Q&A for How to Organize a Flash Mob

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    What if it's only a 5 person dance but very well choreographed?
    Community Answer
    If this is the case, the dance must be very well put together. All of the dancers must be moving in sync. If one person's even a little out of step, it's not going to be worth watching considering the number of people there are.
  • Question
    Do I need to contact anyone in the event of a flash mob?
    Community Answer
    This would be a good idea. Maybe try setting up a Google Classroom so that all announcements are in the same place!
  • Question
    Can thee people start a flash mob, and just get more members as time progresses?
    Community Answer
    Of course. The best flash mobs start with a small amount of people and grow while the song progresses.
  • Question
    How do I organize a flash mob for a wedding?
    Community Answer
    Just follow the steps and contact the guests.
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    What about a flash mob for the twelve days of Christmas at a Walmart store?
    Community Answer
    You could ask the manager first, just to be sure, but YouTubers make videos in stores so it is pretty much the same thing.
  • Question
    How do you think a marching band flash mob would work?
    Cecilia Flores
    Top Answerer
    I actually did this last year at the Mall of America! We wore fun clothes and played popular tunes while just dancing and having fun. If you ever have the chance to be in one, go for it!
  • Question
    How many people would I need in a flash dance mob?
    Community Answer
    The groups are typically very big, but there's no set number. I'd say 30+, because they're supposed to be big, loud, kind of obnoxious, and very in-your-face!
  • Question
    How do I get a flash mob to perform somewhere for me?
    Community Answer
    Look for a dancer who is willing to organize it, he or she might ask for a small payment and so will the other dancers. There are flash mob organizers that you can find online; use Facebook or business websites to find them and get in touch.
  • Question
    Do you need permission to do a flash mob?
    Community Answer
    Just make sure it is an appropriate place and make sure that any security guards that are around know what is happening.
  • Question
    Do we have to get a council permit to dance?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you will need to get permission from the council where you are. If you are doing it in town you will need to get permission from the shops around you so you don't draw out customers and don't distract the employees.
  • Question
    How do I get people to take my idea seriously and work hard instead of ignoring me?
    Community Answer
    Getting a large group of people to take something seriously is most definitely a challenge. However, if you (as the leader) take things seriously, and if you have a good group, they'll listen.
  • Question
    Does a flash mob have to dance?
    Cecilia Flores
    Top Answerer
    Typically, yes. They can sing, dance, play instruments, and so much more! When they dance, they usually have set choreography so it's not just freestyling.
  • Question
    Our group was planning to do a flash mob showing our love for the Jabbawockeez by re-enacting one of their acts. Will it work?
    Community Answer
    It could. Flashmobs work really well when there are a lot of people and you are well-rehearsed.
  • Question
    How would you organize a singing flashmob for a family member's 95th birthday party? About 55 guests will be inside a gathering room at a local hotel.
    Community Answer
    It may be difficult to choreograph a large group number with 55 people, but you could choreograph with a smaller group, like 10-20 and make the movements easy. You can do the dance to the happy birthday song that everyone knows, and let everyone else know they can join in if they would like.
  • Question
    Can I do a flash mob at the airport? Do I need to obtain permission first?
    Community Answer
    Given the security requirements and threats to airports, it would be absolutely necessary to coordinate with airport police and security officials. They can also be great help in getting a safe and well seen location, without interfering with traffic.
  • Question
    How do I organize a flash mob at school?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your principal or vice-principal. You also would have to make sure that there are enough students willing to do it.
  • Question
    How can you have people in your school do it without too many people finding out?
    Community Answer
    You could ask your friends and people individually and ask them to keep it a secret. Then organise to practice in private.
  • Question
    How can I find people to do a color guard flashmob on short notice?
    Community Answer
    Craigslist is a good option and there should be websites. Social media is also a good option, as it's quick and will attract many viewers.
  • Question
    Why is it called a flash mob?
    Ayla DeWeese
    Top Answerer
    The term "flash mob" was coined in 2003 by Bill Wasik, a senior editor at Harper's Magazine. The word "flash" refers to the suddenness of the gathering, which happens quickly and unexpectedly, often organized via social media or other online platforms. The word "mob" refers to the group of people who come together for the event. So the term "flash mob" is a combination of these two words, and it describes the sudden and temporary nature of the group, as well as the quick and often surprising nature of their appearance and disappearance in a public space.
  • Question
    What is the point of a flashmob?
    Ayla DeWeese
    Top Answerer
    The point of a flash mob is to create a moment of surprise, joy, and social commentary. Flash mobs are often organized as a form of performance art, social activism, or simply for fun. Flash mobs bring attention to a particular cause or issue, such as awareness about climate change. They can also be used to celebrate a special occasion, such as a marriage proposal. Flash mobs can be seen as a way to promote community engagement and creativity. They allow people to come together in a spontaneous and fun way, often involving dance, music, and other creative expressions. Overall, the point is to create a shared experience and surprise, while also raising awareness/promoting a message.
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