Q&A for How to Make a Program Using Notepad

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    How can I practice and learn to program?
    Community Answer
    Learn by using w3schools (a website) that has code examples for HTML, CSS, Javascript, and more. Get Notepad++ and become familiar with it.
  • Question
    Can I use a notepad to create a quiz game?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    Can a kid make a program?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course!
  • Question
    How do I improve program knowledge?
    Community Answer
    Learn some programming languages, for instance Scratch. It is used by plenty of high-level, brilliant programmers to hone their abilities.
  • Question
    Can I create an OS with Python?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You need a PC with no OS, a mastery of Python, and a blank hard disk.
  • Question
    How do I code to create my own program?
    Community Answer
    Buy some books on the code you want to use or check out other tutorials on wikiHow for learning different programming codes.
  • Question
    How do I take screenshots of the HTML notepad?
    Community Answer
    For Windows: printscreen / prtscrn. For Mac: shift-command-4. For Linux: printscreen / prtscrn.
  • Question
    Can I use any coding language to make anything, or is each coding language designed for specific purposes?
    Community Answer
    You can use virtually any programming language to create most programs, though some languages are better-suited to specific functions.
  • Question
    Which code should I use to create a program that lets you have conversations and give commands?
    Community Answer
    Javascript probably is the best choice, but Python is good for running commands as well.
  • Question
    How can I do this without coding?
    Community Answer
    You can't really program without coding, unless you download a program like PWCT from the internet.
  • Question
    Is programming hard?
    Community Answer
    It depends what level you are doing. It's easy to get started and follow a tutorial, but to properly learn a language you will have to dedicate the time to learning it, plus doing plenty of practice.
  • Question
    What should I do if, when I tried to open my simple python program, I got a popup box asking what program I should open it with?
    Community Answer
    If this happens, you didn't save it correctly. Remember to save it with .PY at the end, and this won't happen.
  • Question
    What apps can I use to help me learn programming?
    Community Answer
    I started by using Scratch to learn programming languages, though once I found that I could not get much further with it, I started to use a software called Dreamweaver, which I've used to create multiple HTML Javascript websites.
  • Question
    How can I save a programmed document on notepad and resume programming later?
    Community Answer
    Once you've checked out the website you created, you are able to right click on the HTML document which will probably have a Google symbol next to it if you're on Windows. Then click open with - then click on notepad and it will give you your script.
  • Question
    Can we make games like "player unknown's battle grounds" (pubg) with Notepad?
    Community Answer
    No, you need a proper game engine for that. Popular engines for 3D games are Unity and Unreal Engine 4 (PUBG uses this), which are both free for anyone to download.
  • Question
    How do I make it so all computers can access the program I made in Notepad?
    Community Answer
    That depends upon what you mean by "access". If all you want is to be able to go to any computer in the world and run your program, then you could email the completed program to yourself and as long as you have the ability to access your email and an appropriate OS to run it, your program is everywhere you want it to be. Alternatively, if you want to be able to edit it from anywhere, you could keep your in-progress code in the cloud and cut/paste it into notepad at your current terminal and save it as a program locally to test it out.
  • Question
    Which is the best language a child should learn in terms of coding?
    Maxim R
    Community Answer
    Scratch is a great programming language if you want to learn the basics of programming. However, if you want to be more serious, and learn a commonly used programming language, then it would be a good idea for you to learn Python.
  • Question
    How do I change the font colour on my program?
    Community Answer
    There are many ways to change font color. It depends on the language you are using. In CSS, you use the 'color' property.
  • Question
    What programs can I use for a robotic arm?
    Community Answer
    The most popular language in robotics is probably C/C++ (C++ is an object-oriented successor to the C language). Python is also very popular due to its use in machine learning and also because it can be used to develop ROS packages
  • Question
    Is C++ or Python better for programming?
    Evan Tremblay
    Community Answer
    It depends. If you want to build complex command line executables, games, or have more object-oriented code with features useful for C-style programs, choose C++. If you want to make powerful web apps, scientific apps, or have support for third-party tools and AI, choose Python.
  • Question
    What programming language is best for receiving data from sensors and sending commands to actuators with a Windows laptop, similar to using an Arduino?
    Amirparsa Baghdadi
    Community Answer
    You can't do it with just a programming language; you need to analyze the sensor signals and convert them to a readable format. For Arduino, visit arduino.cc for an application to interact with it.
  • Question
    Why does my computer print the program instead of executing it?
    Raymond Bui
    Community Answer
    The computer may have saved your file as a .txt file. Check and change the file extension to match the programming language you are using.
  • Question
    Can I write C++ code without using a compiler?
    Community Answer
    You can write C++ code without a compiler, but you need one to compile and run the code.
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