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Q&A for How to Propagate Your Plants
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QuestionHow can I keep tiny bugs away from my aloe vera plant?Community AnswerYou can typically control small bug populations by squirting your plant with a stream of water and then rubbing the colonies off the leaves with a soft cloth.
QuestionIn covering the new plant in the polyethelene bag, should it be exposed to direct sunlight?Community AnswerDon't let your cuttings dry out, get too hot or too wet. Keep them in dappled shade or indoors until established.
QuestionCan you provide some details about asexual propagation?Community AnswerPlants are often propagated asexually by a process known as "cloning" whereby a living segment is selected and severed from the parent and then planted, forming an independent, genetically identical clone. The segment is determined based on its viability as a self sufficient organism, with the exact boundaries of the segment depending on the species. If cut in the optimal place and planted in soil, the clone will grow new roots or other relevant moisture absorption apparatuses. This process may be repeated an infinite number of times, at little to no detriment to the parent plant ,provided that it has enough time regrow. This form of asexual propagation is often done methodically by human agriculturists but also occurs naturally for some species, ch actually break off into viable segments upon forcible enough contact with other kinetic elements in the environment, such as wind or getting caught on the fur of a passing or browsing animal.
QuestionI planted cuttings from a purple heart plant and had it potted outside. It has bloomed. Does this mean the plant has established roots and should be moved into the sun to keep its purple color?Community AnswerJust because a plant has bloomed does not mean there are sufficient roots. You can take a cutting from a plant with a bud and place it in water often it will bloom with no roots. When moving plants into the sun after "rooting" do it slowly by increasing the amount of sun each day as to not shock the plant.
QuestionIf I don't have a greenhouse and the back is east-facing, can I still propagate in the back of the house?Community AnswerYes. Putting a plastic bag over the plant is effectively a mini greenhouse.
QuestionI have a few iris plants in a water pond, and they have green bubs on top where blues used to be. Can I take those bulbs and plant them to get another plant?Community AnswerYes, you can.
QuestionWhen should I put the cutting into the water, and at what point should I transfer it into the soil?Community AnswerPut your cutting into water as soon as possible. Then change the water every 5-7 days (this keeps a lot of oxygen in the water). Make sure you use distilled water, or you can let tap water sit overnight (this is what I do and it has been working fine). After the roots grow two or more inches you can put them in soil. For the first 5 weeks water your plant more than usual (but be careful of root rot and drowning the plant). Then after 5 weeks, just water the plant as needed.
QuestionCan I save my aloe vera plant if a piece of it broke off?Community AnswerHealthy aloe vera plants naturally “scab over” the part where it broke, so you don’t need to do anything unless the plant is already unhealthy.
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