Happy 18th Birthday! 47 Things You Can Legally Do Once You Become an Adult
Q&A for How to Pack for Camp
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QuestionMy parents want me to bring my phone to keep in touch. Should I do it?Community AnswerThe camp will most likely provide a phone. Some camps prohibit cell phones. Learn about the rules at your camp - if cell phones are allowed, you could bring it just in case.
QuestionI'm a teenager. How do I pack for camp?Community AnswerFor the most part, the same, with a few additions If you are a female, in which case be sure to bring feminine hygiene products (e.g. tampons, pads, etc.).
QuestionWhat do I pack for Pathfinder camp?Community AnswerA compass, a map of the area, good hiking shoes, a stick, some food, a flashlight, and a backpack (camo clothing for a full experience as well).
QuestionI'm going to camp, but should I pack my diary?Community AnswerSure! That way you can write about all the experiences you have at camp so you can look back later and remember how much fun you had!
QuestionShould I bring spare underwear?Community AnswerThat's always a smart idea, especially if you're a girl and there's a chance you might have your period while at camp.
QuestionCan I go makeup-free while at camp?Community AnswerOf course you can! Camping with makeup on is a hassle anyway, because you might be in situations where you get dirty, and it could end up getting smeared. Camp is about having fun adventures, you don't need to look like a supermodel.
QuestionWhat should I do if I forget to bring something important to camp?Community AnswerIf you can, try to borrow this important item from a friend, or share it with them. Or you can tell a counselor about it to see if they can help.
QuestionWhat should I not bring to camp?BeccaCommunity AnswerYou don't want to bring anything valuable, anything that can easily get lost/stolen or anything that is illegal/not allowed. You should also leave breakables at home.
QuestionWhat will I need to do if I need to leave camp earlier than everyone else?Community AnswerMake sure you or your legal guardian informs the people in charge so there's no trouble when you leave.
QuestionShould I bring a headlamp for sleepaway camp?Community AnswerYes, especially if it's a camping sleep away camp. The headlamp will let you walk around safely in the dark during hikes, going to the bathroom at night or even sneaking out.
QuestionWhat should I pack for church camp?Claire ComptonCommunity AnswerYou still refer to the article above, but include a Bible, rosary, an any other items that seem applicable.
QuestionWhat should I bring to science camp?Raphy HongCommunity AnswerTo science camp, bring what they ask you to. If you are going to have a longer time there, take what you are comfortable with and what you always used at home.
QuestionI usually wake up a lot earlier than the wake-up time at camp and I think I will be bored in the morning when I wake up. Any tips?Community AnswerYou could read a book, play around on your phone if you can have it at your camp, make your bed, get your clothes ready, go outside for an early morning explore, etc. Offer to help with camp kitchen, it could be a good way to stay occupied and get some early breakfast.
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