Q&A for How to Persuade an Atheist to Become Christian

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    How do I stop Christians from trying to convert me, and learn to stay out of my business?
    Community Answer
    •Don't initiate discussion on religion with them. •Politely explain them that you are not interested in converting to Christianity. •Ignore them.
  • Question
    Why are atheists so mean?
    Community Answer
    Don't generalize. Just because some atheists were mean to you doesn't mean all of them are mean. Perhaps you were trying to force your beliefs on them, something which no one appreciates. Most people are not interested in being converted. Instead of actively trying to convert people, try just being a good person. You'll get a much better response.
  • Question
    Is Atheism a belief system?
    Community Answer
    Atheism is better defined as a lack of belief. Most atheists choose not to believe in something they have no evidence for, and the choice is logical more than emotional. All atheists are different, and they don't necessarily share beliefs beyond "I don't think God is real."
  • Question
    How do I help my friend stop being angry whenever someone mentions Christianity?
    Community Answer
    Ask yourself whether it's just Christianity being mentioned that triggers her anger, or whether it's unconstitutional encroachments of religion into laws, schools, and government or attempts to convert that friend.
  • Question
    Why do parents raise their children as their belief? Wouldn't they want what's best for them?
    Community Answer
    Parents often think that their own beliefs are what's best for their child. Unfortunately, it is harmful to force beliefs upon others, especially through threats, accusations, shaming, and other punishment. Parents want their values and culture to live on in their children.
  • Question
    My Christian daughter is marrying an atheist. How can I mentally handle this?
    Community Answer
    Remember that your daughter is choosing a spouse that is right for her, and that it is not about you. Being an atheist doesn't make your daughter's spouse a bad person, so focus on his good qualities.
  • Question
    Why does it offend me when someone tries to make me a Christian?
    Community Answer
    Because you have the right to have your own beliefs, which people should respect, and it's irritating when someone tries to force their beliefs on you.
  • Question
    I am in a relationship with a non-believer. I really want to reach out to him, what do I do?
    Timothy Bryan Keen
    Community Answer
    If you are in a relationship, you should never try to change your partner's beliefs, nor their lack thereof. It is essential to be patient and understand that not everything can and will change about a person, and that trying to do so could prove detrimental to the strength of the relationship. He might even leave if you're too pushy. I would suggest embracing the things you love about him, and not dwelling on what he won't believe in.
  • Question
    How do I keep my self from beating him whenever he says there is no god? I just feel like I want to punch him in the chin.
    Community Answer
    Maybe you should try to see from his perspective and educate yourself in an atheist's lack of belief. Or you could just avoid that person.
  • Question
    How do I convert a non-believer?
    Community Answer
    Don't. Let that person believe as they wish, and that person should show you the basic respect of doing the same.
  • Question
    Why does everyone hate me just because I'm a Christian?
    Community Answer
    Unless you're in a country with major discrimination like India or Pakistan, it's unlikely that it's because you're a Christian. If you try to push your religion on other people, act like you are better than them, or claim they are going to Hell, that will make people not want to spend time with you. Put aside your religion for a moment, and look at your behavior. How do you treat people who disagree with you? Take some time to reflect, and you may figure out what is going on.
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    I am gay, can I go to heaven?
    Community Answer
    Most likely, yes. If you are a good and kind person, who makes the world a better place, then it would make sense for you to go to Heaven. Many of the Bible passages that are claimed to be homophobic have been debunked as being irrelevant, and it may be helpful to research this in depth. There are also passages where Jesus says that gay men should not marry women, and a passage where He heals a gay man's lover without judgment or condemnation. There is nothing sinful about two consenting adults in love. Love who you love, and keep doing good works.
  • Question
    How can I, an agnostic/atheist, get my "Christian" friend to stop trying to convert me?
    Community Answer
    You could just tell her to stop and that it's hopeless. Being a Christian, she might not obey, because she wants to spread her joy with her friends, so they experience her happiness.
  • Question
    My boyfriend doesn't believe in God. Can he still be a Christian? How can I get him to believe?
    Community Answer
    If he doesn't believe in God, then he is not a Christian. You could take him to Church, but he might not want to go.
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    My best friend is Muslim, but believing in Jesus is the only way to enter heaven. How do I convert him to be a Christian?
    Community Answer
    Don't try to convert him. Your friend may listen to what you have to say, but it's unlikely you will convince him to convert to Christianity, especially if he is a devout Muslim. Be respectful of your friend's beliefs.
  • Question
    Why do people think God is real?
    Community Answer
    It's just a matter of personal experience. Some people feel that there is evidence of God's work all around them; others believe that since no solid scientific evidence for God has been shown, all other "evidence" is circumstantial, unreliable, or just part of nature. Many people believe in God because it's what they were raised to believe in, and undoing childhood belief's can be extremely difficult in adulthood.
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    Why should I try to convert my friends?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to! Generally, we don't want to push people into Christianity. We just want to live our lives and hope and pray that they see the light we have and pursue it themselves. If you aren't comfortable sharing that light with your friends, then you can let them discover it on their own.
  • Question
    Why would anyone feel the need to convert an atheist? Can't a theist and an atheist just live together in peace?
    Community Answer
    They can and do, but part of being a Christian is evangelization, or spreading the Word of God to others, so some Christians feel obligated to do so.
  • Question
    Why are Christians obsessed with Christ?
    Community Answer
    Christians believe Christ died for them; if someone died for you, would you just say "whatever, I have my own life" and forget it?
  • Question
    Why don't Christians think dinosaurs are real? The bones are right there in the museums.
    Community Answer
    Some do think they are real. Christians have lots of varying beliefs. Some completely disagree with science, others believe that God created science.
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    My husband is an atheist and I have become a Christian. We respect each others opinion but when it comes to our children that's where it gets messy. I want to raise them as Christians. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    I would talk to your husband about letting you take your kids to church when they are little. As they grow, however, you should let them make their own decisions about their faith. Just be open and honest about your faith with your children, and allow your husband to do the same.
  • Question
    Why do atheists not believe in God? What do they think?
    Community Answer
    Atheists believe that the Big Bang began life as we know it, and chance and evolution brought us to the point we are at today. Atheists tend to trust science over religious teachings. It is just as valid a belief as yours.
  • Question
    How can I share the gospel with someone who is depressed?
    Timothy Bryan Keen
    Community Answer
    First, be cautious with the God stuff. Show her support like only a friend can; trying to invoke God in a situation like this can be potentially damaging to your relationship, especially if she's going through a particularly rough patch in her life. I suggest consulting a physician who specializes in treatment and management of chronic depression and asking them how to handle the situation. But I want to be serious with you: no matter what, don't be overbearing.
  • Question
    I'm trying to convince my friend to become a Christian, and I feel he's not getting the message. At what point in the conversation should I tell him he needs to convert or he'll burn in hell?
    Community Answer
    It's Christ's love that draws people to Him, not fear of punishment. You can explain the reality of both heaven and hell to him, and tell him you'd very much like to see him with you in heaven, but don't use hell as a cattle prod to try to drive your friend into the "flock" of God's sheep. It's the job of the Holy Spirit to persuade your friend that what you've shared is true. When you've shared all you can share, simply pray and leave the rest to God.
  • Question
    I really want to convert my friends, but they make fun of God and I think they will just push me away if I try. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    In this case, you can't really do anything but pray. Ask God to take away the blinds from their eyes, so they see who God truly is and know that they shouldn't make fun of God. Just avoid the topic for a while and leave it up to God.
  • Question
    How can I share the gospel with someone who behaves badly if I don't want to be around that kind of person?
    Timothy Bryan Keen
    Community Answer
    I'm going to be as forward about this as I can: Grow a set and just try, but be respectful. Nothing says "bigot" like a Christian who doesn't know how to do anything but refuse to associate with "those people." Ask your pastor for an event sheet and a pamphlet for the next big event. Invite her politely, and don't lurk unless she asks to hang out with you. You know the drill by this point, I imagine.
  • Question
    Why do Christians believe that atheists need to be converted?
    Community Answer
    Jesus told them: "Go into the world and preach to all creation." Jesus is a great figure in their lives, so they want to follow him! Remember: all of Jesus's followers (except John, he was just imprisoned) died some awful death because they refused to stop preaching about God. One was crucified, another was sawed in half, one was torn apart in half, one was crushed, etc. These are nasty deaths to die by, but they did it because they wanted to share their joy and happiness with others who don't have it.
  • Question
    How can I persuade a friend to attend church if she believes the church is full of hypocrites?
    Community Answer
    You should pray for your friend. Pray that she'll accept your invitation, but until then, just leave her alone. Just be her friend and let God take care of it.
  • Question
    If an omniscient god sees and knows all, it must see and know everything it will do in the future. Which means it has no free will. Since god hasn't got free will, how could it give it to others?
    Community Answer
    God may have free will but chooses to use it in ways we don't understand.
  • Question
    All those questions you're advised not to answer, for example, heaven and hell, the Bible, science, etc., shouldn't Christians be asking themselves these questions, not avoiding them in order to deceive atheists?
    Community Answer
    Consider reading the following book: "God's Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty" by Rice Broocks. If you really want answers to these questions, this book may help you.
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