Q&A for How to Make up Your Mind

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    How do I relax and clear my head?
    Michael Dickerson, PsyD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Michael Dickerson is a Clinical Psychologist with over 6 years of experience working in college counseling. He specializes in anxiety, OCD, and men's mental health. Michael holds a BA in Psychology from California State University, Sacramento and a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) from The Wright Institute in Berkeley CA.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    Try taking a break instead of focusing on your decision, as this can help clear your mind and reduce some anxiety. This break doesn't have to be long—in fact, it can be something as simple as taking a walk, doing something enjoyable, or shifting your focus.
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    I am married. I care for my wife, but I love someone else. Should I get divorced and marry my beloved or stay with my wife?
    Community Answer
    I know this is a stereotypical answer, but try making a pros and cons list for each person. If you still can't decide, try going to a therapist or someone along those lines. Since you are worrying this much and feeling so guilty about loving another person, you obviously care about her. However, remember that your wife deserves to be with someone who loves her, so if you don't love her, let her go.
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    What if there are two people who like me and I like them both, but I can't decide which one to start a relationship with?
    Community Answer
    Don't start one. Nobody is pressuring you to. Just enjoy the moment and the rest will sort itself out. If you absolutely have to choose, try to decide which one makes you happier, or which one you're more excited to spend time with. It will be a difficult choice either way.
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    I go to this group but I do not know if I should stay home or go but I am scared my dad will be mad at me and there's a bully there. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you can, talk to your dad about what's going on at the group. He may not react the way you assume. If you like the group and the bully is the only thing ruining it for you, then don't let the bully take the group away from you. Try to identify other people the bully is bothering and stick together. Don't let them ruin it for everyone else.
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    i have a boyfriend, i moved across America to live with him. However, I met someone else and I find myself falling for him. How should I go about making up my mind?
    Community Answer
    1) There are many people out there who are potentially "as good or better" than your current partner. If you take that approach, then you will never be able to have a long-term exclusive relationship with anyone. So the first question is not only what kind of person you want but what kind of relationship you want. 2) If you are falling for this other person because you feel there is something lacking in your current relationship, then you owe it to yourself and your partner to explore what is lacking and try to fix it before trying to find it somewhere else. Indeed, no matter how great this other guy is there will inevitably be things lacking in him that other people have.
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    I have been bullied and I'm not sure whether I should switch teams. I have good friends on this team. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    In all likelihood, you will get bullied on the other team as well, and in the same likelihood, you'll make friends there too. Even more, there's no guarantee that if you switch teams, your current bullies will no longer bully you; nor is there any reason you must give up your current friends if you switch teams. You may not train together anymore, but you can still call, chat and get together. Always report bullies, always defend your boundaries, and always love your friends. As to the team, think more practically: which is closer to home, has better training hours, etc.?
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    I want to graduate a year early from a private school, but then again, I would like to go to a public school and get the full experience of high school. I don't want to get bullied again. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Try and define in great detail what 'the full experience of high school' means to you. Write down at least 30 points. Then ask if you can get those experiences in other ways, and ask if you're sure if going to high school is going to give you those experiences. Since, sadly, bullies are everywhere, we'll never not be bullied. But we can stand up to them. Always file a complaint if this happens. With the police if absolutely necessary, with a teacher or adult you trust in all other cases.
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