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Q&A for How to Shut Down or Restart Another Computer Using CMD
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QuestionHow do I shut down or restart another computer using CMD if the PC has no name?Community AnswerType in the IP address instead of the name.
QuestionI want to unlock my phone. Is it possible using the above procedure?XXWolfBane YTCommunity AnswerIt is not possible to unlock your phone with the procedure above.
QuestionCan I use -s to cancel a shutdown in CMD?Community AnswerNo, instead of -s, try using the command "shutdown -a" (without the quotation marks). This will cancel your shutdown.
QuestionHow do I shutdown my computer using CMD?Community AnswerUse the command 'shutdown /s' for shutdown and 'shutdown /r' for restart. You can also use the command 'shutdown' by itself to see more options (log off, hibernate, etc.)
QuestionAfter that process it says "Access is denied". What do I do?Community AnswerYou might not have administrator access to that computer. If you're trying to shut down your own computer, then run CMD as administrator.
QuestionHow do I get an administrator access to a computer that I can't shut down?Community AnswerTry using \ipaddressipc$ “” /user:administrator is the code you use to gain access to the computer as administrator.
QuestionWhy if I try it and fail?Community AnswerTry again and make sure that you have typed all commands correctly without quotations (" ").
QuestionHow do I turn on my computer again after shutting it down using CMD?Community AnswerYou turn it on the normal way (you can't do this remotely because it has gone offline).
QuestionWhat do I do if it's saying "access denied" when trying to shut down a computer using CMD?Community AnswerYou need to run as administrator; if you don't have administrator access, then you can't.
QuestionHow do I know what the IP address is?Community AnswerOpen CMD and type ipconfig, then look for IP Address or IPv4 Address, that will be the IP address.
QuestionHow do I add a shutdown timer on repeat mode in CMD for my PC?R2_d2000Top AnswererCheck out How to Automatically Shut Down Your Computer at a Specified Time for information about that.
QuestionCan I shut down a phone while on the same network using CMD?R2_d2000Top AnswererNo. Shutting down a phone is not supported via Command Prompt. You need to use different remote access tools to do this.
QuestionI tried Method 4, and I'm not the computer administrator anymore, can't run CMD as administrator, or edit the registry. What should I do?R2_d2000Top Answerer
QuestionIs it possible to do this to a smart phone or any other devices except Windows?R2_d2000Top AnswererNot through this method. It is possible, but you would need to use other remote access tools.
QuestionWhat do I do if it's all correct but my PC says access denied?Community AnswerIt is because the command prompt is not as an administrator. In the search bar, type: Terminal or CMD, then right-click it and click Run as Administrator. Then you must make it so it can make changes to your device, then type it again. If it still says that, then something is wrong.
QuestionHow can I shutdown a Windows 8 computer without the command prompt open on the other computer?Community AnswerYou don't need the other computer's command prompt open. Only you need to have the command prompt open.
QuestionHow do you become an administrator if you are not one?Community AnswerPress the Windows button and search CMD and right click the result and press run as administrator.
QuestionWhat do I do if it says computer name is not valid or remote shutdown is not supported on the target computer?Community AnswerDo the Method 4 above. This response will fix your problem.
QuestionHow do I find another company's IP address?Community AnswerDo a ping, then it will tell you the IP (Pinging AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD).
QuestionWhat would be a good way to deactivate a couple of hundred computers at the same time?Community AnswerUse this article, but just add all of the IP addresses of the target computers instead of just adding one. If you can somehow get administrative access at school or some network, click browse on the system shutdown dialogue and select all.
QuestionHow do I find out if the PC has a name?Yugesh MoturuCommunity AnswerGo to Start > Run > type CMD and hit enter > Type HOSTNAME and hit enter. You'll see a name.
QuestionWhen I type ipconfig, how do I know which is my IP address and which is the target's IP?asady netCommunity AnswerLook for "Default Gateway" under your network adapter for your router's IP address. Look for "IPv4 Address" under the same adapter section to find your computer's IP address.
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