Q&A for How to Sneak Food Into a Movie Theatre

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    What if they check your purse?
    Community Answer
    Most theatres do not check bags, but if they do they will likely not move things around inside your bag. If you cover your food with other items, you should be fine.
  • Question
    What is the benefit of sneaking food?
    Community Answer
    In most cases you will save money. Movie theatres often charge much more than the grocery store for the same item.
  • Question
    Is this breaking the law?
    Community Answer
    While not against federal law, it is against most movie theater policies to bring in outside food. While you won't get arrested, you may be asked to leave the theater.
  • Question
    Why can't I bring food into the movie theater?
    Community Answer
    They want you to buy the food they have, so that you spend more money. My mom always brings snacks in her purse to the dollar theater. They never check bags there.
  • Question
    What if a movie theater lets people bring in outside food?
    Sophie Taylor
    Community Answer
    Then you don't need to go to all this trouble, since it's not against the rules.
  • Question
    Can you hide food in you private areas?
    Community Answer
    You may be able to hide some food items this way, however, you might not want to eat them afterwards. You would also likely need to go to the washroom in order to retrieve your food, which could be difficult.
  • Question
    What if im asked to show my receipt and I brought outside food?
    Community Answer
    They're not going to ask to see a receipt. 90% of people who purchase food at a concession stand do not take a receipt if it's offered to them. Just hide the food in your bag or pocket and you'll be fine.
  • Question
    What if they smell the food in my bag or something, do I have to lie?
    Community Answer
    If they smell the food, either say you just ate at a place that fits the smell, or apologize and hand over the food.
  • Question
    How would I sneak food into an event where they check bags?
    Community Answer
    Hide the food on your actual person, like in your pockets.
  • Question
    What kind of snacks should I bring that don't melt like chocolate?
    Community Answer
    Chewy candy, gummies, nuts, dried fruits, gum, licorice, and others will be great.
  • Question
    What happens when you get caught? Will they kick you out?
    Community Answer
    If you get caught, don't sweat it; simply apologize and hand over all of your food. They may let you stay. Some theaters kick you out, and some even call the police, so be careful.
  • Question
    What do I do if the employees smell food in my bag?
    Community Answer
    Make sure not to have food with a very powerful scent. Also, make sure your food is thoroughly wrapped and sealed in something like a Ziploc bag to prevent smells from escaping. If they know you are trying to bring food into the theater, they may make you throw it away or ask you to leave.
  • Question
    What do I do if they call the cops?
    Community Answer
    They will not call the cops unless you get belligerent when you are caught. It's not illegal to sneak food into a movie theater, it's just against policy. The worst thing that could happen is you get kicked out of the theater and/or banned from returning.
  • Question
    Are cinema employees legally allowed to check my bag?
    Community Answer
    I am not completely positive, but I do not think they are. They might be able to tell you to open your bag, but I am not sure if they are able to go through it. I'm not sure, but it might depend on the establishment.
  • Question
    Why do people bring food to the movies?
    Community Answer
    Some people don't want to pay outrageous amounts of money for food at the movie theatre, so they'd prefer to buy cheaper food somewhere else and just bring it in.
  • Question
    What should I do if the food they sell at the movies is too expensive?
    Community Answer
    You can try sneaking in your own food! Be sure to be discreet about it.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have no pockets or bags on me?
    Community Answer
    You will likely not be able to sneak food in if this is the case.
  • Question
    Is it okay to sneak food into the movies?
    Community Answer
    It is not against the law, but it is against the theater policies. You wont get arrested for doing it, but you may be removed from the theater, so just be careful.
  • Question
    Can I put small snacks in my hair?
    Community Answer
    You could, but there is a risk of it falling out and being seen. Also, you might get hair in your snacks.
  • Question
    What if they check my bag and my person?
    Julia Pearse
    Community Answer
    They will not do that. They are not licensed to look through your bag.
  • Question
    I got caught twice in two weeks, and they banned me from returning. Does that mean I can never come back, or should I try again in a few years?
    Community Answer
    You could try coming back in 6 months and see how it goes. If they kick you out, wait another 6 months and try again. If there's another theater nearby, you can go there in the meantime (I don't recommend trying to sneak food into it, though).
  • Question
    What if they check my body, like through a body scanner? What about checking my bag?
    Community Answer
    Theater employees have no right to search your personal possessions; if they try to bully you into doing so, point out that this is unlawful search and seizure as well as a violation of your privacy, and ask to speak to management. However, no theater is going to go to the expense of installing a body scanner simply to ensure people aren't sneaking in snacks (and most theater workers don't care if you do).
  • Question
    Can you get arrested for sneaking outside food into a movie theater?
    Top Answerer
    You won't be arrested, but you can be made to throw out your food or you may even be kicked out of the cinema, and security might be the ones to do it if you don't go quietly.
  • Question
    Is it okay to open a soda can or eat loud foods when there are loud scenes playing?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but try your best to keep it quiet. And if you eat chips, they tend to be loud, so only eat 1-2 at a time. Aim to eat during loud scenes.
  • Question
    Is bringing food or candy to the movies breaking the law?
    Community Answer
    It is not against the law to bring snacks into a theater. You might be asked to leave, but you will not be in trouble with the police if you get caught.
  • Question
    What will happen if management catches you sneaking in with candy?
    Community Answer
    You might be asked to leave the theater.
  • Question
    "Select snacks not meals." Why should I select snacks?
    Community Answer
    It's a size issue. Although most theaters won't allow food of any kind, most realize that small food is being brought from home if carted into the movie secretly.
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