How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Play Jacks
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QuestionWhat are some other variants with catching jacks on the back of one hand?Community AnswerOne variant is pigs in a basket. Pick the jacks up with your ball hand and then bounce the ball and put the jacks in your other hand.
QuestionWhat are horses in a stable?Community AnswerYou make a little cave with your weak hand and then the jacks go in the "stable," rounds 1 through 10.
QuestionIf I lose my turn, does the next person get all the jacks, or only the ones that haven't been picked up?Community AnswerYou scramble the jacks on the playing surface and when the opponent gets a foul, you go back to where you left off.
QuestionIf the ball hits the ground as soon as I pick up the right number of jacks, does it count, or is my turn over?Community AnswerI believe your turn would be over, as you have to catch the ball first for it to count.
QuestionIn uneven rounds like round 7, do I have to pick up 7 jacks first and then the remaining 3 jacks?Community AnswerIf you call "cart before the horse" prior to throwing the jacks out on the playing surface, you can pick up the 3 jacks first and then pick up the remaining 7 on the second go. Otherwise, you have to do 7 first and then the remaining three. Calling "cart before the horse" works on any level where you'll have a remainder.
QuestionWhat happens when a jack lands on top of another jack?Community AnswerYou pick up both the jacks that form the piggyback and separate them, so they aren't touching any more.
QuestionCan I play jacks with a foam ball?Community AnswerAs long as the foam ball bounces, then yes.
QuestionIs there a way to play jacks with more than 10 players?Community AnswerYou just need to go in order with every player and reset the hand as you would with 10 or less players.
QuestionHow many jacks should there be when playing Jacks?Community AnswerThere are 10 jacks and 1 ball. The last round is picking up all 10 at once. There are sometimes house rules where "baby hands" are allowed, meaning you can throw the jacks in a small grouping so it's easier to pick up a large amount at once.
QuestionHow do I hold all the jacks in my hand when also bouncing the ball?Community AnswerIf you're right handed, you will throw the ball up with your right hand. While it's in the air, pick up the jack/s with your right hand. You can let it bounce once but you must catch the ball with the right hand before it bounces a second time.
QuestionHow do I play "picking cherries" in jacks?Community AnswerToss the ball up and pick up the jack with the ball hand. Catch ball, toss the ball up and bring the jack to your lips and catch the ball again. Then toss ball a third time and "throw the seed away" (place it in your other hand and then catch the ball). This my favorite, we played with 10 jacks and doing that with ten was a challenge!
QuestionHow is the game won?Community AnswerIf your in a team, once you or someone else has collected all of the 10 or more jacks in one hand, he/she has one.
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