that everyone loves and that makes you the coolest person in the school?
    Community Answer
    "Dressing for success" -- in clean, stylish, well-fitting clothing -- can help with initial impressions, but how you act and the effort you give in class are more likely to impact your teacher's overall impression of you. Focus primarily on those areas.
  • Question
    What should I do if my teacher already got an impression of me from my older sibling that's nothing like the real me?
    Community Answer
    Be yourself, and use your actions and classroom performance to show your teacher you are not your sibling.
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    How can I be confident?
    Community Answer
    Think about the things you already do well, and dedicate yourself to improving yourself in those areas that need work. When needed, take a deep breath and say to yourself "I can do this."
  • Question
    If you already have a bad impression on teachers how can you change it and make it good?
    Community Answer
    Follow the advice provided in this article; just expect it to take more time and even more effort.
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    I have copied an exam and got caught, so how should I improve my impression?
    Community Answer
    You have your work cut out for you, of course, but even bad first impressions can be improved over time. Show (and say) that you are truly apologetic for what you've done, and rededicate yourself to being the most attentive, hardest-working, and most honest student you can be.
  • Question
    How I can make new friends in my new class?
    Community Answer
    Be friendly. If you're shy, just say hello. If they respond kindly, then you should be friends.
  • Question
    How do I know my teacher will like me?
    Community Answer
    You won't know. But, honestly, if you are respectful, work hard, and follow directions, it's close to impossible for a teacher to dislike you.
  • Question
    How can I not be scared of messing up on the first day of school?
    Community Answer
    Tell yourself that you will be fine and it will be a great day. Fear is False Expectations Appearing Real. Most of the time, what we fear never happens. Self-talk is important in setting up positive expectations for your first day of school.
  • Question
    What if the teacher hates you forever and wishes that you go die in a fire!? What the know-it alls!?
    Community Answer
    Have you looked into switching schools? Seriously, though, if you have a legitimate, significant problem with a teacher, talk to a guidance counselor, principal, or someone else in the school.
  • Question
    If the teacher is not showing appreciation towards me after I've done a lot of hard work, then what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Be satisfied with having worked hard, since hard work is its own reward. Relax a little about making a good impression -- you can't FORCE your teacher to like you. Just keep doing the right thing and the rest will take care of itself.
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    How can I know a teacher's mind?
    Community Answer
    Good luck with that.
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    What do I do if my teacher already has a bad impression of me, even though I apologized for something bad I did?
    Community Answer
    Do your best in class, and volunteer frequently. Come in early to class and ask if you can help the teacher with anything, whether cleaning desks or running errands. Be pleasant to your teacher. Greet her with "Good morning" every day, and ask about how her day was before you leave school.
  • Question
    How do I make a good impression on my teacher if I got bad marks on my exam?
    Community Answer
    Ask your teacher if you can re-take the exam, with or without the opportunity to raise your grade. Then, ask for his or her guidance in studying where you were weak.
  • Question
    How do I make a good impression on my teacher if the smile isn't good?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry about your smile. If you are sincere, and do your best, it's almost impossible not to make a good impression.
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    What present should I get for my teacher?
    Community Answer
    Chocolate is always nice. Teachers also usually appreciate handmade gifts, or gift cards.
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    What if I'm a class clown and want to make lots of jokes? When is a good time, and what kind of jokes should they be?
    Community Answer
    Save your jokes for open mic night at the comedy club. Class clowns are often disruptive to both students and teachers, and telling a lot of jokes while the teacher is trying to instruct isn't going to make a favorable impression; in fact, it will likely do the opposite. Class clowns are often those who don't do well academically, so they use humor to deflect a low self esteem and/or to get attention. If this applies to you, work on these issues instead and develop your routine outside the classroom.
  • Question
    Would a teacher have a less good impression of me if I'm not as smart as the other students?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. Teachers want to know that you're working hard and trying your best. If you're not doing well, approach the teacher before or after class and ask for help. Turn in every assignment on time, and participate in class as much as you can. That's all it takes for a teacher to like you in most cases.
  • Question
    What do I do if I didn't make a good first impression with my teacher?
    Community Answer
    That's okay. You have the whole year ahead of you. Just do your best to make a good impression on your teacher from here on out. Use the tips in the article!
  • Question
    How do I interact with my teacher if my vocabulary is bad?
    Community Answer
    Just be honest with your teacher and they can give you tips and feedback on your vocabulary.
  • Question
    How do I make a good impression on my teacher if I didn't score good marks?
    Community Answer
    Just stay positive! A teacher can tell if you really put in hard work, even if you do not do well. Ask the teacher questions on things that you do not understand. Don't be afraid of the teacher thinking that you are "stupid". If you follow these tips, they will understand that you are doing your best.
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