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Q&A for How to Shorten Jacket Sleeves
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QuestionHow much seam allowance should you leave?David Pew is a Professional Tailor based in Seattle, Washington. He owns his own tailoring business, Sew Generously, which he founded in 2013. With over 15 years of experience, David specializes in bespoke tailoring and alterations. He uses his experiences, skills, and eye for detail to produce the highest quality of products. David believes in creating garments with the finest materials that are built to last, and is a dedicated craftsman. Through Sew Generously’s website, David runs a blog, Stitching Confidential, where he writes on different topics in the tailoring, fashion, and art worlds. The business also hosts Sew Generously Galleries, quarterly art shows where they invite local artists to display their art, host workshops, and perform for the community at their shop. David received a BA in German and French from Western Washington University.When I'm shortening sleeves, I typically leave about 2 inches of seam allowance inside the sleeve and the lining. That way, the sleeves can be lengthened again later if they need to be, which is especially helpful if the alteration is for someone young.
QuestionDo I need to add interfacing?David Pew is a Professional Tailor based in Seattle, Washington. He owns his own tailoring business, Sew Generously, which he founded in 2013. With over 15 years of experience, David specializes in bespoke tailoring and alterations. He uses his experiences, skills, and eye for detail to produce the highest quality of products. David believes in creating garments with the finest materials that are built to last, and is a dedicated craftsman. Through Sew Generously’s website, David runs a blog, Stitching Confidential, where he writes on different topics in the tailoring, fashion, and art worlds. The business also hosts Sew Generously Galleries, quarterly art shows where they invite local artists to display their art, host workshops, and perform for the community at their shop. David received a BA in German and French from Western Washington University.If you shorten the sleeve past the point where the interfacing is, you'll need to add interfacing. If the edge of a sleeve isn't interfaced, it will look floppy, rather than crisp.
QuestionWhy do you cut the lining longer?David Pew is a Professional Tailor based in Seattle, Washington. He owns his own tailoring business, Sew Generously, which he founded in 2013. With over 15 years of experience, David specializes in bespoke tailoring and alterations. He uses his experiences, skills, and eye for detail to produce the highest quality of products. David believes in creating garments with the finest materials that are built to last, and is a dedicated craftsman. Through Sew Generously’s website, David runs a blog, Stitching Confidential, where he writes on different topics in the tailoring, fashion, and art worlds. The business also hosts Sew Generously Galleries, quarterly art shows where they invite local artists to display their art, host workshops, and perform for the community at their shop. David received a BA in German and French from Western Washington University.The lining of a sleeve should always be about an inch longer than it needs to be. Otherwise, when you move around, your sleeve will crumple up, because the lining will pull on the sleeve.
QuestionHow much does it cost to shorten the sleeves on a jacket?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIf you have it done professionally, it may cost you around $40, although some tailors will charge more or less. If you have access to a sewing machine and a few other basic supplies (such as thread, fabric scissors, and pins), you can do it yourself for almost nothing!
QuestionWhat length are jacket sleeves supposed to be?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIn general, the end of the sleeve should hit right about at your wrist bone, and about a half inch of your shirt sleeve should be visible underneath.
QuestionHow do you shorten jacket sleeves with cuffs?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIf your jacket has cuffs, you’ll need to use a seam ripper to unpick the seams of the cuffs. Remove any buttons from the cuffs and set them aside. Mark out where you want the new end of the sleeve to be above the original cuff line, then cut off the excess fabric. You’ll need to refinish the cuff before attaching it back to the sleeve.
QuestionWhat about the buttons on the side of the jacket sleeve? How do I know where to place them?ZackTop AnswererLook at a jacket that has buttons placed on the side of the sleeve. Measure the distance and adapt to your jacket.
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