Q&A for How to Reduce Water Pollution

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    How do I bathe or wash in a body of water without polluting it?
    Top Answerer
    Strictly speaking, it's not possible. Even if you didn't use any soap or other cleansing agent, your skin oil and other contaminants would enter the water.
  • Question
    Why do people litter?
    Community Answer
    Because they're lazy and uncaring and would rather just drop their garbage wherever they are than look for a place to throw it away.
  • Question
    How can we save water?
    Community Answer
    Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth. This can save 6 liters of water per minute. Place a cistern displacement device in your toilet cistern to reduce the volume of water used in each flush. You can get one of these from your water provider. Take a shorter shower. Showers can use anything between 6 and 45 liters per minute. Always use full loads in your washing machine and dishwasher. This cuts out unnecessary washes in between. Fix a dripping tap. A dripping tap can waste 15 liters of water a day, or 5,500 liters of water a year. Install a water butt to your drainpipe and use the water collected to water your plants, clean your car and wash your windows.
  • Question
    How can I help reduce water pollution in my school?
    Community Answer
    Don't waste anything, clean up the garbage lying around the fields and the school, be conservative in water usage. Encourage the school to plant native vegetation to help restore local habitat if there is a stream or river next to the school.
  • Question
    What are some measures I can take to help prevent river pollution?
    Community Answer
    When near any body of water, do not let anyone to throw waste into it, do not pour oil or any kind of fat in the sink, and do not flush pills or allow others in your household to do so. Educate others by spreading the word to multiply your efforts' effects.
  • Question
    What will happen if water pollution gets very bad?
    Community Answer
    Many, many people around the world can get sick and die. Lack of clean water is one of the biggest humanitarian issues around the world.
  • Question
    What are other things that I could do at home to help reduce water pollution?
    Community Answer
    You can help reduce water pollution by conserving water, and not littering.
  • Question
    What will happen if we do not reduce water pollution?
    Community Answer
    We will eventually run out of clean water and people, animals, and plants will start dying off.
  • Question
    What measures are people taking to prevent river pollution?
    Community Answer
    People are no longer bathing their cattle in the river, washing their clothes or throwing garbage into the river.
  • Question
    How can I reduce my usage of plastic?
    Community Answer
    Use your own paper or cotton bags at the store, and use reusable containers for water.
  • Question
    What must I do to reduce water erosion on agricultural land?
    Top Answerer
    See Prevent Soil Erosion , particularly Method 2.
  • Question
    What is water pollution?
    Top Answerer
    It is the introduction into a body of water (including groundwater) of any chemical or other substance that wouldn't exist there naturally.
  • Question
    How can we avoid pollution?
    Community Answer
    We probably cannot completely avoid it, but we can certainly observe some or all of the practices mentioned above.
  • Question
    What is water pollution?
    Community Answer
    It is the introduction of non-biodegradable elements (such as oils or plastics) into rivers, lakes, oceans or groundwater.
  • Question
    What are the effects of water pollution?
    Community Answer
    There are many, and none of them are good. The two main effects are: (1) Human illness due to polluted drinking water; and (2) Illness or death of aquatic animals (fish, etc.) due to polluted rivers, lakes and seas.
  • Question
    Why do people throw plastic bags in rivers?
    Top Answerer
    People don't generally throw plastic bags in the river. What happens is that plastic bags that have been dropped on the ground, or has fell out of a bin ends up in the river after being transported by the rain or wind. Waterways, such as canals, rivers and drains are all connected nd these waterways are connected by the sea. As water travels a lot, so does the litter in it.
  • Question
    Why haven't scientists take a major lead in this issue?
    Top Answerer
    There are many scientists who are working hard to find new ways to help tackle water pollution, however scientists aren't decision makers; they aren't the ones who decides if these ideas are executed.
  • Question
    What are the ways to reduce water contamination in public places?
    Shreeya Srivastava
    Community Answer
    You can donate to ocean cleanups or start a cleanup yourself you can also inform other people about ocean pollution so that they are aware as well.
  • Question
    How can I stop all kinds of pollution all by myself (if possible)?
    Top Answerer
    That is not possible. Everyone needs to do their part in preventing pollution. You can do as much as you can, for example, recycling, saving electricity, reducing the amount of meat and animal products you eat, picking up litter, etc. You can campaign to stop pollution to spread the word and encourage others to help deal with pollution. You can spread awareness through social media, posters, speeches, contacting your government about issues, encouraging companies to be more environmentally efficient, and starting and signing petitions. Do your part, and encourage everyone else to do the same.
  • Question
    Would planting a rain garden be helpful in reducing water pollution?
    Community Answer
    Reducing the volume of this contaminated water running into sewer drains helps reduce pollution flowing into local waterways. With appropriate plants, rain gardens provide attractive habitats for birds, butterflies and beneficial insects.
  • Question
    Where does the dirty water go?
    Top Answerer
    Dirty water usually finds its way into rivers, which then goes to the seas and oceans. This is harmful for the wildlife that lives there. For example, if you pour chemicals down the sink, they will go to the sewer and eventually emptied to rivers.
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    How do you reduce your plastic usage?
    Top Answerer
    Try to get reusable items when you can. Avoid buying plastic bags, and instead get reusable shopping bags. Get reusable straws (usually made from metal) instead of plastic ones or paper ones which can be recycled. Get decomposable items, for example, you can get decomposable coffee cups. Refrain from buying clingfilm (plastic wrap). If you have children or are a child yourself, avoid buying cheap plastic toys (such as the type you may get in party bags) and instead get more sustainable ones. Avoid buying bottled water when you can and get your own reusable bottle. If you can, get items with less plastic packaging. If you do have to use plastic, opt for the recyclable type.
  • Question
    What are the consequences of water pollution?
    Kathryn Lemon
    Community Answer
    A few consequences are organisms that depend on water dying, disruption in the food chain and ecosystem, sickness for any human who drinks polluted water, and toxins in water killing millions of fish, dolphins, turtles, and other animals. Water pollution is a huge issue.
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