Q&A for How to Make a Stone Axe

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    What materials can I use to sharpen the axe?
    Community Answer
    The best material you can use is a whetstone, which is a fine-grained stone that you soak in water and scrape the blade across.
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    Would it be possible to make it out of flint?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is possible. Just chip, don't grind the edge. Flint is sharp enough, but don't make the edge too thin. If you want to grind it, you need time and a good grinding stone; you'll need more time and effort to grind flint because of its hardness. Softer stones, such as amphibolit, serpentinit or jade are more common for axe heads.
  • Question
    Is there a way to make a stone axe stronger?
    Community Answer
    Take the effort and grind the stone very smooth. Use fine-grained stone like amphibolit for durability or flint for sharpness. You can use a foreshaft from antler between wood and stone to absorb more shock energy.
  • Question
    Can I use duct tape to bind a stone axe?
    Community Answer
    Probably not a good idea, as the stone itself or any other obstacle can cut the tape. Another hazard is water, as this will over time soak the tape enough to cause it to fall off.
  • Question
    Can I use a stone that I find in a forest?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what the stone is made of. It's best to find those near streams or rivers that run through the forest, but if the rock meets the criteria in Method 1, Steps 1 and 2, then it should be fine.
  • Question
    What kind of stone can I use to make a stone axe?
    Community Answer
    Refer to Method 1, Parts 1 and 2.
  • Question
    Can I make an axe using a rusty axe head?
    Community Answer
    This would only be a good idea it is for display and no other purpose. Just be careful when making it. If you intend on using the axe, this is not a good idea and should not be attempted.
  • Question
    How long will it take to burn through the hole handle?
    Community Answer
    It could take 5-20 minutes; it just depends on how hot the coals are and what type of wood you have.
  • Question
    Should you strip the bark from the axe handle?
    Blue Monkey Mason
    Community Answer
    Yes, for the sake of safety. Use a knife to peel off the bark of the handle if you are using green wood.
  • Question
    Is it better to use rope or pine glue (it's like tar) for my axe, knife or arrowhead?
    Blue Monkey Mason
    Community Answer
    Use pine glue. If you use rope, you can take the axe head off when it breaks and make a new one, but if you want it to look cool, you should use pine glue.
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