How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Sag Your Jeans
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QuestionHow do I tighten my shirt so it doesn't cover the sag in my jeans?Community AnswerThere is no real way to tighten your shirt, just buy shirts that are shorter or tighter from now on.
QuestionWhat color of boxers should I wear when sagging my jeans?Community AnswerRed plaid boxers are popular. Not only are they a classical look, but they also offer some nice contrast against the blue jean fabric.
QuestionMy parents make me wear skinny or straight jeans. What should I do?Community AnswerLoosen them or pull them down a bit. You could also pull your underwear up slightly to get the effect of sagging your pants without actually doing it.
QuestionHow low is acceptable to sag jeans if I am a young teen?Community AnswerAbout 10cm should do it, as the sagging culture today is really about that stylish sag, not the overdone sag with it down around your knees. Stick with right above your mid-butt.
QuestionDoes this technique attract girls?Community AnswerIt depends. Some girls prefer boys with a clean cut look so sagging jeans would not appeal to them. Other girls want a boy who is more casual and they might appreciate the style.
QuestionWhat are the best boxers to wear with sagging jeans?Community AnswerYou can wear boxer briefs or regular boxers; it all depends on the look of the sag your trying to reach. If you want a scrunch sag where the underwear is scrunched up above the pants, then boxer shorts are the way to go. If you want a clean/smooth look rather than scrunched, boxer briefs are the way to go.
QuestionWhat color should I sag with when wearing grey jeans?Community AnswerBlue, red, or green will do. Make sure it's not gray or less detailed, as it will not get you a hood effect.
QuestionHow do I sag my pants without my parents knowing that I am sagging?Community AnswerJust don't sag your pants while your parents are near you or when they can see you. Wear your belt tight around your parents, and loosen it when you leave the house.
QuestionWhat if I get an erection when I'm sagging? And what color underwear should I wear while sagging?Community AnswerKeep your belt area right on the erection so it doesn't show. Wear colors like green, red, or yellow that really stand out.
QuestionCan I sag my blue jeans with briefs?Megan🌺Community AnswerYes, but don't use blue briefs against blue jeans; go for a brilliant red or an emerald green.
QuestionWould I get noticed for my V for Vendetta boxer-briefs when I sag my black jeans?Community AnswerNo, most likely not, although it's impossible to say for sure.
QuestionWhat color of boxers or gym shorts should I wear when sagging grey jeans?Community AnswerI would go with red, white, or black. I always sag my sweatpants and I try to go for colors that don’t stand out too much.
QuestionHow low can I sag my jeans before it become unacceptable?Community AnswerTypically the lowest someone sags is just under the butt. Anything lower is considered unacceptable and in general just does not look good.
QuestionWhere can I buy black jeans to sag?Community AnswerYou can buy them at just about any department store, like Penny's, Macy's, Kohl's, etc., or even at Target or Walmart.
QuestionHow old should I be when I start sagging?Community AnswerThere are no definite rules about this, but you should probably wait until you're 14-15 to start sagging. And if your parents tell you it's not okay, you have to respect that.
QuestionHow low can a double sag be and should I try a triple sag?Community AnswerTry only going halfway, it also depends on what you go underneath. Some materials might make your jeans slip down constantly and definitely means you'd need to wear a belt. Another thing, if you triple sag, then you need to master a double sag first. Make sure you have boxers that are tight fitting or you run into the problem of pull them up constantly.
QuestionMy boxers keep slipping down when I walk and when I sag. What can I do?Isabelle PastranoCommunity AnswerTry tighter underwear so that they don't slip. Also, even getting another cut of underwear may help!
QuestionWhat do I do if my parents don't like me sagging my jeans? How low can I sag my jeans?Community AnswerTighten your belt around your parents and loosen it when you’re away from them. You can sag as low as you want when you're out and about, it is your choice.
QuestionHow do I sag without my parents knowing I do?Cain ChurchmanCommunity AnswerTry sorting it out when you are in a public bathroom or use a jacket to hide it and simply hide somewhere only accessible to you. Or, use it as part of your look.
QuestionI don't have boxers. But I have navy blue and black basketball shorts, will that be good?Community AnswerNo, they are not likely to be comfortable. If you want boxers, ask your parents. If they ask you why, simply say that the underwear you own feel uncomfortable.
QuestionI’m 14 years old and want to sag but don’t want people to notice. If I cover my underwear with a shirt will people be able to tell that I’m sagging by how my pants look, would they even pay attention?Cain ChurchmanCommunity AnswerTry wearing underwear the same colour as your trousers or cover it with a shirt and they won't notice.
QuestionMy jeans keep pulling my underwear down. What should I do?Cain ChurchmanCommunity AnswerTry tightening the waist of the trousers on them or wear a belt to keep the trousers up (when using a urinal only undo your flies).
QuestionWhat types of jeans should I get to sag?Cain ChurchmanCommunity AnswerYou can sag any type of jeans as long as you know they are not to tight to sag. But not so loose they fall down.
QuestionCan I sag blue jeans showing grey colour briefs?Cain ChurchmanCommunity AnswerYes, but if you want to be noticed, try a brilliant red or an emerald green or some other bright colour.
QuestionMy school has a policy against sagging. However I was wondering if it would be appropriate to sag only the rim of my underwear? My shirt would probably be covering it even.User1994Community AnswerYou would have to be careful. Your shirt may ride up easily, it may be noticeable to other people that the seat of your pants is hanging low even if they don't see your boxers, and you would have to wear a belt to make sure your pants wouldn't slide down your butt. Or, you could follow the school rules by pulling your pants up there and sag outside.
QuestionIs it normal for my boxers to slip down on me when I bend down or sit because it does for me and I don’t want to expose my butt, what do I do?User1994Community AnswerIt can be for a number of reasons: 1. You are wearing boxers that are too large on you; 2. You are not pulling your boxers up close to your belly button; 3. There may be some tag on the inside of your pants' waistband, if for some reason you pull your pants up covering your sag, while your pants slide down your butt, the tag can drag your boxers down too; 4. You are bending down and sitting constantly without checking your pants and your boxers. Just like you have to check how low are your pants, and pull them up before they fall down, you have to check if your boxers are sagging or not.
QuestionHow low should I sag?Shantay MCommunity AnswerThe most common sag these days is either half way down your butt. If you want to make it more noticeable, sag below your butt in the back and either on or just below your genital region in the front.
QuestionIs it good to sag really low or normal?Shantay MCommunity AnswerThat's entirely up to you. Extreme sagging is becoming much more common where people are wearing their pants below their butts and even their genital regions now. You'd be looked at as a trendsetter, but you'd also stick out more.
QuestionCan kindergarteners sag their pants?Community AnswerThe school administration will make that decision.
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