Q&A for How to Read a Long Chapter Book in Two or Three Hours

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    How do I read 749 pages between Monday and Friday?
    Rey Starchaser
    Top Answerer
    Divide it up! Since you have 749 pages to read and five days to read them, shoot for about 150 pages a day. That may seem like a lot, but don't tackle it all at one time. Read a little bit of the book throughout the day, and you should have you pages read in no time!
  • Question
    I have to read a 755-page chapter book in a week. Any suggestions?
    Community Answer
    I suggest you read 107 pages a day. If my calculations are correct, you should finish the book by a week.
  • Question
    How can I read 3000 pages in two days?
    Community Answer
    Read as must have as you can. Any opportunity you have to read, read. Read at lunch, dinner, in the car (as long as you are not driving), and any breaks you have.
  • Question
    How can I finish a book that contains about 359 pages in about 2 days?
    Community Answer
    Divide the number of chapters in the book between the two days, to see how many chapters you need to read each hour to complete your task. You may need to read all day, except for meals. Read a chapter summary online every couple of chapters to make sure you fully understand the book.
  • Question
    How do I remember the book after reading it so fast?
    Community Answer
    You probably won't remember everything if you read it really fast. If you really need to remember the book, it's better to read it slowly, and to take notes on the most important parts so you can look back over them later.
  • Question
    How can I read a 15 chapter book in less than a week without getting stressed and wondering if I'll be able to finish on time?
    Community Answer
    Just read during any free time you have. Put on some calm music. Stressing won’t help at all, so just relax with your book. You could also set an alarm to wake up early and get a head start on reading, or stay up later.
  • Question
    How can I memorize four pages from a chapter of history in only two hours?
    Community Answer
    Read the pages through once. Then read them a second time. You need to be fully concentrating as you read. Then try to recount everything you have read to someone (your parents, friends, your dog). You could make a comic about the historic events you read about, or create a timeline. Read the text out loud and try again to recite what those four pages contain.
  • Question
    How can I finish a long book by tomorrow?
    Community Answer
    Read only the important parts. Look at pictures, headlines and words that stand out. Read a sentence here and there. This way, you'll get a general understanding of what's going on. If you are having trouble following the plot, consider reading a sentence here and there more often.
  • Question
    How do I read a 1000 page book in two days?
    Community Answer
    You could do 500 pages a day, or 100 pages every hour or so.
  • Question
    How can I read 100 pages a day and get it finished before my dinner time from Monday to Wednesday?
    Evvie Bell
    Community Answer
    Read as much as you can during that time. If you have to do something else as well, do that as fast (but efficiently) as you can.
  • Question
    I remember that I read faster in third grade, but now I'm reading slower all the time. Why?
    Community Answer
    For one thing, the books you read in third grade were probably a lot easier than the books you're reading now. They were shorter, the vocabulary was simpler, etc. So it makes sense that you've slowed down. Also, in order to read fast, you really have to make reading a habit. Read for a little while every single day. Like anything else, you have to practice. And don't worry too much if you're a slow reader. There's nothing wrong with that.
  • Question
    How do I know how much to read?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on what you're reading for. If you're simply reading a book because you want to, then read however much you want to; other things may have deadlines, however. For instance, you may have to read ten chapters of a book for a lesson or for a book club that's due the next day.
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