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Q&A for How to Move Mail to Different Folders in Gmail
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QuestionOnce I create a label, how do I move it to a folder?Community AnswerOnce a label is assigned to an email, it will show under that label (in addition to the inbox). The only way of removing it from the inbox is to archive it. After you archive the email, it will still appear if you click the name of the label assigned to it (in the left menu).
QuestionWhen I move emails to a particular folder, why do they still appear in the Inbox folder?Community AnswerUnfortunately, the individual emails are still tagged as "Inbox". You must remove that tag so they only appear in the other folder.
QuestionCan I place a folder into another folder to subcategorize emails?Community AnswerYou can. To do so, create a new label, then click "nest label" and select a pre-existing label to sort the new label under.
QuestionHow do I archive emails?Community AnswerThere are a number of ways of doing this. You can select the email and then click the box with the down arrow in it on the top menu bar. (Hovering over it should show a label that says "Archive.") You can also archive from list view by right clicking on an email and selecting "Archive." To bulk archive your emails, click the check box next to each email that you want to archive and click the "Archive" button on the top bar.
QuestionI have several files or folders that I no longer use in my Gmail. How do I remove them completely?Community AnswerGo to settings, the wheel that is in the right upper corner. Look at the categories and find Labels. Here you can hide them all. Or go to that label and right click. If you see delete, then you can delete it from your list. If you don't, go to settings and hide them.
QuestionHow do I create a label?Community AnswerIf you open Gmail, right on top of your latest message you will find the pre-existing labels. Go to the very right, and you'll see a plus sign (+) to add a new one.
QuestionWhy is the email I moved to a label still showing up in my email?Community AnswerYou probably skipped Part 2, Step 9 of the procedure. You need to check that box to move it out of your inbox.
QuestionHow can I restore my sent folder?Community AnswerOn the left side of your page, where the interface for your folders is, click "More Labels." Scroll to the bottom of the interface. Click "Manage Labels," which should be above the very last folder. Under the "System Labels," find "Sent Mail" and click "Show."
QuestionNow that I've labeled an email, is there a way to move it to a folder of the same name and remove it from my inbox?Community AnswerOnce you've created a label (lets say "Junk"), go to your inbox and check the box of all the emails you want to move. Then choose the opened envelope that says "Move," then choose the folder you want those emails to move to.
QuestionCan I move mail sent from many persons to a specific folder?Community AnswerYes, click on the box in the upper left hand corner, this will highlight all the emails, then choose the envelope, which is to move all those emails, and then choose the correct folder to move them to.
QuestionHow do I move old items from my inbox to a newly created category?Community AnswerThere is a box in the upper left corner, checking that box checks all the boxes of every email you have. If you want to move all those emails into a folder, leave them all checked. Click on the opened envelope at the top of the commands and it will ask you where you want to move them to, and show you a list of the folders. Choose your newly created folder and it will move all checked emails to that folder.
QuestionHow can I hide folders without deleting them completely?Community AnswerClick the Settings icon, then click Settings, then click Labels. All the folders/labels will be listed and you can choose "show" or "hide."
QuestionWhy can't I move a specific message into a label? When I try to click and drag it to drop it, it doesn't move.Community Answerin Gmail, when you open the email you want to move, you will see a bar of icons at the top of the email. One of these icons looks like a file with an arrow on it and when you hover over it, it says 'move to'. When you press this, you can then choose which folder in your emails you would like to move that email to.
QuestionMy Gmail labels show "No conversation," but the labels had many "conversations." They just seemed to disappear. How do I get the labels to show conversations?Community AnswerIf the label is showing "No conversations," it means no emails have been assigned to this label. If there were once emails assigned to this label, then they could have been unassigned somehow. To find the emails, search for them using the search bar, which will search all emails regardless of their label or folder. You can then mass assign labels to them re-categorize them.
QuestionHow can I make a particular regular email go to my inbox, not Promotions?Community AnswerClick on the email in the Promotions folder and drag it to the Primary tab on top and release. It will then ask if you want all future emails from that sender to go to Primary instead of Promotions; select Yes.
QuestionWhy do my emails keep moving back to the "important box" after I have moved them to a different folder?Eunice MartinezCommunity AnswerTo stop seeing your already labeled emails, go to that specific label on left hand menu, click on the 3 dots and choose "Hide" under "In message List" option.
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