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Q&A for How to Play 10000
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QuestionWhat score is it when all dice rolled are same?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIt depends on what die face is showing. Three-of-a-kind is worth 100 times the value of one die, and each additional die doubles the total score.
QuestionIf I roll four of a kind can I just keep three of them and roll the fourth one with the other to dice or do I have to keep all 4?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou can reroll any dice that you want to get a better score. If you only want to keep a three-of-a-kind, you can set those dice aside.
QuestionWhat are six 3s worth?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThree 3s are usually worth 300 points, and each additional die doubles that amount. Four 3s are worth 600, five 3s are worth 1,200, and six 3s are worth 2,400 total.
QuestionHow much do dice that are not scoring dice count?Community AnswerFive equals 50, one equals 100. Any other number must be a three of a kind. Three 3's = 300, three 4's = 400, etc.
QuestionWhat is five of a kind worth?Community AnswerFour times the three of a kind point value. For example, rolling three 6's = 600 pts. Rolling four 6's is double the amount = 1200 pts. Thus, rolling five 6's is quadruple original = 2400 pts.
QuestionWhat are the points for four ones in the same roll?Community AnswerEvery additional number to a set doubles the value. In this case 3 ones is 1000, so 4 ones would be 2000 and 5 ones is 4000 (must be in the same roll). 6 ones of course is an instant win.
QuestionWhat if I rolled three 4's in the first roll then another 4 in a second roll. Is it still only 400?Community AnswerYes, because you set those dice aside. However, if you did not roll a scoring combination on the second roll, you would lose the 400 points.
QuestionDo you need a certain amount to get on the board?Community AnswerYou need at least 1,000 points to get on the board, and after that, the minimum is 350.
QuestionIf I am on my last thing to get to 10,000 and I roll three ones and I keep to ones and roll again, is that legal?Community AnswerYes, you may keep any combination of dice you prefer. In most variations you do not have to get exactly 10,000 but you can go over to win.
QuestionHow many points do I receive if I roll three ones (1)?Community AnswerYou could play it so that if you roll three of a kind regardless of whatever number, you get 1000 points.
QuestionWhat should we do if there is a tie?Community AnswerYou should do a roll off. Each person rolls one more turn until they bust out. The highest amount of points they rolled before busting out is the amount of points the other person have to beat in order to break the tie.
QuestionCan I use dice from a previous roll to get a straight?Community AnswerNo, straights can only be counted if done in one roll. It's the same as with 3, 4, 5, or 6 of a kind: they can only be counted if they occur in one roll.
QuestionWhat is the final score?Cuc69Community AnswerAny score that is at least 10,000 and not beaten by another player. In other words, the final score is the highest score that was at least 10,000.
QuestionIf, on a player's first roll, he rolls a three-of-a-kind and 4 of those dice are 1's, how do I score that?Cuc69Community AnswerExample. You throw 1 1 1 1 3 4. You asked whether you count it as three-of-a-kind or as a four-of-a-kind. Well, in the first case, you make 1,000, and the other three dice are discarded. In the second case, you make 2,000 points. This may come into play when you need exactly 10,000 to win (a variation). But in most cases, you would take the 2,000.
QuestionHow many rolls do I get in one turn?Community AnswerAs many before you roll a set with no scoring combination -- aka farkling, busting, crapping out.
QuestionIs there such thing as a small straight in this game?Community AnswerIn some rules, a straight of five dices is worth 500 points and a six-dice straight is 1000.
QuestionOn first roll I took one and one the second row I rolled five ones, how much is that in points?Community AnswerThat would be 2,100 points because 4 1s is 2,000 and then the extra 1 which is 100.
QuestionIf someone goes out with 10200, and another player gets 10000 exactly, does the second person win?Cuc69Community AnswerNo. According to the rules, the second player needs to beat the first player that has 10,000 or more. 10,000 for the next player is not enough.
QuestionHow much is five ones on the first roll?Community Answer5 ones equals 4000. Three ones =1000, plus another one doubles it to 2000, and the 5th one quadruples it to 4000.
QuestionIf I roll a one and a five, do I have to keep the five, or can I re-roll it and just keep the one?Community AnswerYou can re-roll it and keep the one if you want.
QuestionIf I roll the dice after I take my score, do I lose everything?Community AnswerIf you rolled and didn't make any points with the roll, yes. You lose all points you made that round, meaning you pass the dice with your score unchanged from the previous round.
QuestionOn my last roll, can I go over 10,000 to win?Community AnswerYes, in nearly every variation of the game unless you've specifically been told otherwise.
QuestionIf on my first roll I roll 6 sixes or 6 ones, is it game over?Community AnswerIf the first throw is 6 ones, that automatically wins. If the first throw is 6 sixes, the game is not over; the number of points is 2 x 2 x 2 x 600 = 4,800.
QuestionIf a person rolls a 1 and a 5 plus three 6s, can the person just keep the 1 and 5 and roll the other dice again?Cuc69Community AnswerYes. As long as you actually have scoring dice, you have the option to reroll. You can either first take some of the scoring dice, or roll all of them again.
QuestionWhat is rolling three of the same number and another three of the same number?Cynthia FrostCommunity AnswerSay you get 3 fours, that would be 400 points. Then the other 3 are fives, that would be 500. Total score would be 900. Just add the two sets of numbers.
Question3 pairs are worth 1000. Do they have to be 3 different pairs, or can they be 4 of the same kind and a different pair?Community AnswerYou are free to use 4 of a kind as two pair if the score benefits you better, it's your choice.
QuestionHow much is three pairs rolled on the first roll?Community AnswerDepending on which rules you are playing by, it can be worth 500 or 750 points.
QuestionDo three sets of doubles score anything?Community AnswerYes, for most games you score 1500 points for three pairs.
QuestionHow many points do I get when all of the dice come up three of a kind or two of a kind?Curtis RubyCommunity AnswerThree pair is 1500 points. As for the two sets of three, you add the groups of three by the number times 100.
QuestionHow rolls do I get per turn?Community AnswerThe number of turns until you roll a combination which is a no-score combination. (Read above for the definition of "no-score combination".)
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